make newest event current

Also delete the event in January which did not take place
This commit is contained in:
om 2022-04-07 09:47:25 +00:00
parent a7a75bea30
commit c0ea0e006f
1 changed files with 1 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
- danish_title: "Lørdag d. 8. januar (<em>aflyst</em>)"
danish_text: "Aflyst pga. corona"
english_title: "Saturday January 8 (<em>cancelled</em>)"
english_text: "Cancelled due to the high covid-19 incidence"
time: "13:00-17:00"
current: false
- danish_title: "Lørdag d. 12. februar"
danish_text: "Vi sidder i <strong>Fairbar</strong>. Kom og drik god kaffe med os og lær at sikre dit privatliv på det vilde web!"
english_title: "Saturday February 12"
@ -21,4 +15,4 @@
english_title: "Saturday April 9"
english_text: "We'll be at <strong>Fairbar</strong>, as usual. Come join us, drink a cup of good coffee and learn how to protect your privacy!"
time: "13:00-17:00"
current: false
current: true