--- # # Example ansible playbook for timezone and NTP setup on AIX. # A reboot is required for the timezone change. # # ansible-galaxy collection install community.general # ansible-playbook -i aixhost, -k -u root timezone-aix.yml # - name: "Install / Configure sysmon client and plugins" hosts: all gather_facts: yes vars: timezone: Europe/Copenhagen ntp_server: dk.pool.ntp.org tasks: - name: Configure timezone ansible.builtin.replace: path: /etc/environment regexp: '^TZ=(.*)$' replace: "TZ={{ timezone }}" - name: Update time from NTP server ansible.builtin.command: /usr/sbin/ntpdate {{ ntp_server }} - name: Create cron entry for updating time periodically ansible.builtin.cron: name: ntpdate weekday: "*" minute: "1" hour: "*" user: root job: "/usr/sbin/ntpdate {{ ntp_server }}"