package biz.nellemann.svci import spock.lang.Specification class CapacityToDoubleConverterTest extends Specification { CapacityToDoubleConverter converter = new CapacityToDoubleConverter() def "convert from TB String to TB Double"() { when: def result = converter.convert("123.45TB") then: result == 123.45 } def "convert from PB String to TB Double"() { when: def result = converter.convert("1024.0PB") then: result == 1024000.0 } def "convert from GB String to TB Double"() { when: def result = converter.convert("8192.0GB") then: result == 8.192 } def "convert from GB String (with a space) to TB Double"() { when: def result = converter.convert("8192.0 GB") then: result == 8.192 } def "convert from MB String to TB Double"() { when: def result = converter.convert("4096.0MB") then: result == 0.004096 } }