2019-01-04 09:34:13 +00:00

251 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable file

// Before we begin. Ensure registry repository is up-to-date
echo shell_exec("/usr/bin/git -C ../registry/ pull origin master:master 2>&1");
* Function:
* startsWith ($string, "word", $length)
* Find lines beginning with "word". Optionally
* give the length of the string you are looking for.
function startsWith ($haystack, $needle, $length = "0")
if ($length <= 0 || $length > (strlen ($needle)))
$length = strlen ($needle);
return (substr ($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle);
* Function:
* endsWith ($string, "word")
* Find lines ending with "word".
function endsWith ($haystack, $needle)
$length = strlen ($needle);
if ($length == 0)
return true;
return (substr( $haystack, -$length) === $needle);
* Function:
* trim_special_chars ($string)
* Remove special characters.
function trim_special_chars ($string)
return (trim ($string, " \t\n\r\0\x0B"));
// Define array() we are going to populate with data.
$roas = array();
$roas["slurmVersion"] = 1;
$roas["validationOutputFilters"]["prefixFilters"] = array();
$roas["validationOutputFilters"]["bgpsecFilters"] = array();
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["bgpsecAssertions"] = array();
// Set folders we need to scan.
$files6 = scandir("../registry/data/route6/");
$files4 = scandir("../registry/data/route/");
* IPv6
$i = 0; // Counter used with tmp $raw_array.
$raw_array = array(); // tmp array() used for storing data to be processed
foreach ($files6 as $file)
$j = 0;
* route6 with maxLength value set:
* - fd42:5d71:219::/48
* $ cat ../registry/data/route6/fd42:5d71:219::_48
* route6: fd42:5d71:219::/48
* origin: AS4242420119
* max-length: 48
* mnt-by: JRB0001-MNT
* source: DN42
$data = file("../registry/data/route6/$file");
foreach ($data as $str)
$str = trim_special_chars ($str);
if (startsWith ($str, ("max"), 3)) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = $str;
elseif (startsWith ($str, ("source"), 6)) $raw_array[$i]["source"] = $str;
elseif (startsWith ($str, ("route"), 5)) $raw_array[$i]["route"] = $str;
elseif (startsWith ($str, ("origin"), 6)) $raw_array[$i]["asn"][$j++] = $str;
// Catch max-length not set in route object.
if (empty ($raw_array[$i]["max"])) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = -1;
$k = 0;
foreach ($raw_array as $sub_array)
// Extract prefix and subnet size
// Match prefix sizes 29-64, 80.
$prefix = array();
explode("6: ", $sub_array["route"])[1],
// Extract ta information
$source = array();
preg_match ("/([A-Z0-4]+)/",
explode(":", $sub_array["source"])[1],
// Try to extract max-length information
$maxlength = array();
if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1)
preg_match ("/([0-9]+)/",
explode(":", $sub_array["max"])[1],
// Store extracted values
$_prefix = $prefix[0];
$_ta = (isset ($source[0]) ? $source[0] : "");
// We need to do conditional setting of maxLength to avoid errornous output.
if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1)
$_maxlength = (isset ($maxlength[0]) ? $maxlength[0] : "");
// Do fallback to default prefix size if max-length was not set.
$_maxlength = $prefix[2];
// Loop through each asn in single route6 object and assign
// other values accordingly.
foreach ($sub_array["asn"] as $asn)
// Extract ASxxxxx from string.
preg_match ("/AS[0-9]+/", explode (":", $asn)[1], $_asn);
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["asn"] = $_asn[0];
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["prefix"] = $_prefix;
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["maxPrefixLength"] = $_maxlength;
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["comment"] = $_ta;
* IPv4
$i = 0; // Counter used with tmp $raw_array.
$raw_array = array(); // tmp array() used for storing data to be processed
foreach ($files4 as $file)
$j = 0;
* route with maxLength value set:
* -
* $ cat ../registry/data/route/
* route:
* origin: AS4242420119
* max-length: 24
* mnt-by: JRB0001-MNT
* source: DN42
$data = file("../registry/data/route/$file");
foreach ($data as $str)
$str = trim_special_chars ($str);
if (startsWith ($str, ("max"), 3)) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = $str;
elseif (startsWith ($str, ("source"), 6)) $raw_array[$i]["source"] = $str;
elseif (startsWith ($str, ("route"), 5)) $raw_array[$i]["route"] = $str;
elseif (startsWith ($str, ("origin"), 6)) $raw_array[$i]["asn"][$j++] = $str;
// Catch max-length not set in route object.
if (empty ($raw_array[$i]["max"])) $raw_array[$i]["max"] = -1;
foreach ($raw_array as $sub_array)
// Extract prefix and subnet size
// Match prefix sizes 8-32.
$prefix = array();
explode(":", $sub_array["route"])[1],
// Extract ta information
$source = array();
preg_match ("/([A-Z0-4]+)/",
explode(":", $sub_array["source"])[1],
// Try to extract max-length information
$maxlength = array();
if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1)
preg_match ("/([0-9]+)/",
explode(":", $sub_array["max"])[1],
// Store extracted values
$_prefix = $prefix[0];
$_ta = (isset ($source[0]) ? $source[0] : "");
// We need to do conditional setting of maxLength to avoid errornous output.
if (($sub_array["max"]) != -1)
$_maxlength = (isset ($maxlength[0]) ? $maxlength[0] : "");
// Do fallback to default prefix size if max-length was not set.
$_maxlength = $prefix[2];
// Loop through each asn in single route6 object and assign
// other values accordingly.
foreach ($sub_array["asn"] as $asn)
// Extract ASxxxxx from string.
preg_match ("/AS[0-9]+/", explode (":", $asn)[1], $_asn);
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["asn"] = $_asn[0];
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["prefix"] = $_prefix;
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["maxPrefixLength"] = $_maxlength;
$roas["locallyAddedAssertions"]["prefixAssertions"][$k]["comment"] = $_ta;
// Do JSON encoding before writing result to file
// Write JSON to file
$fp = fopen('dn42-rfc8416-export.json', 'w');
fwrite($fp, $json);
// Commit and push to all git remote repositories
echo shell_exec("./update.sh 2>&1");