<?php /* * Function: * checkoutMaster () * * Checkout git master branch. */ function checkoutMaster () { echo shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ o master --quiet 2>&1"); } /* * Function: * startsWith ($string, "word", $length) * * Find lines beginning with "word". Optionally * give the length of the string you are looking for. */ function startsWith ($haystack, $needle, $length = "0") { if ($length <= 0 || $length > (strlen ($needle))) $length = strlen ($needle); return (substr ($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle); } /* * Function: * endsWith ($string, "word") * * Find lines ending with "word". */ function endsWith ($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen ($needle); if ($length == 0) return true; return (substr( $haystack, -$length) === $needle); } /* * Function: * trim_special_chars ($string) * * Remove special characters. */ function trim_special_chars ($string) { return (trim ($string, " \t\n\r\0\x0B")); } function writeBirdConfig ($roas) { $json = json_encode($roas, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $bird1_fq = fopen ('roa/bird_roa_dn42.conf', 'w'); $bird1_fq4 = fopen ('roa/bird4_roa_dn42.conf', 'w'); $bird1_fq6 = fopen ('roa/bird6_roa_dn42.conf', 'w'); $bird2_fq = fopen ('roa/bird_route_dn42.conf', 'w'); $bird2_fq4 = fopen ('roa/bird4_route_dn42.conf', 'w'); $bird2_fq6 = fopen ('roa/bird6_route_dn42.conf', 'w'); fwrite ($bird1_fq, shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges | sed 's/^/# /g'")); fwrite ($bird1_fq4, shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges | sed 's/^/# /g'")); fwrite ($bird1_fq6, shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges | sed 's/^/# /g'")); fwrite ($bird2_fq, shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges | sed 's/^/# /g'")); fwrite ($bird2_fq4, shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges | sed 's/^/# /g'")); fwrite ($bird2_fq6, shell_exec ("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ log -n 1 --merges | sed 's/^/# /g'")); foreach ($roas["roas"] as $roa) { $prfx = $roa["prefix"]; $mxLngth = $roa["maxLength"]; $sn = $roa["asn"]; $bird1_strng = "roa $prfx max $mxLngth as $sn;\n"; $bird2_strng = "route $prfx max $mxLngth as $sn;\n"; fwrite ($bird1_fq, $bird1_strng); fwrite ($bird2_fq, $bird2_strng); if (strpos ($prfx, ":") !== false) { fwrite ($bird1_fq6, $bird1_strng); fwrite ($bird2_fq6, $bird2_strng); } else { fwrite ($bird1_fq4, $bird1_strng); fwrite ($bird2_fq4, $bird2_strng); } } fclose ($bird1_fq); fclose ($bird1_fq4); fclose ($bird1_fq6); fclose ($bird2_fq); fclose ($bird2_fq4); fclose ($bird2_fq6); } function writeRoutinatorExceptionFile ($roas) { $json = json_encode($roas, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); $fp = fopen('roa/export_rfc8416_dn42.json', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $json); fclose($fp); } function writeExportJSON ($roas) { $n = 0; foreach ($roas['roas'] as $object) { $roas['roas'][$n]['asn'] = "AS" . $roas['roas'][$n]['asn']; $n++; } $json = json_encode($roas, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $fp = fopen ('roa/export_dn42.json', 'w'); fwrite ($fp, $json); fclose ($fp); } ?>