/* Repeatable prints disk statistics and sleeps for 10 seconds Modified example from: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/aix/7.3?topic=interfaces-perfstat-disk-interface */ #include #include #include #include #include #include int startsWith(const char *a, const char *b) { if(strncmp(a, b, strlen(b)) == 0) return 1; return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i, ret, tot; perfstat_disk_t *statp; perfstat_id_t first; time_t now; /* check how many perfstat_disk_t structures are available */ tot = perfstat_disk(NULL, NULL, sizeof(perfstat_disk_t), 0); /* check for error */ if (tot < 0) { perror("perfstat_disk"); exit(-1); } if (tot == 0) { printf("No disks found in the system\n"); exit(-1); } long history[32][8] = { 0 }; while(1) { /* allocate enough memory for all the structures */ statp = calloc(tot, sizeof(perfstat_disk_t)); /* set name to first interface */ strcpy(first.name, FIRST_DISK); /* ask to get all the structures available in one call */ /* return code is number of structures returned */ ret = perfstat_disk(&first, statp, sizeof(perfstat_disk_t), tot); /* check for error */ if (ret <= 0) { perror("perfstat_disk"); exit(-1); } // Obtain current time // `time()` returns the current time of the system as a `time_t` value time(&now); /* print statistics for each of the disks */ for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { if(!startsWith(statp[i].name, "hdisk")) { continue; } unsigned long bsize = statp[i].bsize; // Disk block size (in bytes). unsigned long rblks = statp[i].rblks; // Number of blocks read from disk. unsigned long wblks = statp[i].wblks; // Number of blocks written to disk. unsigned long rbytes = 0; if(rblks > 0) { rbytes = rblks * bsize; } unsigned long wbytes = 0; if (wblks > 0) { wbytes = wblks * bsize; } unsigned long drblbks = 0; if (history[i][0] > 0) { drblbks = rblks - history[i][0]; } unsigned long drbytes = 0; if(history[i][0] > 0) { drbytes = rbytes - (history[i][0] * bsize); } unsigned long dwblbks = 0; if (history[i][1] > 0) { dwblbks = wblks - history[i][1]; } unsigned long dwbytes = 0; if(history[i][1] > 0) { dwbytes = wbytes - (history[i][1] * bsize); } printf("%s - %s => reads: [ blocks: %10u (%8u ), bytes: %10u (%8u ) ], writes: [ blocks: %10u (%8u ), bytes: %10u (%8u ) ]\n", strtok(ctime(&now), "\n"), statp[i].name, rblks, drblbks, rbytes, drbytes, wblks, dwblbks, wbytes, dwbytes); history[i][0] = rblks; history[i][1] = wblks; } sleep(10); } }