\gls{qos} is used to guarantie a minimum of service level to select applications. Often this encompasses \gls{voip} applications and \gls{av} applications being allocated the highest priority. It\tsq{s} not uncommon to allocate \gls{nmt} to the high priority queue, too.
Different mechanisms of handling access to network ressorces is used.
\item Which applications has access to what level of network ressources.
There are different ways to do congestion management. Which is in it\tsq{s} essence sorting of packets when a link reaches full capacity usage in the outgoing direction.
\item\gls{fifo}: Classic store-and-forward. Oftentimes the default algorithm.
\item\gls{pq}: Made to give stict priority to important traffic at each point \gls{pq} in the network where \gls{pq} is used.
\item\gls{wfq}: Traffic is diveded into flow based upon charactaristics \begin{mylist}\item\gls{dst} address, \item\gls{src} address, \item protocol, \item port number, \item socket. \end{mylist}. Flows is then allocated a part of the bandwidth relative to the number of ongoing conversations/flows.