# mDNS Explorer See devices on your local network that advertises services through mDNS (multicast DNS). ![mDNS-Explorer](doc/mDNS-Explorer.png) When selecting an entry from the list: - the service URL is copied to your clipboard - and you will see any properties from the selected service Download installers for Windows, macOS & Linux here: [https://git.data.coop/nellemann/-/packages/generic/mdns-explorer/](https://git.data.coop/nellemann/-/packages/generic/mdns-explorer/) ## Development Java SDK version 17 (or later) is required. Information on how to build and package mDNS-Explorer: ```shell ./gradlew build jpackage ``` ### Windows Download and install: - Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Wix Toolset 3.11.2 (or later) ### Linux On Debian/Ubuntu: - ```apt install dpkg-dev rpm``` ### MacOS Install xcode command line tools: - ```xcode-select --install```