#!/bin/bash ISO_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # Ensure registry repository is up-to-date git -C ../registry/ pull upstream master:master --quiet 2>&1 # Checkout master branch in dn42/repository git -C ../registry/ checkout master --quiet # Do a git pull beforehand to ensure our repository is up-to-date git checkout master --quiet git pull origin master:master --quiet --rebase # Do the same for sub-repo if exists if [ -d roa/.git/ ] ; then git -C roa/ checkout master --quiet if [ $(git -C roa/ remote | grep origin) ] ; then git -C roa/ pull origin master:master --quiet --rebase fi fi # Update with data from registry php roagen.php php rfc8416.php # Ensure sub-repo is created to track roa file udpates if [ ! -d roa/ ] ; then mkdir roa ; fi if [ ! -f roa/.git/config ] ; then git -C roa/ init if [ ! -f roa/README.md ; then touch roa/README.md echo '## roas' | tee roa/README.md ; fi git -C roa/ commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit" git -C roa/ commit README.md -m "Add README.md" ; fi # Write out last commit to file echo "## Notes - These files are Bird 1.x compatible: - [bird_roa_dn42.conf](bird_roa_dn42.conf) - [bird4_roa_dn42.conf](bird4_roa_dn42.conf) - [bird6_roa_dn42.conf](bird6_roa_dn42.conf) - These files are Bird 2.x compatible: - [bird_route_dn42.conf](bird_route_dn42.conf) - [bird4_route_dn42.conf](bird4_route_dn42.conf) - [bird6_route_dn42.conf](bird6_route_dn42.conf) - These files are [Routinator][2] compatible: - [export_rfc8416_dn42.json](export_rfc8416_dn42.json) _(SLURM standard, format specified in [RFC 8416][4])_ - These files are [gortr][3] compatible: - [export_dn42.json](export_dn42.json) ## [Last commit][0] at [dn42 registry][1] \`\`\` $(git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges) \`\`\` ## Misc statistics - ROAs IPv4: $(cat roa/bird4_route_dn42.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l) - ROAs IPv6: $(cat roa/bird6_route_dn42.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l) - ROAs total: $(cat roa/bird_route_dn42.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l) [0]: https://git.dn42.us/dn42/registry/commit/$(git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges --pretty='format:%H') [1]: https://git.dn42.us/dn42/registry [2]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/routinator [3]: https://github.com/cloudflare/gortr [4]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8416 " > roa/README.md # Commit latest version of ROA files git -C roa/ add README.md *.conf *.json git -C roa/ commit -m "Updated ROA files - $ISO_DATE" --quiet # Push ROA repository to every remote configured for REMOTE in $(git -C roa/ remote | egrep -v upstream | paste -sd " " -) ; do git -C roa/ push $REMOTE master:master --quiet ; done # Push local roagen repository to every remote configured for REMOTE in $(git remote | egrep -v upstream | paste -sd " " -) ; do git push $REMOTE master:master --quiet ; done