# AIX Notes Works on IBM Power VIO (Virtual IO) servers, as well as regular IBM Power AIX installations. ## Installation We require Java 8, which should already be installed on AIX, or is available to install. The RPM packages are *"noarch"* Java bytecode, so we can use the **--ignoreos** option to install: ```shell rpm -ivh --ignoreos sysmon-client-*.rpm sysmon-plugins-*.rpm ``` ### Run automatically at boot See the [sysv-init.md](sysv-init.md) file for instructions, or run from inittab: ```shell mkitab "sysmon:2:respawn:env JAVA_HOME=/usr/java8_64 /opt/sysmon/client/bin/client -s http://10.x.y.z:9925/metrics" init q ``` ## Upgrades To upgrade the packages: ```shell rpm -Uvh --ignoreos sysmon-*.noarch.rpm ``` To restart sysmon-client process after upgrade: ```shell /etc/rc.d/init.d/sysmon-client stop; /etc/rc.d/init.d/sysmon-client start # or, if running from inittab: kill -HUP `ps -e -o pid,comm,args | grep sysmon-client | grep java | awk '{print $1}'` ```