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Chat Control: Your private messages will be scanned

The EU commission has proposed a new law to protect children against abuse😇. The cause is good, but the law itself is bad🤔, because it requires that online services with messaging functionality have to be surveilled🧐 if there is a possibility for children👶 to use the service or if users could potentially use the service to exchange child abuse material📲. This will affect many communication services and it will mean that your communication will be scanned📳, because all users of regular communication services will be treated as suspects for child abuse👮.

Learn more about Chat Control and why it is a bad idea by watching our interactive film on the left.

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Whan can be done against this proposed law?😇 It is important that more people know about it📣. Share the link to this page! Chat with others about it and talk with your representatives in the European Parliament🇪🇺 about it (or write a nice e-mail to them). It is important that there is a public discussion about this topic🗨, so that politicians realise that the law is a bad idea🙀 even though this is for a good cause😾

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