242 lines
8 KiB
242 lines
8 KiB
const politicians_data_path = "./data/meps_dk.json";
class Riksdagen {
constructor (members) {
this.members = members;
// Add internal reference to party for each member.
for (const party of Object.keys(this.members)) {
for (let index = 0; index < this.members[party].length; index++) {
this.members[party][index]['parti'] = party
getPartyName (abbreviation) {
Get full party name from abbreviated form.
switch (abbreviation) {
case 'Greens':
return 'Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance'
case 'Renew':
return 'Renew Europe Group'
case 'S':
return 'Socialdemokraterne'
case 'V':
return 'Venstre'
case 'ID':
return 'Identitet og Demokrati'
case 'EPP':
return 'Det Europæiske Folkepartis Gruppe'
return abbreviation
get parties () {
Get list of abbreviations of all parties.
return Object.keys(this.members).sort()
get recipient () {
Get information about selected member.
const member = this.memberSelector.querySelector(':checked')
if (!member) return null;
const party = member.dataset.party
const index = parseInt(member.dataset.index)
return this.members[party][index]
configureRecipientSelection (recipientSelectorId) {
Load list of parties and members for recipient selection.
// Create elements to host list of parties
// and list of members of the selected party
const recipientSelector = document.getElementById(recipientSelectorId)
this.partySelector = document.createElement('fieldset')
this.partySelector.setAttribute('class', 'select-party')
this.memberSelector = document.createElement('div')
this.memberSelector.setAttribute('class', 'select-member')
// Set up party selection
for (const party of this.parties) {
const partyId = `party-${party}`
// Create radio button
const input = document.createElement('input')
input.setAttribute('type', 'radio')
input.setAttribute('id', partyId)
input.setAttribute('name', 'party')
input.setAttribute('value', party)
input.setAttribute('required', 'required')
// Create label
const label = document.createElement('label')
label.setAttribute('for', partyId)
label.setAttribute('class', partyId)
// Add elements to list
// On selecting a party,
// generate list for member selection.
this.partySelector.addEventListener('input', () => {
const activeElement = document.activeElement
this.memberSelector.innerHTML = ""
const selectedParty = this.partySelector.querySelector('input[name="party"]:checked').value
const prio = {
"MEP": 0,
"Partiledare": 1,
"EU-parlamentet": 2,
"Gruppledare": 3,
"Konstitutionsutskottet": 4,
"Justitieutskottet": 5,
"EU-nämnden": 6,
// Sort members beforehand
// First show the members with uppdrag "Partiledare",
// then the people with uppdrag "EU-parlamentet", etc.
const members = this.members[selectedParty].sort((a, b) => {
if (prio[a['uppdrag'][0]] > prio[b['uppdrag'][0]]) {
return 1;
} else if (prio[a['uppdrag'][0]] < prio[b['uppdrag'][0]]) {
return -1;
} else {
return a['namn'] > b['namn'] ? 1 : -1
// let euHeader = document.createElement('h2')
// euHeader.innerHTML = "EU-parlamentet"
// this.memberSelector.appendChild(euHeader)
for (const [index, member] of members.entries()) {
const memberId = `member-${selectedParty}-${index}`
const radio = document.createElement('input')
radio.setAttribute('type', 'radio')
radio.setAttribute('class', 'member')
radio.setAttribute('name', 'member')
radio.setAttribute('id', memberId)
radio.setAttribute('value', index)
radio.setAttribute('data-party', selectedParty)
radio.setAttribute('data-index', index)
const label = document.createElement('label')
label.setAttribute('for', memberId)
label.setAttribute('class', 'member')
label.setAttribute('title', member['namn'])
const uppdragString = member["uppdrag"].join(", ")
label.append(member['namn']+" ("+uppdragString+")")
// Select the first option.
if (index == 0) label.click();
// Return focus to the selected party
// On selecting a member,
// set placeholders for recipient information.
this.memberSelector.addEventListener('input', () => {
const recipient = this.recipient
setPlaceholder('recipient__party', this.getPartyName(recipient['parti']))
setPlaceholder('recipient__name', recipient['namn'])
setPlaceholder('recipient__epostadress', recipient['epostadress'])
get subject () {
Get selected subject.
const subjectInput = document.querySelector('.options__subject input:checked')
const subjectLabel = document.querySelector(`.options__subject label[for="${subjectInput.id}"]`)
return subjectLabel.innerText
get senderName () {
Get sender name.
return document.getElementById('sender__name').value
generateOutput () {
Generate subject and body for E-mail.
const recipient = this.recipient
// Don't generate email if recipient is not selected.
if (!recipient) return;
if (!this.senderName) return;
// Set subject
const subject = document.getElementById('output__subject')
subject.innerText = this.subject
// Set body
const body = document.getElementById('output__body')
let bodyContents = ""
for (const options of document.querySelectorAll('.options__body input:checked + label')) {
bodyContents += `${options.innerText.trim()}\n\n`;
body.innerText = bodyContents.trim()
// Set mailto-link
const email = document.getElementById('output__email')
const emailAddress = recipient['epostadress']
email.innerText = emailAddress
const encodedSubject = encodeURIComponent(this.subject)
const encodedBody = encodeURIComponent(bodyContents)
const mailto = document.getElementById('output__mailto')
const mailtoURL = `mailto:${emailAddress}?subject=${encodedSubject}&body=${encodedBody}`
mailto.setAttribute('href', mailtoURL)
async function load_mep_data() {
const response = await fetch(politicians_data_path);
const result = await response.json();
return result;