
248 lines
6.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, OverloadedLists, InstanceSigs #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Rubyhs.References
( References(entries)
, Entry(..)
, FQN(..)
, references
, Env(..)
, Result(..)
, Namespace(..)
, Context(..)
) where
import Frelude
import Data.Language.Ruby hiding (Namespace)
import qualified Data.Language.Ruby as Ruby
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Kind
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Coerce
data Entry a = Entry
{ node :: a
, fqn :: FQN
newtype Namespace = Namespace [Text]
deriving stock instance Show Namespace
deriving stock instance Eq Namespace
deriving stock instance Ord Namespace
instance IsList Namespace where
type Item Namespace = Text
fromList = coerce
toList = coerce
deriving newtype instance Semigroup Namespace
deriving newtype instance Monoid Namespace
instance ToJSON Namespace where
toJSON = Aeson.String . showNamespace
showNamespace :: Namespace -> Text
showNamespace = Text.intercalate "::" . coerce
-- Names are in reverse order.
data FQN = FQN
{ namespace :: Namespace
, name :: Text
data Node = NodeFunction FQN | NodeModule Namespace
deriving stock instance Show Node
deriving stock instance Eq Node
deriving stock instance Ord Node
instance ToJSON Node where
toJSON = \case
NodeFunction q -> Aeson.toJSON q
NodeModule m -> Aeson.toJSON m
deriving stock instance Show FQN
deriving stock instance Eq FQN
deriving stock instance Ord FQN
instance Pretty Namespace where
pretty = pretty . showNamespace
instance Aeson.ToJSON FQN where
toJSON = Aeson.String . prettyFQN
instance Aeson.ToJSONKey FQN where
instance Pretty FQN where
pretty = pretty . prettyFQN
prettyFQN :: FQN -> Text
prettyFQN FQN{name, namespace} = case namespace of
[] -> name
_ -> convertString (showNamespace namespace) <> "." <> name
newtype Context = Context Node
deriving stock instance Eq Context
deriving stock instance Ord Context
deriving newtype instance ToJSON Context
class Monad m => MyMonad (m :: Type -> Type) where
declaration :: Node -> m ()
application :: Node -> Node -> m ()
getContext :: m Context
writeContext :: Context -> m ()
data Env = Env
{ declarations :: Set Node
, applications :: Map Node (Set Node)
, context :: Context
data Result = Result
{ declarations :: Set Node
, applications :: Map Node (Set Node)
instance ToJSON Result where
toJSON Result{declarations,applications} = Aeson.object
[ "declarations" .= declarations
, "applications" .= f
f :: HashMap Text (Set Node)
f = fromList @(HashMap _ _) $ go <$> toList applications
-- go :: (Node, Set Node) -> (Text, Set Node)
go :: (Node, Set Node) -> (Text, Set Node)
go (x, y) = (prettyContext x, y)
prettyContext :: Node -> Text
prettyContext = \case
NodeFunction fun -> prettyFQN fun
NodeModule ns -> showNamespace ns
instance MyMonad (State Env) where
declaration q = modify go
go :: Env -> Env
go env@Env{declarations} = env { declarations = Set.insert q declarations }
application q n = modify go
go :: Env -> Env
go env@Env{applications} = env { applications = Map.insertWith mappend q (Set.singleton n) applications }
getContext = gets context
writeContext q = modify go
go env = env { context = q }
updateContext :: MyMonad m => (Context -> Context) -> m ()
updateContext f = getContext >>= \c -> writeContext (f c)
locally :: MyMonad m => m a -> m a
locally act = do
old <- getContext
res <- act
writeContext old
pure res
appendToContext :: MyMonad m => Name -> m ()
appendToContext n = updateContext go
go (Context (NodeModule q)) = Context $ NodeModule $ name2ns n <> q
go (Context NodeFunction{}) = error "Cannot append module to context in function context"
name2ns :: Name -> Namespace
name2ns (Name o) = go o
go :: Aeson.Value -> Namespace
go = \case
Aeson.Array [Aeson.String "const", x, Aeson.String s] -> case x of
Aeson.Null -> [s]
_ -> go x <> [s]
_ -> error $ show o
class References a where
entries :: MyMonad m => a -> m ()
references :: Block -> Result
references q = Result{declarations, applications}
Env{declarations,applications} = execState (entries @_ @(State Env) q) emptyEnv
emptyEnv = Env mempty mempty (Context $ NodeModule mempty)
instance References Block where
entries :: forall m . MyMonad m => Block -> m ()
entries (Block defs) = traverse_ (locally . entries) defs
instance References Statement where
entries = \case
StmtModule m -> entries m
StmtFunction f -> entries f
StmtSend s -> entries s
StmtConst c -> entries c
-- TODO:
StmtRBlock{} -> pure ()
StmtAnything{} -> pure ()
instance References Ruby.Namespace where
entries = \case
Ruby.Namespace xs -> do
Context c <- getContext
ctxt = case c of
NodeFunction FQN{namespace} -> namespace
NodeModule namespace -> namespace
-- TODO Hacky:
ns = Namespace ((\(Name (Aeson.String t)) -> t) <$> xs)
application c (NodeModule $ ctxt `onTop` ns)
instance References Module where
entries Module{name, block} = do
appendToContext name
c <- getContext >>= \case
Context (NodeModule c) -> pure c
_ -> error "..."
declaration $ NodeModule c
entries block
instance References Function where
entries Function{name, block} = do
namespace <- getContext >>= \case
Context (NodeModule c) -> pure c
Context NodeFunction{} -> error "Cannot have a function declaration in a function context"
declaration $ NodeFunction $ qual namespace name
locally $ do
writeContext (Context $ NodeFunction $ qual namespace name)
entries block
qual :: Namespace -> Name -> FQN
qual namespace (Name o) = case o of
Aeson.String name -> FQN { namespace , name }
_ -> error $ show o
onTop' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
onTop' [] y = y
onTop' x [] = x
onTop' (x:xss) ys@(y:yss) = if
| x == y -> pure x <> yss
| otherwise -> pure x <> xss `onTop'` ys
onTop :: Namespace -> Namespace -> Namespace
onTop (Namespace xs) (Namespace ys) = Namespace $ reverse $ reverse xs `onTop'` reverse ys
instance References Send where
entries Send{namespace, name} = do
Context c <- getContext
ctxt = case c of
NodeFunction FQN{namespace = ns} -> ns
NodeModule ns -> ns
application c $ NodeFunction $ qual (ctxt `onTop` fromNS namespace) name
fromNS :: Ruby.Namespace -> Namespace
fromNS (Ruby.Namespace l) = Namespace $ go <$> l
go :: Name -> Text
go (Name o) = case o of
Aeson.String s -> s
_ -> error $ show o