[![Moleculer](https://badgen.net/badge/Powered%20by/Moleculer/0e83cd)](https://moleculer.services) # redplateaus This is a [Moleculer](https://moleculer.services/)-based microservices project. Generated with the [Moleculer CLI](https://moleculer.services/docs/0.14/moleculer-cli.html). ## Usage Start the project with `npm run dev` command. After starting, open the http://localhost:3000/ URL in your browser. On the welcome page you can test the generated services via API Gateway and check the nodes & services. In the terminal, try the following commands: - `nodes` - List all connected nodes. - `actions` - List all registered service actions. - `call greeter.hello` - Call the `greeter.hello` action. - `call greeter.welcome --name John` - Call the `greeter.welcome` action with the `name` parameter. - `call products.list` - List the products (call the `products.list` action). ## Services - **api**: API Gateway services - **greeter**: Sample service with `hello` and `welcome` actions. - **products**: Sample DB service. To use with MongoDB, set `MONGO_URI` environment variables and install MongoDB adapter with `npm i moleculer-db-adapter-mongo`. ## Mixins - **db.mixin**: Database access mixin for services. Based on [moleculer-db](https://github.com/moleculerjs/moleculer-db#readme) ## Useful links * Moleculer website: https://moleculer.services/ * Moleculer Documentation: https://moleculer.services/docs/0.14/ ## NPM scripts - `npm run dev`: Start development mode (load all services locally with hot-reload & REPL) - `npm run start`: Start production mode (set `SERVICES` env variable to load certain services) - `npm run cli`: Start a CLI and connect to production. Don't forget to set production namespace with `--ns` argument in script - `npm run lint`: Run ESLint - `npm run ci`: Run continuous test mode with watching - `npm test`: Run tests & generate coverage report - `npm run dc:up`: Start the stack with Docker Compose - `npm run dc:down`: Stop the stack with Docker Compose