package biz.nellemann.libcvrapi import okhttp3.HttpUrl import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer import; import spock.lang.Specification class CvrApiSpec extends Specification { CvrApi api MockWebServer mockServer = new MockWebServer(); def setup() { mockServer.start() } def cleanup() { mockServer.shutdown() } void "test unsuccessful parsing of JSON"() { setup: api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken") def testJson = "{'foo':'bar'}" when: def company = api.parseJsonIntoCompany(testJson) then: company.vat == null } void "test unsuccessful parsing of JSON w. VAT as text"() { setup: api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken") def testJson = "{'vat':'abcd1234'}" when: api.parseJsonIntoCompany(testJson) then: thrown Exception } void "test succesful parsing company with CVR 25063864"() { setup: api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken") def testFile = new File(getClass().getResource('/25063864.json').toURI()) def testJson = testFile.getText('UTF-8') when: def company = api.parseJsonIntoCompany(testJson) then: company != null company.vat == 25063864 == 'AGILLIC A/S' company.secondarynames.contains('Wavetech A/S') == 50 == 99 } void "test succesful parsing of company with CVR 15027800"() { setup: api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken") def testFile = new File(getClass().getResource('/15027800.json').toURI()) def testJson = testFile.getText('UTF-8') when: def company = api.parseJsonIntoCompany(testJson) then: company != null company.vat == 15027800 == 'FREJA TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS A/S' company.secondarynames.contains('KT TRANSPORT A/S') == 200 == 499 } void "test succesful HTTP GET company with CVR 15027800 as JSON"() { setup: mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("{}")); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def jsonString = api.getCompanyJson("15027800") then: jsonString != null jsonString == "{}" } void "test we can HTTP GET company with CVR 25063864 deserialized into Company"() { setup: def testFile = new File(getClass().getResource('/25063864.json').toURI()) def testJson = testFile.getText('UTF-8') mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody(testJson)); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def company = api.getCompanyByVatNumber("25063864") then: company != null company.vat == 25063864 } void "test wrong json"() { setup: mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("{'foo':'bar'}")); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def company = api.getCompanyByVatNumber("15027800") then: company.vat == null } void "test empty json"() { setup: mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody('')); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def company = api.getCompanyByVatNumber("15027800") then: company == null } void "test HTTP 404 reply"() { setup: mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(404)); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def company = api.get(baseUrl.toString()) then: Exception ex = thrown() ex.message == 'Not Found' } void "test HTTP 401 reply"() { setup: mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(401)); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def company = api.get(baseUrl.toString()) then: Exception ex = thrown() ex.message == 'Access Denied' } void "test other HTTP reply"() { setup: mockServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(405)); HttpUrl baseUrl = mockServer.url("/v1/dk/"); api = new CvrApi("Test User Agent", "testAuthToken", baseUrl.toString()) when: def company = api.get(baseUrl.toString()) then: Exception ex = thrown() } // TODO: Test 401, 404, timeouts, gson deserialization errors }