--- layout: default --- Hi! I'm Jesper. You've found the place where I advertise my current set of crypto keys and fingerprints. So, if you wish to contact me, feel free to do so using one of the methods below. There's a GPG-signed version of the markdown behind this page [here](index.md.asc). # Links * [My blog][blog] * [Keybase][keybase] --- # Contact The following are the best ways to contact me securely and/or anonymously. My public key fingerprints are listed next to each so you can verify you have the correct information. Since I cannot guarantee that the OTR fingerprints listed below are always 100% up-to-date, please also verify them in another way. * Email: [jesper@graffen.dk][email] [GnuPG][graffen.asc] Fingerprint: `03CD 582F 13C0 682C 8F52 9C05 8417 0D85 CAEB D4B2` * OTR (Jabber/XMPP): [graffen@xmpp.dk][graffen@xmpp.dk] * graffen@xmpp.dk/Home Fingerprint: `F513D9C5 36393609 51C801B5 C5F584C7 DC60B7D7` * graffen@xmpp.dk/Qubes Fingerprint: `6A99F136 E66972B9 B169D5B3 458828D1 4003240F` * Threema ID: MK3CPXV9 Fingerprint: `b163 bbb8 6899 d2aa c871 5d8d 8082 e1d0` --- # Jabber / XMPP I run a Jabber/XMPP server that is open for anyone to sign up on and use to chat with thousands of other jabber users around the globe. See more [here][xmpp.dk]. --- # SSH If for some reason you need to give me access to your server via SSH, you can use [this][sshkey] ([signed version][sshkey_signed]) SSH key initially. Once you have created my user, I will log in and replace the above key with key that is unique to your ssh://user@server:port combination. For managing my SSH keys, I use a [Bitcoin Trezor][bitcointrezor] --- # Crypto ### GnuPG Read my latest GnuPG key [Transition Notice][transitionnotice] ### Key signing policy I will sign your PGP key if you ask me to, and I have somehow verified that the identity of the key matches your identity. I will probably also ask you to sign my key. [GPG Key Signing Policy][keysigningpolicy] [[Signed version]](keysigning/policy/index.md.asc) ### Deprecated Crypto Keys The following keys have been deprecated for one reason or another. Please don't use these to communicate with me. I haven't been too good at taking backups of my Jabber OTR keys so I've gone through a few of them. * GnuPG * `7818 9E24 005B 0933 0CF6 2536 416C 5A0D D9FA 2EE5` * Jabber/XMPP * graffen@graffen.dk/Laptop: `73B09ADB A4EFF7D4 42A3FC69 35E18AF5 73DEFDCC` * graffen@graffen.dk/Laptop: `00C4C549 F8AEE802 A72452DC 50505408 2FB0AC91` * graffen@graffen.dk/Home: `59C3E1EF 4D17DB9F A73FB5C3 4AEEFE35 76FB11A9` [blog]:https://blog.graffen.dk [keybase]:https://keybase.io/graffen/ [graffen.asc]:graffen.asc [xmpp.dk]:https://xmpp.dk [graffen@xmpp.dk]:xmpp://graffen@xmpp.dk [email]:mailto:jesper@graffen.dk [sshkey]:graffen-ssh-key.txt [sshkey_signed]:graffen-ssh-key.txt.asc [bitcointrezor]:https://bitcointrezor.com [transitionnotice]:transition-notice.html [keysigningpolicy]:keysigning/policy/index.html