\gls{ipv6} came about in 1998 when the original \rfc{2460} was published. It aims to provide globally route-able addresses (i.e. no need for \gls{nat}) and provides a hierarchical way to allocate address prefixes in a way which makes it simple to do route aggregation\footnote{This helps limits the size of the Internet's global routing table!}.\cite{wiki:IPv6}
\textbf{Privacy} is a large concern regarding \gls{ipv6} because of the globally unique address the client posses.
Implementation to do privacy regarding the host bits of an \gls{ip6} has been done to protect the clients (and users) from being tracked. Alas, if the \gls{isp} do static prefix assignments to end users. This privacy protection may be somewhat unusable. As the network prefix will always remain the same. Regardless of the host-bits being changed often.
\item\texttt{2001:db8:0:0:0:ff00:42:8329}, {\footnotesize (i.e. remove leading zeroes per group delimited by colon)}
\item\texttt{2001:db8::ff00:42:8329}. {\footnotesize (i.e. remove groups containing all zeroes in succession after each other) (only done \textit{once!}}
\item Either derived with the EUI-64\footnote{The EUI-64 involves the MAC address and injecting fffe into the middle making it 64 bits and using this as host bits} method or randomly selected. Then assigned after \gls{dad} has been run on the network segment.
\item\texttt{fd00::/8} -- Defined as /48 prefixes. The last 40 bits is randomly generated and appended to the first 8 significant bits {\small (i.e. \texttt{0xFD} aka. \texttt{11111101})}.
\item Anycast: Identifies a group of \glspl{nic} belonging to the same group and providing the same services/content/applications. Nearest one to source is used.
\item Multicast: Used to deliver content to multiple \glspl{nic} at once. Traffic is a single flow from the source (i.e. not multiple unicast streams).
\item Broadcast: \textit{Not} implemented. Replaced by use of multicast groups.
\gls{dns6} had 2 running proposals when first proposed, \rfc{2874} (1st), \rfc{3364} (later discussion), and \rfc{3363} thou deprecated this proposal to experimental status.
The winning one was \rfc{3596} with the idea of doing \textit{quad}-A records and hierarchically divided by \textit{nibble}{\small (i.e. 4 bits)}.
The idea is fx. \texttt{2001:db8:ef::2} is noted in ip6.arpa as \texttt{}. {\small Note the used of '.' between \textit{each}\textit{hexadecimal} character used, and that \textit{all zeroes} has been included. ip6.arpa does not allow any characters to be omitted from the original full-length \gls{ip6} address.}\footnote{Found description \href{https://stackoverflow.com/q/6619682}{here} on stackoverflow.com/q/6619682.}