
272 lines
7.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, OverloadedLists, InstanceSigs #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Rubyhs.References
( References(entries)
, Entry(..)
, FQN(..)
, references
, Env(..)
, Result(..)
, Namespace(..)
, Context(..)
, graph
, prettyContext
, Node(..)
) where
import Frelude
import Data.Language.Ruby hiding (Namespace)
import qualified Data.Language.Ruby as Ruby
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Kind
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Graph (Graph, Vertex, Forest)
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
span :: G node key -> Forest node
span (g, f, _) = fmap ((\(x, _, _) -> x) . f) <$> Graph.dff g
type G node key = (Graph, Vertex -> (node, key, [key]), key -> Maybe Vertex)
graph :: Block -> Forest Node
graph b = span $ Graph.graphFromEdges $ go <$> toList ys
go :: (Node, Set Node) -> (Node, Text, [Text])
go (x, xs) = (x, prettyContext x, prettyContext <$> toList xs)
Result ys = references b
data Entry a = Entry
{ node :: a
, fqn :: FQN
newtype Namespace = Namespace [Text]
deriving stock instance Show Namespace
deriving stock instance Eq Namespace
deriving stock instance Ord Namespace
instance IsList Namespace where
type Item Namespace = Text
fromList = coerce
toList = coerce
deriving newtype instance Semigroup Namespace
deriving newtype instance Monoid Namespace
instance ToJSON Namespace where
toJSON = Aeson.String . showNamespace
showNamespace :: Namespace -> Text
showNamespace = Text.intercalate "::" . coerce
-- Names are in reverse order.
data FQN = FQN
{ namespace :: Namespace
, name :: Text
data Node = NodeFunction FQN | NodeModule Namespace
deriving stock instance Show Node
deriving stock instance Eq Node
deriving stock instance Ord Node
instance ToJSON Node where
toJSON = \case
NodeFunction q -> Aeson.toJSON q
NodeModule m -> Aeson.toJSON m
deriving stock instance Show FQN
deriving stock instance Eq FQN
deriving stock instance Ord FQN
instance Pretty Namespace where
pretty = pretty . showNamespace
instance Aeson.ToJSON FQN where
toJSON = Aeson.String . prettyFQN
instance Aeson.ToJSONKey FQN where
instance Pretty FQN where
pretty = pretty . prettyFQN
prettyFQN :: FQN -> Text
prettyFQN FQN{name, namespace} = case namespace of
[] -> name
_ -> convertString (showNamespace namespace) <> "." <> name
newtype Context = Context Node
deriving stock instance Eq Context
deriving stock instance Ord Context
deriving newtype instance ToJSON Context
class Monad m => MyMonad (m :: Type -> Type) where
declaration :: Node -> m ()
application :: Node -> m ()
getContext :: m Context
writeContext :: Context -> m ()
data Env = Env
{ declarations :: Set Node
, applications :: Map Node (Set Node)
, context :: Context
newtype Result = Result (Map Node (Set Node))
instance ToJSON Result where
toJSON (Result a) = Aeson.Object $ fromList $ go <$> toList a
go :: (Node, Set Node) -> (Text, Aeson.Value)
go (x, y) = (prettyContext x, Aeson.toJSON y)
prettyContext :: Node -> Text
prettyContext = \case
NodeFunction fun -> prettyFQN fun
NodeModule ns -> showNamespace ns
instance MyMonad (State Env) where
declaration q = modify go
go :: Env -> Env
go env@Env{declarations} = env { declarations = Set.insert q declarations }
application n = do
Context c <- getContext
go env@Env{applications}
= env { applications = Map.insertWith mappend c (Set.singleton n) applications }
modify go
getContext = gets context
writeContext q = modify go
go env = env { context = q }
updateContext :: MyMonad m => (Context -> Context) -> m ()
updateContext f = getContext >>= \c -> writeContext (f c)
locally :: MyMonad m => m a -> m a
locally act = do
old <- getContext
res <- act
writeContext old
pure res
appendToContext :: MyMonad m => Name -> m ()
appendToContext n = updateContext go
go (Context (NodeModule q)) = Context $ NodeModule $ name2ns n <> q
go (Context NodeFunction{}) = error "Cannot append module to context in function context"
name2ns :: Name -> Namespace
name2ns (Name o) = go o
go :: Aeson.Value -> Namespace
go = \case
Aeson.Array [Aeson.String "const", x, Aeson.String s] -> case x of
Aeson.Null -> [s]
_ -> go x <> [s]
_ -> error $ show o
class References a where
entries :: MyMonad m => a -> m ()
references :: Block -> Result
references q = Result $ Map.unionWith mappend applications declarations'
Env{declarations,applications} = execState (entries @_ @(State Env) q) emptyEnv
emptyEnv = Env mempty mempty (Context $ NodeModule mempty)
declarations' = fromList $ (\x -> (x, mempty)) <$> toList declarations
instance References Block where
entries :: forall m . MyMonad m => Block -> m ()
entries (Block defs) = traverse_ (locally . entries) defs
instance References Statement where
entries = \case
StmtModule m -> entries m
StmtFunction f -> entries f
StmtSend s -> entries s
StmtConst c -> entries c
StmtRBlock b -> entries b
StmtCasgn c -> entries c
StmtArray a -> entries a
StmtAnything a -> entries a
instance References Ruby.RBlock where
entries RBlock{send,args,block} = do
entries send
entries args
entries block
instance References Ruby.RArgs where
entries = const $ pure ()
-- TODO: We have to make a "declaration" for the constant here as
-- well!
instance References Ruby.Casgn where
entries Casgn{name, statement} = entries statement
instance References Ruby.RArray where
entries RArray{statements} = traverse_ entries statements
instance References Ruby.Anything where
entries = const $ pure ()
instance References Ruby.Namespace where
entries (Ruby.Namespace xs) = do
Context c <- getContext
ctxt = case c of
NodeFunction FQN{namespace} -> namespace
NodeModule namespace -> namespace
-- TODO Hacky:
ns = Namespace ((\(Name (Aeson.String t)) -> t) <$> xs)
-- TODO: Broken
-- application c (NodeModule $ ctxt `onTop` ns)
application (NodeModule $ ns)
instance References Module where
entries Module{name, block} = do
appendToContext name
c <- getContext >>= \case
Context (NodeModule c) -> pure c
_ -> error "..."
declaration $ NodeModule c
entries block
instance References Function where
entries Function{name, block} = do
namespace <- getContext >>= \case
Context (NodeModule c) -> pure c
Context NodeFunction{} -> error "Cannot have a function declaration in a function context"
declaration $ NodeFunction $ qual namespace name
locally $ do
writeContext (Context $ NodeFunction $ qual namespace name)
entries block
qual :: Namespace -> Name -> FQN
qual namespace (Name o) = case o of
Aeson.String name -> FQN { namespace , name }
_ -> error $ show o
onTop' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
onTop' [] y = y
onTop' x [] = x
onTop' (x:xss) ys@(y:yss) = if
| x == y -> pure x <> yss
| otherwise -> pure x <> xss `onTop'` ys
onTop :: Namespace -> Namespace -> Namespace
onTop (Namespace xs) (Namespace ys) = Namespace $ reverse $ reverse xs `onTop'` reverse ys
instance References Send where
entries Send{namespace, name} = do
-- TODO: Broken
-- application c $ NodeFunction $ qual (ctxt `onTop` fromNS namespace) name
application $ NodeFunction $ qual (fromNS namespace) name
fromNS :: Ruby.Namespace -> Namespace
fromNS (Ruby.Namespace l) = Namespace $ go <$> l
go :: Name -> Text
go (Name o) = case o of
Aeson.String s -> s
_ -> error $ show o