{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, OverloadedLists #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module Data.Language.Ruby ( Args(..) , Block(..) , Definition(..) , Function(..) , Module(..) , Name(..) , Send(..) , Namespace(..) ) where import Data.Aeson (parseJSON, Value(..), withArray) import Frelude import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Data.Coerce import Data.Word kebabCase :: String -> String kebabCase = Aeson.camelTo2 '-' aesonOptions :: Aeson.Options aesonOptions = Aeson.defaultOptions { Aeson.sumEncoding = Aeson.ObjectWithSingleField , Aeson.constructorTagModifier = kebabCase } newtype Block = Block [Definition] deriving stock instance Show Block deriving stock instance Ord Block deriving stock instance Eq Block deriving stock instance Generic Block instance ToJSON Block where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions instance FromJSON Block where parseJSON = withArray "Block" $ \as -> case Vector.toList as of (String "begin":xs) -> Block <$> traverse parseJSON xs _ -> Block . pure <$> parseJSON (Array as) data Definition = DefModule Module | DefFunction Function | DefSend Send deriving stock instance Show Definition deriving stock instance Ord Definition deriving stock instance Eq Definition deriving stock instance Generic Definition instance ToJSON Definition where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding opts where opts = aesonOptions { Aeson.constructorTagModifier = go } go = \case "DefModule" -> "module" "DefFunction" -> "function" "DefSend" -> "send" x -> x instance FromJSON Definition where parseJSON v = (DefModule <$> parseJSON v) <|> (DefFunction <$> parseJSON v) <|> (DefSend <$> parseJSON v) newtype Namespace = Namespace [Name] deriving newtype instance Semigroup Namespace deriving newtype instance Monoid Namespace deriving stock instance Show Namespace deriving stock instance Ord Namespace deriving stock instance Eq Namespace deriving stock instance Generic Namespace instance ToJSON Namespace where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions instance FromJSON Namespace where parseJSON = \case Null -> pure mempty Array [String "const", namespace, String name] -> (<> Namespace [Name $ String name]) <$> parseJSON namespace x -> error $ show x data Send = Send { args :: Args , namespace :: Namespace , name :: Name } deriving stock instance Show Send deriving stock instance Ord Send deriving stock instance Eq Send deriving stock instance Generic Send instance ToJSON Send where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions instance FromJSON Send where parseJSON = withArray "Send" $ \ as -> case Vector.toList as of (String "send" : namespace : name : args) -> Send <$> parseJSON (Array $ Vector.fromList args) <*> parseJSON namespace <*> parseJSON name _ -> empty data Module = Module { name :: Name , block :: Block } deriving stock instance Show Module deriving stock instance Ord Module deriving stock instance Eq Module deriving stock instance Generic Module instance ToJSON Module where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions instance FromJSON Module where parseJSON = withArray "Module" $ \case [String "module", name, block] -> Module <$> parseJSON name <*> parseMaybeBlock block _ -> empty parseMaybeBlock :: Value -> Aeson.Parser Block parseMaybeBlock = \case Null -> pure (Block mempty) x -> parseJSON x data Function = Function { name :: Name , args :: Args , block :: Block } deriving stock instance Show Function deriving stock instance Ord Function deriving stock instance Eq Function deriving stock instance Generic Function instance ToJSON Function where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions newtype Args = Args Value deriving stock instance Show Args instance Ord Args where compare = coerce compareValue deriving stock instance Eq Args deriving stock instance Generic Args instance ToJSON Args where toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions instance FromJSON Args where parseJSON = pure . Args instance FromJSON Function where parseJSON = withArray "Function" $ \case [String "def", name, args, block] -> Function <$> parseJSON name <*> parseJSON args <*> parseMaybeBlock block _ -> empty newtype Name = Name Value deriving stock instance Show Name instance Ord Name where compare = coerce compareValue deriving stock instance Eq Name deriving newtype instance ToJSON Name deriving newtype instance FromJSON Name compareValue :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> Ordering compareValue v0 v1 = case (v0, v1) of -- This case is buggy: (Object o0, Object o1) -> compare (fst <$> toList o0) (fst <$> toList o1) (Array a0, Array a1) -> foldMap (uncurry compareValue) $ zip (toList a0) (toList a1) (String s0, String s1) -> compare s0 s1 (Number n0, Number n1) -> compare n0 n1 (Bool b0, Bool b1) -> compare b0 b1 (Null, Null) -> EQ _ -> (compare `on` cons) v0 v1 where -- Enumerate constructors. cons :: Aeson.Value -> Word8 cons = \case Object{} -> 0 Array{} -> 1 String{} -> 2 Number{} -> 3 Bool{} -> 4 Null{} -> 5