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{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical #-}
module Cat.Equivalence where
open import Cubical.Primitives
open import Cubical.FromStdLib renaming (-max to _⊔_)
open import Cubical.PathPrelude hiding (inverse ; _≃_)
open import Cubical.PathPrelude using (isEquiv ; isContr ; fiber) public
open import Cubical.GradLemma
module _ {a b : Level} where
= a b
module _ {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
-- Quasi-inverse in [HoTT] §2.4.6
-- FIXME Maybe rename?
record AreInverses (f : A B) (g : B A) : Set where
verso-recto : g f idFun A
recto-verso : f g idFun B
obverse = f
reverse = g
inverse = reverse
toPair : Σ _ _
toPair = verso-recto , recto-verso
Isomorphism : (f : A B) Set _
Isomorphism f = Σ (B A) λ g AreInverses f g
module _ {f : A B} {g : B A}
(inv : (g f) idFun A
× (f g) idFun B) where
open Σ inv renaming (fst to ve-re ; snd to re-ve)
toAreInverses : AreInverses f g
toAreInverses = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
_≅_ : Set a Set b Set _
A B = Σ (A B) Isomorphism
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {f : A B}
(g : B A) (s : {A B : Set } isSet (A B)) where
propAreInverses : isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
propAreInverses x y i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
open AreInverses
ve-re : g f idFun A
ve-re = s (g f) (idFun A) (verso-recto x) (verso-recto y) i
re-ve : f g idFun B
re-ve = s (f g) (idFun B) (recto-verso x) (recto-verso y) i
-- In HoTT they generalize an equivalence to have the following 3 properties:
module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
record Equiv (iseqv : (A B) Set ) : Set (a b ) where
fromIso : {f : A B} Isomorphism f iseqv f
toIso : {f : A B} iseqv f Isomorphism f
propIsEquiv : (f : A B) isProp (iseqv f)
-- You're alerady assuming here that we don't need eta-equality on the
-- equivalence!
_~_ : Set a Set b Set _
A ~ B = Σ _ iseqv
inverse-from-to-iso : {f} (x : _) (fromIso {f} toIso {f}) x x
inverse-from-to-iso x = begin
(fromIso toIso) x ≡⟨⟩
fromIso (toIso x) ≡⟨ propIsEquiv _ (fromIso (toIso x)) x
-- `toIso` is abstract - so I probably can't close this proof.
-- inverse-to-from-iso : ∀ {f} → toIso {f} ∘ fromIso {f} ≡ idFun _
-- inverse-to-from-iso = funExt (λ x → begin
-- (toIso ∘ fromIso) x ≡⟨⟩
-- toIso (fromIso x) ≡⟨ cong toIso (propIsEquiv _ (fromIso x) y) ⟩
-- toIso y ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
-- x ∎)
-- where
-- y : iseqv _
-- y = {!!}
fromIsomorphism : A B A ~ B
fromIsomorphism (f , iso) = f , fromIso iso
toIsomorphism : A ~ B A B
toIsomorphism (f , eqv) = f , toIso eqv
module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
-- A wrapper around PathPrelude.≃
open Cubical.PathPrelude using (_≃_ ; isEquiv)
module _ {obverse : A B} (e : isEquiv A B obverse) where
inverse : B A
inverse b = fst (fst (e b))
reverse : B A
reverse = inverse
areInverses : AreInverses obverse inverse
areInverses = record
{ verso-recto = funExt verso-recto
; recto-verso = funExt recto-verso
recto-verso : b (obverse inverse) b b
recto-verso b = begin
(obverse inverse) b ≡⟨ sym (μ b)
μ : (b : B) b obverse (inverse b)
μ b = snd (fst (e b))
verso-recto : a (inverse obverse) a a
verso-recto a = begin
(inverse obverse) a ≡⟨ sym h
a' ≡⟨ u'
c : isContr (fiber obverse (obverse a))
c = e (obverse a)
fbr : fiber obverse (obverse a)
fbr = fst c
a' : A
a' = fst fbr
allC : (y : fiber obverse (obverse a)) fbr y
allC = snd c
k : fbr (inverse (obverse a), _)
k = allC (inverse (obverse a) , sym (recto-verso (obverse a)))
h : a' inverse (obverse a)
h i = fst (k i)
u : fbr (a , refl)
u = allC (a , refl)
u' : a' a
u' i = fst (u i)
iso : Isomorphism obverse
iso = reverse , areInverses
toIsomorphism : {f : A B} isEquiv A B f Isomorphism f
toIsomorphism = iso
≃isEquiv : Equiv A B (isEquiv A B)
Equiv.fromIso ≃isEquiv {f} (f~ , iso) = gradLemma f f~ rv vr
open AreInverses iso
rv : (b : B) _ b
rv b i = recto-verso i b
vr : (a : A) _ a
vr a i = verso-recto i a
Equiv.toIso ≃isEquiv = toIsomorphism
Equiv.propIsEquiv ≃isEquiv = P.propIsEquiv
import Cubical.NType.Properties as P
module Equiv where
open Equiv ≃isEquiv public
inverse-to-from-iso : {f} (x : _) (toIso {f} fromIso {f}) x x
inverse-to-from-iso {f} x = begin
(toIso fromIso) x ≡⟨⟩
toIso (fromIso x) ≡⟨ cong toIso (propIsEquiv _ (fromIso x) y)
toIso y ≡⟨ py
helper : (x : Isomorphism _) Σ _ λ y toIso y x
helper (f~ , inv) = y , py
module inv = AreInverses inv
y : isEquiv _ _ f
y = {!!}
py : toIso y (f~ , inv)
py = {!!}
y : isEquiv _ _ _
y = fst (helper x)
py = snd (helper x)
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open Cubical.PathPrelude using (_≃_)
-- Gives the quasi inverse from an equivalence.
module Equivalence (e : A B) where
open Equiv≃ A B public
iso : Isomorphism (fst e)
iso = snd (toIsomorphism e)
open AreInverses (snd iso) public
composeIso : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C
composeIso {C = C} (g , g' , iso-g) = g obverse , inverse g' , inv
module iso-g = AreInverses iso-g
inv : AreInverses (g obverse) (inverse g')
AreInverses.verso-recto inv = begin
(inverse g') (g obverse) ≡⟨⟩
(inverse (g' g) obverse)
≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ obverse) (cong (λ φ inverse φ) iso-g.verso-recto)
(inverse idFun B obverse) ≡⟨⟩
(inverse obverse) ≡⟨ verso-recto
idFun A
AreInverses.recto-verso inv = begin
g obverse inverse g'
≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ g') (cong (λ φ g φ) recto-verso)
g idFun B g' ≡⟨⟩
g g' ≡⟨ iso-g.recto-verso
idFun C
compose : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C
compose {C = C} e = A≃C.fromIsomorphism is
module B≃C = Equiv≃ B C
module A≃C = Equiv≃ A C
is : A C
is = composeIso (B≃C.toIsomorphism e)
symmetryIso : B A
= inverse
, obverse
, record
{ verso-recto = recto-verso
; recto-verso = verso-recto
symmetry : B A
symmetry = B≃A.fromIsomorphism symmetryIso
module B≃A = Equiv≃ B A
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open import Cubical.PathPrelude renaming (_≃_ to _≃η_)
open import Cubical.Univalence using (_≃_)
doEta : A B A ≃η B
doEta (_≃_.con eqv isEqv) = eqv , isEqv
deEta : A ≃η B A B
deEta (eqv , isEqv) = _≃_.con eqv isEqv
module NoEta {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
open import Cubical.PathPrelude renaming (_≃_ to _≃η_)
open import Cubical.Univalence using (_≃_)
module Equivalence (e : A B) where
open Equivalence (doEta e) hiding
( toIsomorphism ; fromIsomorphism ; _~_
; compose ; symmetryIso ; symmetry ) public
compose : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C
compose ee = deEta (Equivalence.compose (doEta e) (doEta ee))
symmetry : B A
symmetry = deEta (Equivalence.symmetry (doEta e))
-- fromIso : {f : A → B} → Isomorphism f → isEquiv f
-- fromIso = ?
-- toIso : {f : A → B} → isEquiv f → Isomorphism f
-- toIso = ?
fromIsomorphism : A B A B
fromIsomorphism (f , iso) = _≃_.con f (Equiv≃.fromIso _ _ iso)
toIsomorphism : A B A B
toIsomorphism (_≃_.con f eqv) = f , Equiv≃.toIso _ _ eqv