\chapter{Layer 3} \section{Routed Network} \newpage \section{OSPF} \newpage \section{IS-IS} \newpage \section{EIGRP} \newpage \section{RIP} \newpage \section{Static} \newpage \section{BGP} \wikicommons{BGP_FSM} The protocol of the internet used since 1994.\cite{wiki:Border_Gateway_Protocol} Currently based upon \rfc{4271} with updates following in \rfc{6286} \rfc{6608}, \rfc{6793}, \rfc{7606}, \rfc{7607}, \rfc{7705}. \subsection{Properties} \begin{itemize} \item Uses tcp/179 as \gls{dst} port \item Sends keep-alive message every 1 minute \item Keep-alive message is 19 byte long \end{itemize} Be ware if sessions are terminated immediately upon trying to establish connection. Try debugging following points. \begin{itemize} \item tcp/179 is not open, \item random port 1023> is not open, \item incorrect peer-ip, \item incorrect peer-as. \end{itemize} \subsection{Route exchange} Exchanging routes between routers is a reliant and tolerant manner is \glspl{bgp} 1-advantage over \gls{ospf}/\gls{isis}/\gls{rip}/\gls{eigrp}. The sheer tuning and control mechanisms \gls{bgp} can offer is simply astounding. Route-maps is the key and access-lists just one option. \subsubsection[Route-maps]{Route-maps mechanism} Route-maps is used to target a select set of routes and either modify/add/remove attributes attached to the select route-set. \begin{itemize} \item Routes can be aggregated between \glspl{as}. \item Properties can be changed on the fly by matching \begin{enumerate}[label={\alph*)}] \item \Gls{bgp} communities, \item \Gls{ip} prefix, \item \Gls{bgp} as-path, \end{enumerate} \end{itemize} An simple example of using route-maps is \begin{cisco} ip prefix-list 1 permit ip prefix-list 2 permit ! route-map RED permit 10 match ip address prefix-list 1 set ip next hop continue 20 ! Continues to apply rules normally only ! applied to prefix-list 2. To apply to ! prefix-list 1, too. ! Any attributes set in '20' will ! override any set during '10'. route-map RED permit 20 match ip address prefix-list 2 set ip next hop ! Last rule overrides previous rules from ! previous '10' rule-set. \end{cisco} When rules from a rule-set is chained together as shown above. The last rule will override all previous set values regarding the attribute being applied. In this case \texttt{next-hop} from 'permit 10' is overridden in 'permit 20'. \subsection[States]{BGP States} The states is the way \gls{bgp} handles peer/neighbor connection establishing. The \underline{playbook} so to speak. \begin{enumerate} \item Idle: \gls{bgp} while initializing refuses all incoming connections. Will initiate \gls{tcp} connection to peer. \item Connect: Waits for \gls{tcp} connection. If \gls{tcp} is established goes to state OpenSent. If \gls{tcp} is \textit{un}successful ConnectRetry timer is started and then goes to Active state. \item Active: When ConnectRetry counter reaches 0 goes to state Connect. \item OpenSent: Sends \gls{msg} to remote node. Waits for reply \gls{msg} before going to OpenConfirm. \item OpenConfirm: Nodes exchange keepalive \glspl{msg} and goes to Established state if successful. \item Established: Nodes can now exchange KeepAlive, Updates, and Notification \glspl{msg}. \end{enumerate} \subsection[iBGP]{Internal Border Gateway Protocol} \gls{ibgp} is running \gls{bgp} within the same \gls{as} between routers. Much like running a general \gls{igrp} in the network. Tradition one has to be fearful of creating \textit{routing loops} in the network. \glspl{bgp} mechanism for this is using either \begin{mylist} \item Full Mesh, or \item \glspl{rr} \end{mylist}. Problems by running \textit{Full Mesh} is the formula of \[ iBGPsessions = n*(n-1)/2 \] \note{where $ n $ is the number \gls{ibgp} speakers} which results in scaling problems as \gls{ibgp} speakers are added to the \gls{as}. \textit{\glspl{rr}} solves this problem by peering with all \gls{ibgp} speakers in the \gls{as}. All \gls{ibgp} speakers are then clients of the \glspl{rr}. This in turn helps maintainability by also advertising routes learnt from \gls{ibgp} clients to clients. Classic filtering/mathing route-maps/prefix-filters can be used to \textit{not} advertise all routes select group of clients from the \glspl{rr}. \subsection[eBGP]{External Border Gateway Protocol} \gls{ebgp} connections is inherently different from \gls{ibgp} connections. Some assumptions are made such as \begin{enumerate} \item a \gls{ttl} of 1 is the default\footnote{Multi-hop \gls{ebgp} can thou be configured and therefore increase the max-\gls{ttl} value}, \item distance is set to 20 compared to 200 for \gls{ibgp} routes, \item Next hop does \textit{not} change for \gls{ebgp} routes advertised to \gls{ibgp} neighbours \textit{by-default}\footnote{Often times it is necessary to tell a router to set itself as the next-hop before advertising to \gls{ibgp} neighbours}. \end{enumerate}