package biz.nellemann.jnetperf import spock.lang.Shared import spock.lang.Specification class UdpClientServerTest extends Specification { static final int port = 9876; @Shared UdpServer udpServer = new UdpServer(port) // run before every feature method def setup() { udpServer.start(); } // run after every feature method def cleanup() { udpServer.finish() } // run before the first feature method def setupSpec() { } // run after the last feature method def cleanupSpec() { } def "test client to server communication"() { setup: UdpClient client = new UdpClient("localhost", port, 512, 100, 60) when: client.start() then: client.getStatistics().getPacketsTransferredTotal() == 102 // packets + handshake + end client.getStatistics().getBytesTransferredTotal() == 53144 // TODO: Why is this larger than the TCP test ? } }