Optparse Applicative

This commit is contained in:
Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2019-10-14 21:46:02 +02:00
parent 60445d6bb8
commit 187c1fc0ce
2 changed files with 56 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ dependencies:
- mtl
- prettyprinter
- unordered-containers
- optparse-applicative
- temporary
- ConstraintKinds

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@ -8,29 +8,72 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Language.Ruby (Block)
import Frelude
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Process (readProcess)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString
import Rubyhs.References (references)
import Options.Applicative (Parser)
import qualified Options.Applicative as Options
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile)
import System.IO (hFlush)
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= traverse_ run
main = do
Command{targets, printAST} <- getCommand
blocks <- decodeInput @Block targets
if printAST
then traverse_ @[] putEncoded blocks
else traverse_ (putEncoded . references) blocks
run :: FilePath -> IO ()
run p = do
json <- runParser p
block <- decodeFail @_ @Block $ ByteString.pack json
ByteString.putStrLn $ encode block
ByteString.putStrLn $ encode $ references block
-- | Decode from files and mappends the stuff from stdin.
decodeInput :: FromJSON a => [FilePath] -> IO [a]
decodeInput = \case
[] -> ByteString.getContents >>= fmap pure . decode
ps -> traverse decodeFile ps
putEncoded :: ToJSON a => a -> IO ()
putEncoded = ByteString.putStrLn . encode
decodeFile :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO a
decodeFile = runRubyParseFile >=> decodeFail . ByteString.pack
decode :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> IO a
decode = runRubyParse >=> decodeFail . ByteString.pack
data Command = Command
{ targets :: [FilePath]
, printAST :: Bool
command :: Parser Command
command = Command <$> targets <*> printAST
targets = many (Options.argument Options.str (Options.metavar "TARGET"))
printAST = Options.switch
$ Options.long "quiet"
<> Options.short 'q'
<> Options.help "Whether to be quiet"
getCommand :: IO Command
getCommand = Options.execParser opts
opts = Options.info (Options.helper <*> command)
( Options.fullDesc
<> Options.progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
<> Options.header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative" )
decodeFail :: MonadFail m => FromJSON a => ByteString -> m a
decodeFail s = case eitherDecode s of
Left err -> Frelude.fail err
Right a -> pure a
runParser :: FilePath -> IO String
runParser p = sh "ruby-parse" ["--emit-json", "--25", p]
runRubyParseFile :: FilePath -> IO String
runRubyParseFile p = sh "ruby-parse" ["--emit-json", "--25", p]
runRubyParse :: ByteString -> IO String
runRubyParse s = withSystemTempFile "rubyhs" $ \p h -> do
ByteString.hPut h s
hFlush h
runRubyParseFile p
sh :: String -> [String] -> IO String
sh cmd args = readProcess cmd args mempty