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-- This module Essentially just provides the data for natural transformations
-- This includes:
-- The types:
-- * Transformation - a family of functors
-- * Natural - naturality condition for transformations
-- * NaturalTransformation - both of the above
-- Elements of the above:
-- * identityTrans - the identity transformation
-- * identityNatural - naturality for the above
-- * identity - both of the above
-- Functions for manipulating the above:
-- * A composition operator.
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical #-}
open import Cat.Prelude
open import Data.Nat using (_≤_ ; z≤n ; s≤s)
module Nat = Data.Nat
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Wishlist
module Cat.Category.NaturalTransformation
{c c' d d' : Level}
( : Category c c') (𝔻 : Category d d') where
open Category using (Object ; 𝟙)
module = Category
module 𝔻 = Category 𝔻
module _ (F G : Functor 𝔻) where
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
-- What do you call a non-natural tranformation?
Transformation : Set (c d')
Transformation = (C : Object ) 𝔻 [ F.omap C , G.omap C ]
Natural : Transformation Set (c (c' d'))
Natural θ
= {A B : Object }
(f : [ A , B ])
𝔻 [ θ B F.fmap f ] 𝔻 [ G.fmap f θ A ]
NaturalTransformation : Set (c c' d')
NaturalTransformation = Σ Transformation Natural
-- Think I need propPi and that arrows are sets
propIsNatural : (θ : _) isProp (Natural θ)
propIsNatural θ x y i {A} {B} f = 𝔻.arrowsAreSets _ _ (x f) (y f) i
NaturalTransformation≡ : {α β : NaturalTransformation}
(eq₁ : α .proj₁ β .proj₁)
α β
NaturalTransformation≡ eq = lemSig propIsNatural _ _ eq
identityTrans : (F : Functor 𝔻) Transformation F F
identityTrans F C = 𝟙 𝔻
identityNatural : (F : Functor 𝔻) Natural F F (identityTrans F)
identityNatural F {A = A} {B = B} f = begin
𝔻 [ identityTrans F B F→ f ] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ 𝟙 𝔻 F→ f ] ≡⟨ 𝔻.leftIdentity
F→ f ≡⟨ sym 𝔻.rightIdentity
𝔻 [ F→ f 𝟙 𝔻 ] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ F→ f identityTrans F A ]
module F = Functor F
F→ = F.fmap
identity : (F : Functor 𝔻) NaturalTransformation F F
identity F = identityTrans F , identityNatural F
module _ {F G H : Functor 𝔻} where
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
module H = Functor H
T[_∘_] : Transformation G H Transformation F G Transformation F H
T[ θ η ] C = 𝔻 [ θ C η C ]
NT[_∘_] : NaturalTransformation G H NaturalTransformation F G NaturalTransformation F H
proj₁ NT[ (θ , _) (η , _) ] = T[ θ η ]
proj₂ NT[ (θ , θNat) (η , ηNat) ] {A} {B} f = begin
𝔻 [ T[ θ η ] B F.fmap f ] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ θ B η B ] F.fmap f ] ≡⟨ sym 𝔻.isAssociative
𝔻 [ θ B 𝔻 [ η B F.fmap f ] ] ≡⟨ cong (λ φ 𝔻 [ θ B φ ]) (ηNat f)
𝔻 [ θ B 𝔻 [ G.fmap f η A ] ] ≡⟨ 𝔻.isAssociative
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ θ B G.fmap f ] η A ] ≡⟨ cong (λ φ 𝔻 [ φ η A ]) (θNat f)
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ H.fmap f θ A ] η A ] ≡⟨ sym 𝔻.isAssociative
𝔻 [ H.fmap f 𝔻 [ θ A η A ] ] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ H.fmap f T[ θ η ] A ]
module Properties where
module _ {F G : Functor 𝔻} where
transformationIsSet : isSet (Transformation F G)
transformationIsSet _ _ p q i j C = 𝔻.arrowsAreSets _ _ (λ l p l C) (λ l q l C) i j
naturalIsProp : (θ : Transformation F G) isProp (Natural F G θ)
naturalIsProp θ θNat θNat' = lem
lem : (λ _ Natural F G θ) [ (λ f θNat f) (λ f θNat' f) ]
lem = λ i f 𝔻.arrowsAreSets _ _ (θNat f) (θNat' f) i
naturalIsSet : (θ : Transformation F G) isSet (Natural F G θ)
naturalIsSet θ =
(s≤s {n = Nat.suc} z≤n)
(naturalIsProp θ)
naturalTransformationIsSet : isSet (NaturalTransformation F G)
naturalTransformationIsSet = sigPresSet transformationIsSet naturalIsSet
module _
{F G H I : Functor 𝔻}
{θ : NaturalTransformation F G}
{η : NaturalTransformation G H}
{ζ : NaturalTransformation H I} where
-- isAssociative : NT[ ζ ∘ NT[ η ∘ θ ] ] ≡ NT[ NT[ ζ ∘ η ] ∘ θ ]
: NT[_∘_] {F} {H} {I} ζ (NT[_∘_] {F} {G} {H} η θ)
NT[_∘_] {F} {G} {I} (NT[_∘_] {G} {H} {I} ζ η) θ
= lemSig (naturalIsProp {F = F} {I}) _ _
(funExt (λ _ 𝔻.isAssociative))
module _ {F G : Functor 𝔻} {θNT : NaturalTransformation F G} where
propNat = naturalIsProp {F = F} {G}
rightIdentity : (NT[_∘_] {F} {F} {G} θNT (identity F)) θNT
rightIdentity = lemSig propNat _ _ (funExt (λ _ 𝔻.rightIdentity))
leftIdentity : (NT[_∘_] {F} {G} {G} (identity G) θNT) θNT
leftIdentity = lemSig propNat _ _ (funExt (λ _ 𝔻.leftIdentity))
: (NT[_∘_] {F} {G} {G} (identity G) θNT) θNT
× (NT[_∘_] {F} {F} {G} θNT (identity F)) θNT
isIdentity = leftIdentity , rightIdentity