# jPerf Small utility to measure network performance. ## Requirements You need Java (JRE) version 11 or later to run jperf. ## Usage Instructions - Install the jperf package (*.deb*, *.rpm* or *.jar*) from [downloads](https://bitbucket.org/mnellemann/jperf/downloads/) or compile from source. - Run **/opt/jperf/bin/jperf**, if installed from package - Or as **java -jar /path/to/jperf.jar** To change the temporary directory where disk-load files are written to, use the *-Djava.io.tmpdir=/mytempdir* option. ```shell Usage: ... ``` ## Development Information You need Java (JDK) version 11 or later to build jperf. ### Build & Test Use the gradle build tool, which will download all required dependencies: ```shell ./gradlew clean build run ```