&1"); /* * Function: * startsWith ($string, "word", $length) * * Find lines beginning with "word". Optionally * give the length of the string you are looking for. */ function startsWith ($haystack, $needle, $length = "0") { if ($length <= 0 || $length > (strlen ($needle))) $length = strlen ($needle); return (substr ($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle); } /* * Function: * endsWith ($string, "word") * * Find lines ending with "word". */ function endsWith ($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen ($needle); if ($length == 0) return true; return (substr( $haystack, -$length) === $needle); } /* * Function: * trim_special_chars ($string) * * Remove special characters. */ function trim_special_chars ($string) { return (trim ($string, " \t\n\r\0\x0B")); } // Define array() we are going to populate with data. $roas = array(); // Set folders we need to scan. $files6 = scandir ("../registry/data/route6/"); $files4 = scandir ("../registry/data/route/"); /* * * IPv6 * */ $i = 0; // Counter used with tmp $raw_array. $raw_array = array(); // tmp array() used for storing data to be processed foreach ($files6 as $file) { $j = 0; /* * route6 with maxLength value set: * - fd42:5d71:219::/48 * * $ cat ../registry/data/route6/fd42:5d71:219::_48 * route6: fd42:5d71:219::/48 * origin: AS4242420119 * max-length: 48 * mnt-by: JRB0001-MNT * source: DN42 */ $data = file ("../registry/data/route6/$file"); foreach ($data as $str) { $str = trim_special_chars ($str); if (startsWith ($str, "max", 3)) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = $str; elseif (startsWith ($str, "source", 6)) $raw_array[$i]["source"] = $str; elseif (startsWith ($str, "route", 5)) $raw_array[$i]["route"] = $str; elseif (startsWith ($str, "origin", 6)) $raw_array[$i]["asn"][$j++] = $str; // Catch max-length not set in route object. if (empty ($raw_array[$i]["max"])) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = -1; } $i++; } $k = 0; foreach ($raw_array as $sub_array) { // Extract prefix and subnet size // Match prefix sizes 29-64, 80. $prefix = array(); preg_match ("/([a-f0-9\:]{0,128})\/(29|[3-5][0-9]|6[0-4]|80)/", explode ("6: ", $sub_array["route"])[1], $prefix); // Extract ta information $source = array(); preg_match ("/([A-Z0-4]+)/", explode (":", $sub_array["source"])[1], $source); // Try to extract max-length information $maxlength = array(); if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1) preg_match ("/([0-9]+)/", explode (":", $sub_array["max"])[1], $maxlength); // Store extracted values $_prefix = $prefix[0]; $_ta = (isset ($source[0]) ? $source[0] : ""); // We need to do conditional setting of maxLength to avoid errornous output. if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1) $_maxlength = (isset ($maxlength[0]) ? $maxlength[0] : ""); else // Do fallback to default prefix size if max-length was not set. $_maxlength = $prefix[2]; // Loop through each asn in single route6 object and assign // other values accordingly. foreach ($sub_array["asn"] as $asn) { // Extract ASxxxxx from string. preg_match ("/AS[0-9]+/", explode (":", $asn)[1], $_asn); $roas["roas"][$k]["asn"] = $_asn[0]; $roas["roas"][$k]["prefix"] = $_prefix; $roas["roas"][$k]["maxLength"] = $_maxlength; $roas["roas"][$k]["ta"] = $_ta; $k++; } } /* * * IPv4 * */ $i = 0; // Counter used with tmp $raw_array. $raw_array = array(); // tmp array() used for storing data to be processed foreach ($files4 as $file) { $j = 0; /* * route with maxLength value set: * - * * $ cat ../registry/data/route/ * route: * origin: AS4242420119 * max-length: 24 * mnt-by: JRB0001-MNT * source: DN42 */ $data = file ("../registry/data/route/$file"); foreach ($data as $str) { $str = trim_special_chars ($str); if (startsWith ($str, "max", 3)) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = $str; elseif (startsWith ($str, "source", 6)) $raw_array[$i]["source"] = $str; elseif (startsWith ($str, "route", 5)) $raw_array[$i]["route"] = $str; elseif (startsWith ($str, "origin", 6)) $raw_array[$i]["asn"][$j++] = $str; // Catch max-length not set in route object. if (empty ($raw_array[$i]["max"])) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = -1; } $i++; } foreach ($raw_array as $sub_array) { // Extract prefix and subnet size // Match prefix sizes 8-32. $prefix = array(); preg_match ("/([0-9\.]{7,15})\/([8-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2])/", explode (":", $sub_array["route"])[1], $prefix); // Extract ta information $source = array(); preg_match ("/([A-Z0-4]+)/", explode (":", $sub_array["source"])[1], $source); // Try to extract max-length information $maxlength = array(); if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1) preg_match ("/([0-9]+)/", explode (":", $sub_array["max"])[1], $maxlength); // Store extracted values $_prefix = $prefix[0]; $_ta = (isset ($source[0]) ? $source[0] : ""); // We need to do conditional setting of maxLength to avoid errornous output. if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1) $_maxlength = (isset ($maxlength[0]) ? $maxlength[0] : ""); else // Do fallback to default prefix size if max-length was not set. $_maxlength = $prefix[2]; // Loop through each asn in single route6 object and assign // other values accordingly. foreach ($sub_array["asn"] as $asn) { // Extract ASxxxxx from string. preg_match ("/AS[0-9]+/", explode (":", $asn)[1], $_asn); $roas["roas"][$k]["asn"] = $_asn[0]; $roas["roas"][$k]["prefix"] = $_prefix; $roas["roas"][$k]["maxLength"] = $_maxlength; $roas["roas"][$k]["ta"] = $_ta; $k++; } } // Do JSON encoding before writing result to file $json = json_encode ($roas, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); // Write JSON to file $fp = fopen ('roa/export_dn42.json', 'w'); fwrite ($fp, $json); fclose ($fp); // Write TEXT to file in bird format $fq = fopen ('roa/bird_roa_dn42.conf', 'w'); $fr = fopen ('roa/bird4_roa_dn42.conf', 'w'); $fs = fopen ('roa/bird6_roa_dn42.conf', 'w'); foreach ($roas["roas"] as $roa) { $prfx = $roa["prefix"]; $mxLngth = $roa["maxLength"]; $sn = $roa["asn"]; $strng = "roa $prfx max $mxLngth as $sn;\n"; fwrite ($fq, $strng); if (strpos ($prfx, ":") !== false) fwrite ($fr, $strng); else fwrite ($fs, $strng); } fclose ($fq); fclose ($fr); fclose ($fs); // Commit and push to all git remote repositories echo shell_exec ("./update.sh 2>&1"); ?>