#!/bin/bash ISO_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # Ensure registry repository is up-to-date git -C ../registry/ pull upstream master:master --quiet 2>&1 # Checkout master branch in dn42/repository git -C ../registry/ checkout master --quiet # Do a git pull beforehand to ensure our repository is up-to-date git checkout master --quiet git pull origin master:master --quiet --rebase # Do the same for sub-repo if exists if [ -d roa/.git/ ] ; then git -C roa/ checkout master --quiet if [ $(git -C roa/ remote | grep origin) ] ; then git -C roa/ pull origin master:master --quiet --rebase fi fi # Update with data from registry php roagen.php php rfc8416.php # Ensure sub-repo is created to track roa file udpates if [ ! -d roa/ ] ; then mkdir roa ; fi if [ ! -f roa/.git/config ] ; then git -C roa/ init if [ ! -f roa/README.md ; then touch roa/README.md echo '## roas' | tee roa/README.md ; fi git -C roa/ commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit" git -C roa/ commit README.md -m "Add README.md" ; fi # Write out last commit to file echo "## Notes - These files are Bird 1.x compatible: - [bird_roa_dn42.conf](bird_roa_dn42.conf) - [bird4_roa_dn42.conf](bird4_roa_dn42.conf) - [bird6_roa_dn42.conf](bird6_roa_dn42.conf) - These files are Bird 2.x compatible: - [bird_route_dn42.conf](bird_route_dn42.conf) - [bird4_route_dn42.conf](bird4_route_dn42.conf) - [bird6_route_dn42.conf](bird6_route_dn42.conf) - These files are [Routinator][2] compatible: - [export_rfc8416_dn42.json](export_rfc8416_dn42.json) _(SLURM standard, format specified in [RFC 8416][4])_ - These files are [gortr][3] compatible: - [export_dn42.json](export_dn42.json) ## [Last merge commit][0] at [dn42 registry][1] \`\`\` $(git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges) \`\`\` ## crontab You can setup a cronjob to check in with updates to the ROA files listed above on regular intervals. Currently the ROA files published here is refreshed every 3rd hour if updates has been made to the [DN42 registry[1]. ## Misc statistics - ROAs IPv4: $(cat roa/bird4_route_dn42.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l) - ROAs IPv6: $(cat roa/bird6_route_dn42.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l) - ROAs total: $(cat roa/bird_route_dn42.conf | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$' | wc -l) [0]: https://git.dn42.us/dn42/registry/commit/$(git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges --pretty='format:%H') [1]: https://git.dn42.us/dn42/registry [2]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/routinator [3]: https://github.com/cloudflare/gortr [4]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8416 " > roa/README.md # Commit latest version of ROA files git -C roa/ add README.md *.conf *.json git -C roa/ commit -m "Updated ROA files - $ISO_DATE" --quiet # Push ROA repository to every remote configured for REMOTE in $(git -C roa/ remote | egrep -v upstream | paste -sd " " -) ; do git -C roa/ push $REMOTE master:master --quiet ; done # Push local roagen repository to every remote configured for REMOTE in $(git remote | egrep -v upstream | paste -sd " " -) ; do git push $REMOTE master:master --quiet ; done