update argument with regard to the eprivacy derogation
This commit is contained in:
@ -220,9 +220,20 @@ An approach that focusses on quality instead of quantity is needed.
<h2 id="expired_law">Without the updated legislation it will become illegal again to scan user's data</h2>
<h2 id="expired_law">Without the updated legislation it will become illegal again to scan user's data</h2>
The platforms will continue to have the option and duty to delete illegal content that they are aware of even without chatcontrol.
Correct. This is because of the
This is true for both, the old chatcontrol regulation and the new chatcontrol proposal.
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPrivacy_Regulation">ePrivacy Regulation</a>,
Platform providers are and will still be able to use their own terms and conditions to allow them to scan data on their platform as they see fit.
which protects digital communications in the EU</a>.
This protection is meaningful and valuable.
Chatcontrol violates the ePrivacy Regulation and that is why the EU commission has issued a
<a href="https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2021/662598/EPRS_STU(2021)662598_EN.pdf">temporary derogation</a>
to legalize Chatcontrol version 1 (i.e. it makes voluntary scanning for CSAM legal in the EU).
Chatcontrol version 2 wants to make this temporary derogation permanent and it wants to make the scanning mandatory.</p>
Our private communication deserves protection
and it should be respected as an actual private matter that the government may not spy on.
The expiry of the derogation will be a good and reasonable thing,
because our private communication is only the buisiness of the intended recipients.
<h2 id="absolutely_necessary">Scanning will only happen when absolutely necessary</h2>
<h2 id="absolutely_necessary">Scanning will only happen when absolutely necessary</h2>
Reference in a new issue