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2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
open Vmm_core
open Rresult
open Astring
module Oid = struct
open Asn.OID
let m = base 1 3 <| 6 <| 1 <| 4 <| 1 <| 49836 <| 42
let version = m <| 0
(* used only in CA certs *)
let vms = m <| 1
let bridges = m <| 2
let block = m <| 3
let cpuids = m <| 4
(* TODO: embed host URL (well, or use common name / SubjectAlternativeName with IP, and static port?) *)
(* used in both CA and VM certs, also for block_create *)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let memory = m <| 5
(* used only in VM certs *)
let cpuid = m <| 6
let network = m <| 7
let block_device = m <| 8
let vmimage = m <| 9
let argv = m <| 10
(* used in leaf certs *)
let command = m <| 42
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
(* used in CRL certs *)
let crl = m <| 43
let command : command Asn.t =
let alist = [
0, `Info ;
1, `Create_vm ;
2, `Force_create_vm ;
3, `Destroy_vm ;
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
4, `Statistics ;
5, `Console ;
6, `Log ;
7, `Crl ;
8, `Create_block ;
9, `Destroy_block ;
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let rev = (fun (k, v) -> (v, k)) alist in
Asn.S.enumerated (fun i -> List.assoc i alist) (fun k -> List.assoc k rev)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
open Rresult.R.Infix
let guard p err = if p then Ok () else Error err
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let decode_strict codec cs =
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
match Asn.decode codec cs with
| Ok (a, cs) ->
guard (Cstruct.len cs = 0) (`Msg "trailing bytes") >>= fun () ->
Ok a
| Error (`Parse msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let projections_of asn =
let c = Asn.codec Asn.der asn in
(decode_strict c, Asn.encode c)
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
let int_of_cstruct, int_to_cstruct = projections_of
let ints_of_cstruct, ints_to_cstruct = projections_of Asn.S.(sequence_of int)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let ipv4 =
let f cs = Ipaddr.V4.of_bytes_exn (Cstruct.to_string cs)
and g ip = Cstruct.of_string (Ipaddr.V4.to_bytes ip)
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00 f g Asn.S.octet_string
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let bridge =
let f = function
| `C1 nam -> `Internal nam
| `C2 (nam, s, e, r, n) -> `External (nam, s, e, r, n)
and g = function
| `Internal nam -> `C1 nam
| `External (nam, s, e, r, n) -> `C2 (nam, s, e, r, n)
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00 f g @@
(explicit 0 utf8_string)
(explicit 1 (sequence5
(required ~label:"name" utf8_string)
(required ~label:"start" ipv4)
(required ~label:"end" ipv4)
(required ~label:"router" ipv4)
(required ~label:"netmask" int))))
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let bridges_of_cstruct, bridges_to_cstruct =
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
projections_of (Asn.S.sequence_of bridge)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let strings_of_cstruct, strings_to_cstruct =
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
projections_of Asn.S.(sequence_of utf8_string)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
let string_of_cstruct, string_to_cstruct = projections_of Asn.S.utf8_string
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let policy_obj =
let f (cpuids, vms, memory, block, bridges) =
let bridges = match bridges with
| xs ->
let add m v =
let n = match v with `Internal n -> n | `External (n, _, _, _, _) -> n in
String.Map.add n v m
List.fold_left add String.Map.empty xs
and cpuids = IS.of_list cpuids
{ vms ; cpuids ; memory ; block ; bridges }
and g policy =
(IS.elements policy.cpuids, policy.vms, policy.memory, policy.block,
snd @@ List.split @@ String.Map.bindings policy.bridges)
in f g @@
(required ~label:"cpuids" Asn.S.(sequence_of int))
(required ~label:"vms" int)
(required ~label:"memory" int)
(optional ~label:"block" int)
(required ~label:"bridges" Asn.S.(sequence_of bridge)))
let policy_of_cstruct, policy_to_cstruct =
let c = Asn.codec Asn.der policy_obj in
((fun cs -> match Asn.decode c cs with
| Ok x -> Ok x
| Error (`Parse msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)),
Asn.encode c)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let image =
let f = function
2018-09-21 20:31:04 +00:00
| `C1 x -> `Hvt_amd64, x
| `C2 x -> `Hvt_arm64, x
| `C3 x -> `Hvt_amd64_compressed, x
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
and g = function
2018-09-21 20:31:04 +00:00
| `Hvt_amd64, x -> `C1 x
| `Hvt_arm64, x -> `C2 x
| `Hvt_amd64_compressed, x -> `C3 x
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00 f g @@
2018-03-18 18:07:14 +00:00
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
(explicit 0 octet_string)
2018-03-18 18:07:14 +00:00
(explicit 1 octet_string)
(explicit 2 octet_string))
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let image_of_cstruct, image_to_cstruct = projections_of image
let command_of_cstruct, command_to_cstruct = projections_of command
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let req label cert oid f =
match X509.Extension.unsupported cert oid with
2017-12-20 22:06:51 +00:00
| None -> R.error_msgf "OID %s not present (%a)" label Asn.OID.pp oid
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
| Some (_, data) -> f data
let opt cert oid f =
match X509.Extension.unsupported cert oid with
| None -> Ok None
| Some (_, data) -> f data >>| fun s -> Some s
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
type version = [ `AV0 | `AV1 | `AV2 ]
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let version_of_int = function
| 0 -> Ok `AV0
| 1 -> Ok `AV1
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
| 2 -> Ok `AV2
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
| _ -> Error (`Msg "couldn't parse version")
let version_to_int = function
| `AV0 -> 0
| `AV1 -> 1
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
| `AV2 -> 2
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let pp_version ppf v = ppf
(match v with
| `AV0 -> 0
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
| `AV1 -> 1
| `AV2 -> 2)
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let version_eq a b =
match a, b with
| `AV0, `AV0 -> true
| `AV1, `AV1 -> true
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
| `AV2, `AV2 -> true
| _ -> false
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let version_to_cstruct v = int_to_cstruct (version_to_int v)
let version_of_cstruct cs =
int_of_cstruct cs >>= fun v ->
version_of_int v
let version_of_cert version cert =
req "version" cert Oid.version version_of_cstruct >>= fun version' ->
if version_eq version version' then
Ok ()
R.error_msgf "unsupported asn version %a (expected %a)"
pp_version version' pp_version version
2018-10-12 18:34:00 +00:00
let policy_of_cert version cert =
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
version_of_cert version cert >>= fun () ->
req "cpuids" cert Oid.cpuids ints_of_cstruct >>= fun cpuids ->
req "memory" cert Oid.memory int_of_cstruct >>= fun memory ->
opt cert Oid.block int_of_cstruct >>= fun block ->
req "vms" cert Oid.vms int_of_cstruct >>= fun vms ->
opt cert Oid.bridges bridges_of_cstruct >>= fun bridges ->
let bridges = match bridges with
| None -> String.Map.empty
| Some xs ->
let add m v =
let n = match v with `Internal n -> n | `External (n, _, _, _, _) -> n in
String.Map.add n v m
List.fold_left add String.Map.empty xs
and cpuids = IS.of_list cpuids
Ok { vms ; cpuids ; memory ; block ; bridges }
let contains_vm cert =
match X509.Extension.unsupported cert Oid.vmimage with
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true
let contains_crl cert =
match X509.Extension.unsupported cert Oid.crl with
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true
let crl_of_cert cert =
let crl cs = match X509.Encoding.crl_of_cstruct cs with
| None -> Error (`Msg "couldn't parse revocation list")
| Some x -> Ok x
req "crl" cert Oid.crl crl
let vm_of_cert prefix cert =
req "cpuid" cert Oid.cpuid int_of_cstruct >>= fun cpuid ->
req "memory" cert Oid.memory int_of_cstruct >>= fun requested_memory ->
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
opt cert Oid.block_device string_of_cstruct >>= fun block_device ->
opt cert strings_of_cstruct >>= fun network ->
req "vmimage" cert Oid.vmimage image_of_cstruct >>= fun vmimage ->
opt cert Oid.argv strings_of_cstruct >>= fun argv ->
let network = match network with None -> [] | Some x -> x in
2018-10-22 22:54:05 +00:00
Ok { cpuid ; requested_memory ; block_device ; network ; vmimage ; argv }
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let command_of_cert version cert =
version_of_cert version cert >>= fun () ->
req "command" cert Oid.command command_of_cstruct
let block_device_of_cert version cert =
version_of_cert version cert >>= fun () ->
req "block-device" cert Oid.block_device string_of_cstruct
let block_size_of_cert version cert =
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
version_of_cert version cert >>= fun () ->
req "block-size" cert Oid.memory int_of_cstruct
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
(* communication protocol *)
type console_cmd = [
| `Console_add
| `Console_subscribe
| `Console_data of Ptime.t * string
let pp_console_cmd ppf = function
| `Console_add -> Fmt.string ppf "console add"
| `Console_subscribe -> Fmt.string ppf "console subscribe"
| `Console_data (ts, line) -> ppf "console data %a: %s"
(Ptime.pp_rfc3339 ()) ts line
let console_cmd =
let f = function
| `C1 () -> `Console_add
| `C2 () -> `Console_subscribe
| `C3 (timestamp, data) -> `Console_data (timestamp, data)
and g = function
| `Console_add -> `C1 ()
| `Console_subscribe -> `C2 ()
| `Console_data (timestamp, data) -> `C3 (timestamp, data)
in f g @@
(explicit 0 null)
(explicit 1 null)
(explicit 2 (sequence2
(required ~label:"timestamp" utc_time)
(required ~label:"data" utf8_string))))
(* TODO is this good? *)
let int64 =
let f cs = Cstruct.BE.get_uint64 cs 0
and g data =
let buf = Cstruct.create 8 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 buf 0 data ;
in f g Asn.S.octet_string
let timeval =
(required ~label:"seconds" int64)
(required ~label:"microseconds" int))
let ru =
let f (utime, (stime, (maxrss, (ixrss, (idrss, (isrss, (minflt, (majflt, (nswap, (inblock, (outblock, (msgsnd, (msgrcv, (nsignals, (nvcsw, nivcsw))))))))))))))) =
{ utime ; stime ; maxrss ; ixrss ; idrss ; isrss ; minflt ; majflt ; nswap ; inblock ; outblock ; msgsnd ; msgrcv ; nsignals ; nvcsw ; nivcsw }
and g ru =
(ru.utime, (ru.stime, (ru.maxrss, (ru.ixrss, (ru.idrss, (ru.isrss, (ru.minflt, (ru.majflt, (ru.nswap, (ru.inblock, (ru.outblock, (ru.msgsnd, (ru.msgrcv, (ru.nsignals, (ru.nvcsw, ru.nivcsw)))))))))))))))
in f g @@
Asn.S.(sequence @@
(required ~label:"utime" timeval)
@ (required ~label:"stime" timeval)
@ (required ~label:"maxrss" int64)
@ (required ~label:"ixrss" int64)
@ (required ~label:"idrss" int64)
@ (required ~label:"isrss" int64)
@ (required ~label:"minflt" int64)
@ (required ~label:"majflt" int64)
@ (required ~label:"nswap" int64)
@ (required ~label:"inblock" int64)
@ (required ~label:"outblock" int64)
@ (required ~label:"msgsnd" int64)
@ (required ~label:"msgrcv" int64)
@ (required ~label:"nsignals" int64)
@ (required ~label:"nvcsw" int64)
-@ (required ~label:"nivcsw" int64))
(* TODO is this good? *)
let int32 =
let f i = Int32.of_int i
and g i = Int32.to_int i
in f g
let ifdata =
let f (name, (flags, (send_length, (max_send_length, (send_drops, (mtu, (baudrate, (input_packets, (input_errors, (output_packets, (output_errors, (collisions, (input_bytes, (output_bytes, (input_mcast, (output_mcast, (input_dropped, output_dropped))))))))))))))))) =
{ name; flags; send_length; max_send_length; send_drops; mtu; baudrate; input_packets; input_errors; output_packets; output_errors; collisions; input_bytes; output_bytes; input_mcast; output_mcast; input_dropped; output_dropped }
and g i =
(, (i.flags, (i.send_length, (i.max_send_length, (i.send_drops, (i.mtu, (i.baudrate, (i.input_packets, (i.input_errors, (i.output_packets, (i.output_errors, (i.collisions, (i.input_bytes, (i.output_bytes, (i.input_mcast, (i.output_mcast, (i.input_dropped, i.output_dropped)))))))))))))))))
in f g @@
Asn.S.(sequence @@
(required ~label:"name" utf8_string)
@ (required ~label:"flags" int32)
@ (required ~label:"send_length" int32)
@ (required ~label:"max_send_length" int32)
@ (required ~label:"send_drops" int32)
@ (required ~label:"mtu" int32)
@ (required ~label:"baudrate" int64)
@ (required ~label:"input_packets" int64)
@ (required ~label:"input_errors" int64)
@ (required ~label:"output_packets" int64)
@ (required ~label:"output_errors" int64)
@ (required ~label:"collisions" int64)
@ (required ~label:"input_bytes" int64)
@ (required ~label:"output_bytes" int64)
@ (required ~label:"input_mcast" int64)
@ (required ~label:"output_mcast" int64)
@ (required ~label:"input_dropped" int64)
-@ (required ~label:"output_dropped" int64))
type stats_cmd = [
| `Stats_add of int * string list
| `Stats_remove
| `Stats_subscribe
| `Stats_data of rusage * (string * int64) list * ifdata list
let pp_stats_cmd ppf = function
| `Stats_add (pid, taps) -> ppf "stats add: pid %d taps %a" pid Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) taps
| `Stats_remove -> Fmt.string ppf "stat remove"
| `Stats_subscribe -> Fmt.string ppf "stat subscribe"
| `Stats_data (ru, vmm, ifs) -> ppf "stats data: %a %a %a"
pp_rusage ru
pp_vmm vmm
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.@.") pp_ifdata) ifs
let stats_cmd =
let f = function
| `C1 (pid, taps) -> `Stats_add (pid, taps)
| `C2 () -> `Stats_remove
| `C3 () -> `Stats_subscribe
| `C4 (ru, vmm, ifdata) ->
let vmm = match vmm with None -> [] | Some vmm -> vmm
and ifdata = match ifdata with None -> [] | Some ifs -> ifs
`Stats_data (ru, vmm, ifdata)
and g = function
| `Stats_add (pid, taps) -> `C1 (pid, taps)
| `Stats_remove -> `C2 ()
| `Stats_subscribe -> `C3 ()
| `Stats_data (ru, vmm, ifdata) ->
let vmm = match vmm with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs
and ifs = match ifdata with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs
`C4 (ru, vmm, ifs)
in f g @@
(explicit 0 (sequence2
(required ~label:"pid" int)
(required ~label:"taps" (sequence_of utf8_string))))
(explicit 1 null)
(explicit 2 null)
(explicit 3 (sequence3
(required ~label:"resource_usage" ru)
(optional ~label:"vmm_stats" @@ explicit 0
(sequence_of (sequence2
(required ~label:"key" utf8_string)
(required ~label:"value" int64))))
(optional ~label:"ifdata" @@ explicit 1
(sequence_of ifdata)))))
let addr =
(required ~label:"ip" ipv4)
(required ~label:"port" int))
let log_event =
let f = function
| `C1 () -> `Startup
| `C2 (ip, port) -> `Login (ip, port)
| `C3 (ip, port) -> `Logout (ip, port)
| `C4 (pid, taps, block) -> `VM_start (pid, taps, block)
| `C5 (pid, status) ->
let status' = match status with
| `C1 n -> `Exit n
| `C2 n -> `Signal n
| `C3 n -> `Stop n
`VM_stop (pid, status')
and g = function
| `Startup -> `C1 ()
| `Login (ip, port) -> `C2 (ip, port)
| `Logout (ip, port) -> `C3 (ip, port)
| `VM_start (pid, taps, block) -> `C4 (pid, taps, block)
| `VM_stop (pid, status) ->
let status' = match status with
| `Exit n -> `C1 n
| `Signal n -> `C2 n
| `Stop n -> `C3 n
`C5 (pid, status')
in f g @@
(explicit 0 null)
(explicit 1 addr)
(explicit 2 addr)
(explicit 3 (sequence3
(required ~label:"pid" int)
(required ~label:"taps" (sequence_of utf8_string))
(optional ~label:"block" utf8_string)))
(explicit 4 (sequence2
(required ~label:"pid" int)
(required ~label:"status" (choice3
(explicit 0 int)
(explicit 1 int)
(explicit 2 int))))))
type log_cmd = [
| `Log_data of Ptime.t * Log.event
| `Log_subscribe
let pp_log_cmd ppf = function
| `Log_data (ts, event) -> ppf "log data: %a %a" (Ptime.pp_rfc3339 ()) ts Log.pp_event event
| `Log_subscribe -> Fmt.string ppf "log subscribe"
let log_cmd =
let f = function
| `C1 (timestamp, event) -> `Log_data (timestamp, event)
| `C2 () -> `Log_subscribe
and g = function
| `Log_data (timestamp, event) -> `C1 (timestamp, event)
| `Log_subscribe -> `C2 ()
in f g @@
(explicit 0 (sequence2
(required ~label:"timestamp" utc_time)
(required ~label:"event" log_event)))
(explicit 1 null))
type vm_cmd = [
| `Vm_info
| `Vm_create of vm_config
| `Vm_force_create of vm_config
| `Vm_destroy
let pp_vm_cmd ppf = function
| `Vm_info -> Fmt.string ppf "vm info"
| `Vm_create vm_config -> ppf "create %a" pp_vm_config vm_config
| `Vm_force_create vm_config -> ppf "force create %a" pp_vm_config vm_config
| `Vm_destroy -> Fmt.string ppf "vm destroy"
let vm_config =
let f (cpuid, requested_memory, block_device, network, vmimage, argv) =
let network = match network with None -> [] | Some xs -> xs in
2018-10-22 22:54:05 +00:00
{ cpuid ; requested_memory ; block_device ; network ; vmimage ; argv }
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
and g vm =
let network = match with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs in
(vm.cpuid, vm.requested_memory, vm.block_device, network, vm.vmimage, vm.argv)
in f g @@
(required ~label:"cpu" int)
(required ~label:"memory" int)
(optional ~label:"block" utf8_string)
(optional ~label:"bridges" (sequence_of utf8_string))
(required ~label:"vmimage" image)
(optional ~label:"arguments" (sequence_of utf8_string)))
let vm_cmd =
let f = function
| `C1 () -> `Vm_info
| `C2 vm -> `Vm_create vm
| `C3 vm -> `Vm_force_create vm
| `C4 () -> `Vm_destroy
and g = function
| `Vm_info -> `C1 ()
| `Vm_create vm -> `C2 vm
| `Vm_force_create vm -> `C3 vm
| `Vm_destroy -> `C4 ()
in f g @@
(explicit 0 null)
(explicit 1 vm_config)
(explicit 2 vm_config)
(explicit 3 null))
type policy_cmd = [
| `Policy_info
| `Policy_add of policy
| `Policy_remove
let pp_policy_cmd ppf = function
| `Policy_info -> Fmt.string ppf "policy info"
| `Policy_add policy -> ppf "add policy: %a" pp_policy policy
| `Policy_remove -> Fmt.string ppf "policy remove"
let policy_cmd =
let f = function
| `C1 () -> `Policy_info
| `C2 policy -> `Policy_add policy
| `C3 () -> `Policy_remove
and g = function
| `Policy_info -> `C1 ()
| `Policy_add policy -> `C2 policy
| `Policy_remove -> `C3 ()
in f g @@
(explicit 0 null)
(explicit 1 policy_obj)
(explicit 2 null))
let version =
let f data = match version_of_int data with
| Ok v -> v
| Error (`Msg m) -> Asn.S.error (`Parse m)
and g = version_to_int
in f g
type wire_command = [
| `Console_cmd of console_cmd
| `Stats_cmd of stats_cmd
| `Log_cmd of log_cmd
| `Vm_cmd of vm_cmd
| `Policy_cmd of policy_cmd
let pp_wire_command ppf = function
| `Console_cmd c -> pp_console_cmd ppf c
| `Stats_cmd s -> pp_stats_cmd ppf s
| `Log_cmd l -> pp_log_cmd ppf l
| `Vm_cmd v -> pp_vm_cmd ppf v
| `Policy_cmd p -> pp_policy_cmd ppf p
let wire_command : wire_command Asn.S.t =
let f = function
| `C1 console -> `Console_cmd console
| `C2 stats -> `Stats_cmd stats
| `C3 log -> `Log_cmd log
| `C4 vm -> `Vm_cmd vm
| `C5 policy -> `Policy_cmd policy
and g = function
| `Console_cmd c -> `C1 c
| `Stats_cmd c -> `C2 c
| `Log_cmd c -> `C3 c
| `Vm_cmd c -> `C4 c
| `Policy_cmd c -> `C5 c
in f g @@
(explicit 0 console_cmd)
(explicit 1 stats_cmd)
(explicit 2 log_cmd)
(explicit 3 vm_cmd)
(explicit 4 policy_cmd))
type header = {
version : version ;
sequence : int64 ;
id : id ;
let header =
let f (version, sequence, id) = { version ; sequence ; id }
and g h = h.version, h.sequence,
in f g @@
(required ~label:"version" version)
(required ~label:"sequence" int64)
(required ~label:"id" (sequence_of utf8_string)))
2018-10-22 23:02:14 +00:00
type success = [ `Empty | `String of string | `Policies of (id * policy) list | `Vms of (id * vm_config) list ]
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
let pp_success ppf = function
| `Empty -> Fmt.string ppf "success"
| `String data -> ppf "success: %s" data
2018-10-22 23:02:14 +00:00
| `Policies ps -> Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") pp_id pp_policy)) ppf ps
| `Vms vms -> Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") pp_id pp_vm_config)) ppf vms
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
type wire = header * [
| `Command of wire_command
| `Success of success
| `Failure of string ]
let pp_wire ppf (header, data) =
let id = in
match data with
| `Command c -> ppf "host %a: %a" pp_id id pp_wire_command c
| `Failure f -> ppf "host %a: command failed %s" pp_id id f
| `Success s -> ppf "host %a: %a" pp_id id pp_success s
let wire =
let f (header, payload) =
match payload with
| `C1 cmd -> `Command cmd
| `C2 data ->
let p = match data with
| `C1 () -> `Empty
| `C2 str -> `String str
| `C3 policies -> `Policies policies
| `C4 vms -> `Vms vms
`Success p
| `C3 str -> `Failure str
and g (header, payload) =
match payload with
| `Command cmd -> `C1 cmd
| `Success data ->
let p = match data with
| `Empty -> `C1 ()
| `String s -> `C2 s
| `Policies ps -> `C3 ps
| `Vms vms -> `C4 vms
`C2 p
| `Failure str -> `C3 str
in f g @@
(required ~label:"header" header)
(required ~label:"payload"
(explicit 0 wire_command)
(explicit 1 (choice4
(explicit 0 null)
(explicit 1 utf8_string)
2018-10-22 23:02:14 +00:00
(explicit 2 (sequence_of
(required ~label:"name" (sequence_of utf8_string))
(required ~label:"policy" policy_obj))))
(explicit 3 (sequence_of
(required ~label:"name" (sequence_of utf8_string))
(required ~label:"vm_config" vm_config))))))
2018-10-22 21:20:00 +00:00
(explicit 2 utf8_string))))
let wire_of_cstruct, wire_to_cstruct = projections_of wire
type log_entry = header * Ptime.t * Log.event
let log_entry =
(required ~label:"headet" header)
(required ~label:"timestamp" utc_time)
(required ~label:"event" log_event))
let log_entry_of_cstruct, log_entry_to_cstruct = projections_of log_entry