
138 lines
3.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, OverloadedLists #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Data.Language.Ruby
( Args(..)
, Block(..)
, Definition(..)
, Function(..)
, Module(..)
, Name(..)
, Send(..)
) where
import Data.Aeson (parseJSON, Value(String, Null, Array), withArray)
import Frelude
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
kebabCase :: String -> String
kebabCase = Aeson.camelTo2 '-'
aesonOptions :: Aeson.Options
aesonOptions = Aeson.defaultOptions
{ Aeson.sumEncoding = Aeson.ObjectWithSingleField
, Aeson.constructorTagModifier = kebabCase
newtype Block = Block [Definition]
deriving stock instance Show Block
deriving stock instance Generic Block
instance ToJSON Block where
toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions
instance FromJSON Block where
parseJSON = withArray "Block" $ \as -> case Vector.toList as of
(String "begin":xs) -> Block <$> traverse parseJSON xs
_ -> Block . pure <$> parseJSON (Array as)
data Definition
= DefModule Module
| DefFunction Function
| DefSend Send
deriving stock instance Show Definition
deriving stock instance Generic Definition
instance ToJSON Definition where
toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding opts
opts = opts { Aeson.constructorTagModifier = go }
go = \case
"DefModule" -> "module"
"DefFunction" -> "function"
"DefSend" -> "send"
x -> x
instance FromJSON Definition where
parseJSON val
= (DefModule <$> parseJSON val)
<|> (DefFunction <$> parseJSON val)
<|> (DefSend <$> parseJSON val)
data Send = Send
{ args :: Args
, name :: Name
deriving stock instance Show Send
deriving stock instance Generic Send
instance ToJSON Send where
toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions
instance FromJSON Send where
parseJSON = withArray "Send" $ \ as -> case Vector.toList as of
(String "send" : _ : name : args)
-> Send
<$> parseJSON (Array $ Vector.fromList args)
<*> parseJSON name
_ -> empty
data Module = Module
{ name :: Name
, block :: Block
deriving stock instance Show Module
deriving stock instance Generic Module
instance ToJSON Module where
toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions
instance FromJSON Module where
parseJSON = withArray "Module" $ \case
[String "module", name, block]
-> Module
<$> parseJSON name
<*> parseMaybeBlock block
_ -> empty
parseMaybeBlock :: Value -> Aeson.Parser Block
parseMaybeBlock = \case
Null -> pure (Block mempty)
x -> parseJSON x
data Function = Function
{ name :: Name
, args :: Args
, block :: Block
deriving stock instance Show Function
deriving stock instance Generic Function
instance ToJSON Function where
toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions
newtype Args = Args Value
deriving stock instance Show Args
deriving stock instance Generic Args
instance ToJSON Args where
toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding aesonOptions
instance FromJSON Args where
parseJSON = pure . Args
instance FromJSON Function where
parseJSON = withArray "Function" $ \case
[String "def", name, args, block]
-> Function
<$> parseJSON name
<*> parseJSON args
<*> parseMaybeBlock block
_ -> empty
newtype Name = Name Value
deriving stock instance Show Name
deriving newtype instance ToJSON Name
deriving newtype instance FromJSON Name