# mDNS Explorer View all multicastDNS devices. ## Development Java SDK version 17 (or later) is required. ## Native Images The native images are built with GraalVM. Download the Gluon version of GraalVM from https://github.com/gluonhq/graal/releases/tag/gluon- and extract it locally. Point the GRAALVM_HOME environment variable to the folder: ```export GRAALVM_HOME="/path/to/gluon-``` With all requirements setup and on a supported platform, the general idea is to run: ```shell ./gradlew clean build ./gradlew nativeBuild -Ptarget=android # or -Ptarget=ios ./gradlew nativeLink -Ptarget=android ./gradlew nativePackage -Ptarget=android ./gradlew nativeInstall -Ptarget=android ./gradlew nativeRun -Ptarget=android ``` or, in one go for Android: ```shell ./gradlew -Ptarget=android clean build nativeBuild nativeLink nativePackage nativeInstall nativeRun ``` or, in one go for iOS: ```shell ./gradlew -Ptarget=ios clean build nativeBuild nativeLink nativePackage nativeInstall nativeRun ``` ### Linux See https://docs.gluonhq.com/#prerequisites_linux For nativeBuild on Linux, install the following dependencies. ```shell sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libasound2-dev libpango1.0-dev libxtst-dev build-essential ``` #### Building for Android (on Linux) See https://docs.gluonhq.com/#prerequisites_android Install Android Studio and use sdkmanager to install the following: - Android SDK Platform 31 - NDK (Side by side) Point the ANDROID_NDK variable to the installed NDK directory: ``` export ANDROID_NDK="/home/mark/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653/" ``` Add the platform-tools to you PATH to use 'adb' command: ``` export PATH="$PATH:/home/mark/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/" ``` Run the 'adb devices' and 'adb usb' to verify your Android device is in development mode and allows connections. ### MacOS See https://docs.gluonhq.com/#platforms_macos Install the xcode command line tools and an iPhone emulator. If you have problems with *xcrun* not being able to find *iphoneos*, try: ```shell sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app ``` Download and install homebrew, and install the following: ```shell brew install maven brew install --HEAD libusbmuxd brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice ``` #### iOS (on MacOS) See https://docs.gluonhq.com/#prerequisites_ios