## dn42-rpki-export.json ### Requirements for running 1. Verify curl, git, bash, and php is installed. 2. `mkdir -p ~/dn42/`. 3. `cd ~/dn42/`. 4. `git clone https://git.dn42.us/netravnen/dn42-rpki-export.json`. 5. `git clone https://git.dn42.us/dn42/registry`. 6. Verify everything work by running `cd ~/dn42/dn42-rpki-export.json/ && php roagen.php`. 7. In $USER crontab file put `14 */3 * * * cd ~/dn42/dn42-rpki-export.json/ && php roagen.php`. Finetune time between runs to your liking. NB: The roagen.php script is written with the paths to the dn42 registry folder being both git repositories reside in the same parent folder.