
693 lines
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2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
(* the wire protocol - length prepended binary data *)
(* each message (on all channels) is prefixed by a common header:
- length (16 bit) spanning the message (excluding the 8 bytes header)
- id (16 bit) unique id chosen by sender (for request/reply) - 0 shouldn't be used (reserved for log/console messages which do not correspond to a request)
- version (16 bit) the version used on this channel
- tag (16 bit) the type of message
Version and tag are protocol-specific - the channel between vmm and console
uses different tags and mayuse a different version than between vmm and
client. *)
open Astring
open Vmm_core
type version = [ `WV0 ]
let version_to_int = function
| `WV0 -> 0
let version_of_int = function
| 0 -> Ok `WV0
| _ -> Error (`Msg "unknown wire version")
let version_eq a b = match a, b with
| `WV0, `WV0 -> true
let pp_version ppf v =
Fmt.string ppf (match v with
| `WV0 -> "wire version 0")
type header = {
length : int ;
id : int ;
version : version ;
tag : int ;
open Rresult
open R.Infix
let check_len cs l =
if Cstruct.len cs < l then
Error (`Msg "underflow")
Ok ()
let check_exact cs l =
if Cstruct.len cs = l then
Ok ()
Error (`Msg "bad length")
let empty = Cstruct.create 0
let null cs = if Cstruct.len cs = 0 then Ok () else Error (`Msg "trailing bytes")
let parse_header buf =
let cs = Cstruct.of_string buf in
check_len cs 8 >>= fun () ->
let length = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 0
and id = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 2
and version = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 4
and tag = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 6
version_of_int version >>= fun version ->
Ok { length ; id ; version ; tag }
let create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag } =
let hdr = Cstruct.create 8 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 hdr 0 length ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 hdr 2 id ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 hdr 4 (version_to_int version) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 hdr 6 tag ;
let decode_string cs =
check_len cs 2 >>= fun () ->
let l = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 0 in
check_len cs (2 + l) >>= fun () ->
let str = Cstruct.(to_string (sub cs 2 l)) in
Ok (str, l + 2)
(* external use only *)
let decode_str str =
if String.length str = 0 then
Ok ("", 0)
decode_string (Cstruct.of_string str)
let decode_strings cs =
let rec go acc buf =
if Cstruct.len buf = 0 then
Ok (List.rev acc)
decode_string buf >>= fun (x, l) ->
go (x :: acc) (Cstruct.shift buf l)
go [] cs
let encode_string str =
let l = String.length str in
let cs = Cstruct.create (2 + l) in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 cs 0 l ;
Cstruct.blit_from_string str 0 cs 2 l ;
cs, 2 + l
let encode_strings xs =
( (fun s -> fst (encode_string s)) xs)
let max = Int64.of_int max_int
let min = Int64.of_int min_int
let decode_int ?(off = 0) cs =
let i = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs off in
if i > max then
Error (`Msg "int too big")
else if i < min then
Error (`Msg "int too small")
Ok (Int64.to_int i)
let encode_int i =
let cs = Cstruct.create 8 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 0 (Int64.of_int i) ;
(* TODO: 32 bit system clean *)
let decode_pid cs =
check_len cs 4 >>= fun () ->
let pid = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 0 in
Ok (Int32.to_int pid)
(* TODO: can we do sth more appropriate than raise? *)
let encode_pid pid =
let cs = Cstruct.create 4 in
if Int32.to_int Int32.max_int > pid &&
Int32.to_int Int32.min_int < pid
then begin
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 0 (Int32.of_int pid) ;
end else
invalid_arg "pid too big"
let decode_ptime cs =
check_len cs 16 >>= fun () ->
decode_int cs >>= fun d ->
let ps = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 8 in
Ok (Ptime.v (d, ps))
(* EXPORT only *)
let decode_ts ?(off = 0) buf =
let cs = Cstruct.of_string buf in
let cs = Cstruct.shift cs off in
decode_ptime cs
let encode_ptime ts =
let d, ps = Ptime.(Span.to_d_ps (to_span ts)) in
let cs = Cstruct.create 16 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 0 (Int64.of_int d) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 8 ps ;
let fail_tag = 0xFFFE
let success_tag = 0xFFFF
let may_enc_str = function
| None -> empty, 0
| Some msg -> encode_string msg
let success ?msg id version =
let data, length = may_enc_str msg in
let r =
(create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag = success_tag }) data
Cstruct.to_string r
let fail ?msg id version =
let data, length = may_enc_str msg in
let r =
(create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag = fail_tag }) data
Cstruct.to_string r
module Console = struct
type op =
| Add
| Attach
| Detach
| History
| Data
let encode id version op ?payload nam =
let data, l = encode_string nam in
let length, p =
match payload with
| None -> l, empty
| Some x -> l + Cstruct.len x, x
and tag = op_to_int op
let r =
[ (create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag }) ; data ; p ]
Cstruct.to_string r
let data ?(id = 0) v file ts msg =
let payload =
let ts = encode_ptime ts
and data, _ = encode_string msg
Cstruct.append ts data
encode id v Data ~payload file
let add id v name = encode id v Add name
let attach id v name = encode id v Attach name
let detach id v name = encode id v Detach name
let history id v name since =
let payload = encode_ptime since in
encode id v History ~payload name
module Stats = struct
type op =
| Add
| Remove
| Statistics
| StatReply
let encode id version op ?payload pid =
let pid = encode_pid pid in
let length, p =
match payload with
| None -> 4, empty
| Some x -> 4 + Cstruct.len x, x
and tag = op_to_int op
let r =
Cstruct.concat [ create_header { length ; version ; id ; tag } ; pid ; p ]
Cstruct.to_string r
let encode_rusage ru =
let cs = Cstruct.create (18 * 8) in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 0 (fst ru.utime) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 8 (Int64.of_int (snd ru.utime)) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 16 (fst ru.stime) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 24 (Int64.of_int (snd ru.stime)) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 32 ru.maxrss ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 40 ru.ixrss ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 48 ru.idrss ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 56 ru.isrss ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 64 ru.minflt ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 72 ru.majflt ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 80 ru.nswap ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 88 ru.inblock ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 96 ru.outblock ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 104 ru.msgsnd ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 112 ru.msgrcv ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 120 ru.nsignals ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 128 ru.nvcsw ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 136 ru.nivcsw ;
let decode_rusage cs =
check_exact cs 144 >>= fun () ->
(decode_int ~off:8 cs >>= fun ms ->
Ok (Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 0, ms)) >>= fun utime ->
(decode_int ~off:24 cs >>= fun ms ->
Ok (Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 16, ms)) >>= fun stime ->
let maxrss = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 32
and ixrss = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 40
and idrss = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 48
and isrss = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 56
and minflt = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 64
and majflt = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 72
and nswap = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 80
and inblock = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 88
and outblock = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 96
and msgsnd = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 104
and msgrcv = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 112
and nsignals = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 120
and nvcsw = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 128
and nivcsw = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 136
Ok { utime ; stime ; maxrss ; ixrss ; idrss ; isrss ; minflt ; majflt ;
nswap ; inblock ; outblock ; msgsnd ; msgrcv ; nsignals ; nvcsw ; nivcsw }
let encode_ifdata i =
let name, _ = encode_string in
let cs = Cstruct.create (12 * 8 + 5 * 4) in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 0 i.flags ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 4 i.send_length ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 8 i.max_send_length ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 12 i.send_drops ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 16 i.mtu ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 20 i.baudrate ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 28 i.input_packets ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 36 i.input_errors ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 44 i.output_packets ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 52 i.output_errors ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 60 i.collisions ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 68 i.input_bytes ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 76 i.output_bytes ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 84 i.input_mcast ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 92 i.output_mcast ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 100 i.input_dropped ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 108 i.output_dropped ;
Cstruct.append name cs
let decode_ifdata buf =
decode_string buf >>= fun (name, l) ->
check_len buf (l + 116) >>= fun () ->
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let cs = Cstruct.shift buf l in
let flags = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 0
and send_length = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 4
and max_send_length = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 8
and send_drops = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 12
and mtu = Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 16
and baudrate = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 20
and input_packets = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 28
and input_errors = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 36
and output_packets = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 44
and output_errors = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 52
and collisions = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 60
and input_bytes = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 68
and output_bytes = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 76
and input_mcast = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 84
and output_mcast = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 92
and input_dropped = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 100
and output_dropped = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 108
Ok ({ name ; flags ; send_length ; max_send_length ; send_drops ; mtu ;
baudrate ; input_packets ; input_errors ; output_packets ;
output_errors ; collisions ; input_bytes ; output_bytes ; input_mcast ;
output_mcast ; input_dropped ; output_dropped },
l + 116)
let add id v pid taps =
let payload = encode_strings taps in
encode id v Add ~payload pid
let remove id v pid = encode id v Remove pid
let stat id v pid = encode id v Statistics pid
let stat_reply id version payload =
let length = Cstruct.len payload
and tag = op_to_int StatReply
let r =
Cstruct.append (create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag }) payload
Cstruct.to_string r
let encode_int64 i =
let cs = Cstruct.create 8 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 cs 0 i ;
let decode_int64 ?(off = 0) cs =
check_len cs (8 + off) >>= fun () ->
Ok (Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs off)
let encode_vmm_stats xs =
encode_int (List.length xs) ::
( (fun (k, v) -> [ fst (encode_string k) ; encode_int64 v ]) xs)
let decode_vmm_stats cs =
let rec go acc ctr buf =
if ctr = 0 then
Ok (List.rev acc, buf)
decode_string buf >>= fun (str, off) ->
decode_int64 ~off buf >>= fun v ->
go ((str, v) :: acc) (pred ctr) (Cstruct.shift buf (off + 8))
decode_int cs >>= fun stat_num ->
go [] stat_num (Cstruct.shift cs 8)
let encode_stats (ru, vmm, ifd) =
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
(encode_rusage ru ::
encode_vmm_stats vmm @
encode_int (List.length ifd) :: encode_ifdata ifd)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let decode_stats cs =
check_len cs 144 >>= fun () ->
let ru, rest = Cstruct.split cs 144 in
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
decode_rusage ru >>= fun ru ->
decode_vmm_stats rest >>= fun (vmm, rest) ->
let rec go acc ctr buf =
if ctr = 0 then
Ok (List.rev acc, buf)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
decode_ifdata buf >>= fun (this, used) ->
go (this :: acc) (pred ctr) (Cstruct.shift buf used)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
decode_int rest >>= fun num_if ->
go [] num_if (Cstruct.shift rest 8) >>= fun (ifs, _rest) ->
Ok (ru, vmm, ifs)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let decode_pid_taps data =
decode_pid data >>= fun pid ->
decode_strings (Cstruct.shift data 4) >>= fun taps ->
Ok (pid, taps)
module Log = struct
type op =
| Data
| History
let history id version ctx ts =
let tag = op_to_int History in
let nam, _ = encode_string ctx in
let payload = Cstruct.append nam (encode_ptime ts) in
let length = Cstruct.len payload in
let r =
Cstruct.append (create_header { length ; version ; id ; tag }) payload
Cstruct.to_string r
let encode_log_hdr ?(drop_context = false) hdr =
let ts = encode_ptime hdr.Log.ts
and ctx, _ = encode_string (if drop_context then "" else (string_of_id hdr.Log.context))
and name, _ = encode_string
Cstruct.concat [ ts ; ctx ; name ]
let decode_log_hdr cs =
decode_ptime cs >>= fun ts ->
let r = Cstruct.shift cs 16 in
decode_string r >>= fun (ctx, l) ->
let context = id_of_string ctx in
let r = Cstruct.shift r l in
decode_string r >>= fun (name, l) ->
Ok ({ Log.ts ; context ; name }, Cstruct.shift r l)
let encode_addr ip port =
let cs = Cstruct.create 6 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint32 cs 0 (Ipaddr.V4.to_int32 ip) ;
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 cs 4 port ;
let decode_addr cs =
check_len cs 6 >>= fun () ->
let ip = Ipaddr.V4.of_int32 (Cstruct.BE.get_uint32 cs 0)
and port = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 4
Ok (ip, port)
let encode_vm (pid, taps, block) =
let cs = encode_pid pid in
let bl, _ = encode_string (match block with None -> "" | Some x -> x) in
let taps = encode_strings taps in
Cstruct.concat [ cs ; bl ; taps ]
let decode_vm cs =
decode_pid cs >>= fun pid ->
let r = Cstruct.shift cs 4 in
decode_string r >>= fun (block, l) ->
let block = if block = "" then None else Some block in
decode_strings (Cstruct.shift r l) >>= fun taps ->
Ok (pid, taps, block)
let encode_pid_exit pid c =
let r, c = match c with
| `Exit n -> 0, n
| `Signal n -> 1, n
| `Stop n -> 2, n
let cs = Cstruct.create 1 in
Cstruct.set_uint8 cs 0 r ;
let pid = encode_pid pid
and code = encode_int c
Cstruct.concat [ pid ; cs ; code ]
let decode_pid_exit cs =
check_len cs 13 >>= fun () ->
decode_pid cs >>= fun pid ->
let r = Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 4 in
let code = Cstruct.shift cs 5 in
decode_int code >>= fun c ->
(match r with
| 0 -> Ok (`Exit c)
| 1 -> Ok (`Signal c)
| 2 -> Ok (`Stop c)
| _ -> Error (`Msg "couldn't parse exit status")) >>= fun r ->
Ok (pid, r)
let encode_block nam siz =
Cstruct.append (fst (encode_string nam)) (encode_int siz)
let decode_block cs =
decode_string cs >>= fun (nam, l) ->
check_len cs (l + 8) >>= fun () ->
decode_int ~off:l cs >>= fun siz ->
Ok (nam, siz)
let encode_delegate bridges bs =
(fst (encode_string (match bs with None -> "" | Some x -> x)))
(encode_strings bridges)
let decode_delegate buf =
decode_string buf >>= fun (bs, l) ->
let bs = if bs = "" then None else Some bs in
decode_strings (Cstruct.shift buf l) >>= fun bridges ->
Ok (bridges, bs)
let encode_event ev =
let tag, data = match ev with
| `Startup -> 0, empty
| `Login (ip, port) -> 1, encode_addr ip port
| `Logout (ip, port) -> 2, encode_addr ip port
| `VM_start vm -> 3, encode_vm vm
| `VM_stop (pid, c) -> 4, encode_pid_exit pid c
| `Block_create (nam, siz) -> 5, encode_block nam siz
| `Block_destroy nam -> 6, fst (encode_string nam)
| `Delegate (bridges, bs) -> 7, encode_delegate bridges bs
let cs = Cstruct.create 2 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint16 cs 0 tag ;
Cstruct.append cs data
let decode_event cs =
check_len cs 2 >>= fun () ->
let data = Cstruct.(shift cs 2) in
match Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 0 with
| 0 -> Ok `Startup
| 1 -> decode_addr data >>= fun addr -> Ok (`Login addr)
| 2 -> decode_addr data >>= fun addr -> Ok (`Logout addr)
| 3 -> decode_vm data >>= fun vm -> Ok (`VM_start vm)
| 4 -> decode_pid_exit data >>= fun ex -> Ok (`VM_stop ex)
| 5 -> decode_block data >>= fun bl -> Ok (`Block_create bl)
| 6 -> decode_string data >>= fun (nam, _) -> Ok (`Block_destroy nam)
| 7 -> decode_delegate data >>= fun d -> Ok (`Delegate d)
| x -> R.error_msgf "couldn't parse event type %d" x
let data id version hdr event =
let hdr = encode_log_hdr hdr
and ev = encode_event event
let payload = Cstruct.append hdr ev in
let length = Cstruct.len payload
and tag = op_to_int Data
let r =
Cstruct.append (create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag }) payload
Cstruct.to_string r
module Client = struct
let cmd_to_int = function
| `Info -> 0
| `Destroy_image -> 1
| `Create_block -> 2
| `Destroy_block -> 3
| `Statistics -> 4
| `Attach -> 5
| `Detach -> 6
| `Log -> 7
and cmd_of_int = function
| 0 -> Some `Info
| 1 -> Some `Destroy_image
| 2 -> Some `Create_block
| 3 -> Some `Destroy_block
| 4 -> Some `Statistics
| 5 -> Some `Attach
| 6 -> Some `Detach
| 7 -> Some `Log
| _ -> None
let console_msg_tag = 0xFFF0
let log_msg_tag = 0xFFF1
let stat_msg_tag = 0xFFF2
let info_msg_tag = 0xFFF3
let cmd ?arg it id version =
let pay, length = may_enc_str arg
and tag = cmd_to_int it
let hdr = create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag } in
Cstruct.(to_string (append hdr pay))
let log hdr event version =
let payload =
(Log.encode_log_hdr ~drop_context:true hdr)
(Log.encode_event event)
let length = Cstruct.len payload in
let r =
(create_header { length ; id = 0 ; version ; tag = log_msg_tag })
Cstruct.to_string r
let stat data id version =
let length = String.length data in
let hdr = create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag = stat_msg_tag } in
Cstruct.to_string hdr ^ data
let console off name payload version =
let name = match List.rev (id_of_string name) with
| leaf::_ -> leaf
| [] -> "none"
let nam, l = encode_string name in
let payload, length =
let p' = Astring.String.drop ~max:off payload in
p', l + String.length p'
let hdr =
create_header { length ; id = 0 ; version ; tag = console_msg_tag }
Cstruct.(to_string (append hdr nam)) ^ payload
let encode_vm name vm =
let name, _ = encode_string name
and cs, _ = encode_string (Bos.Cmd.to_string vm.cmd)
and pid = encode_pid
and taps = encode_strings vm.taps
let tapc = encode_int (Cstruct.len taps) in
let r = Cstruct.concat [ name ; cs ; pid ; tapc ; taps ] in
Cstruct.to_string r
let info data id version =
let length = String.length data in
let hdr = create_header { length ; id ; version ; tag = info_msg_tag } in
Cstruct.to_string hdr ^ data
let decode_vm cs =
decode_string cs >>= fun (name, l) ->
decode_string (Cstruct.shift cs l) >>= fun (cmd, l') ->
decode_pid (Cstruct.shift cs (l + l')) >>= fun pid ->
decode_int ~off:(l + l' + 4) cs >>= fun tapc ->
let taps = Cstruct.sub cs (l + l' + 12) tapc in
decode_strings taps >>= fun taps ->
Ok ((name, cmd, pid, taps), Cstruct.shift cs (l + l' + 12 + tapc))
let decode_info data =
let rec go acc buf =
if Cstruct.len buf = 0 then
Ok (List.rev acc)
decode_vm buf >>= fun (vm, rest) ->
go (vm :: acc) rest
go [] (Cstruct.of_string data)
let decode_stat data =
Stats.decode_stats (Cstruct.of_string data)
let decode_log data =
let cs = Cstruct.of_string data in
Log.decode_log_hdr cs >>= fun (hdr, rest) ->
Log.decode_event rest >>= fun event ->
Ok (hdr, event)
let decode_console data =
let cs = Cstruct.of_string data in
decode_string cs >>= fun (name, l) ->
decode_ptime (Cstruct.shift cs l) >>= fun ts ->
decode_string (Cstruct.shift cs (l + 16)) >>= fun (line, _) ->
Ok (name, ts, line)