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2018-10-23 22:13:47 +00:00
(* (c) 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
2018-10-25 14:55:54 +00:00
open Rresult
2018-10-23 22:10:08 +00:00
open Rresult.R.Infix
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
2018-10-28 00:03:27 +00:00
(* we skip all non-albatross certificates *)
let cert_name cert =
match X509.Extension.unsupported cert Vmm_asn.oid with
| None -> Ok None
| Some (_, data) ->
let name = X509.common_name_to_string cert in
if name = "" then
match Vmm_asn.cert_extension_of_cstruct data with
| Error (`Msg _) -> Error (`Msg "couldn't parse albatross extension")
| Ok (_, `Policy_cmd pc) ->
begin match pc with
| `Policy_add _ -> Error (`Msg "policy add may not have an empty name")
| `Policy_remove -> Error (`Msg "policy remove may not have an empty name")
| `Policy_info -> Ok None
| Ok (_, `Block_cmd bc) ->
begin match bc with
| `Block_add _ -> Error (`Msg "block add may not have an empty name")
| `Block_remove -> Error (`Msg "block remove may not have an empty name")
| `Block_info -> Ok None
| _ -> Ok None
else Ok (Some name)
2018-10-28 00:03:27 +00:00
let name chain =
List.fold_left (fun acc cert ->
match acc, cert_name cert with
| Error e, _ -> Error e
| _, Error e -> Error e
| Ok acc, Ok None -> Ok acc
| Ok acc, Ok (Some data) -> Vmm_core.Name.prepend data acc)
(Ok Vmm_core.Name.root) chain >>= fun lbl ->
if List.length (Vmm_core.Name.to_list lbl) < 10 then
Ok lbl
Error (`Msg "too deep")
2018-10-25 14:55:54 +00:00
(* this separates the leaf and top-level certificate from the chain,
and also reverses the intermediates (to be (leaf, CA -> subCA -> subCA')
in which subCA' signed leaf *)
let separate_chain = function
| [] -> Error (`Msg "empty chain")
| [ leaf ] -> Ok (leaf, [])
| leaf :: xs -> Ok (leaf, List.rev xs)
let wire_command_of_cert version cert =
match X509.Extension.unsupported cert Vmm_asn.oid with
| None -> Error `Not_present
2018-10-25 14:55:54 +00:00
| Some (_, data) ->
match Vmm_asn.cert_extension_of_cstruct data with
| Error (`Msg p) -> Error (`Parse p)
| Ok (v, wire) ->
if not (Vmm_commands.version_eq v version) then
Error (`Version v)
Ok wire
2017-05-26 14:30:34 +00:00
let extract_policies version chain =
List.fold_left (fun acc cert ->
match acc, wire_command_of_cert version cert with
| Error e, _ -> Error e
| Ok acc, Error `Not_present -> Ok acc
| Ok _, Error (`Parse msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
| Ok _, Error (`Version received) ->
R.error_msgf "unexpected version %a (expected %a)"
Vmm_commands.pp_version received
Vmm_commands.pp_version version
| Ok (prefix, acc), Ok (`Policy_cmd (`Policy_add p)) ->
(cert_name cert >>= function
| None -> Ok prefix
| Some x -> Vmm_core.Name.prepend x prefix) >>| fun name ->
(name, (name, p) :: acc)
| _, Ok wire ->
R.error_msgf "unexpected wire %a" Vmm_commands.pp wire)
(Ok (Vmm_core.Name.root, [])) chain
2018-11-23 19:28:33 +00:00
let handle version chain =
2018-10-28 00:03:27 +00:00
separate_chain chain >>= fun (leaf, rest) ->
name chain >>= fun name ->
2018-10-23 22:10:08 +00:00
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "leaf is %s, chain %a"
(X509.common_name_to_string leaf)
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit " -> ") string)
2018-10-28 00:03:27 +00:00
( X509.common_name_to_string rest)) ;
extract_policies version rest >>= fun (_, policies) ->
2018-10-23 22:10:08 +00:00
(* TODO: logging let login_hdr, login_ev = Log.hdr name, `Login addr in *)
match wire_command_of_cert version leaf with
| Error (`Parse p) -> Error (`Msg p)
| Error (`Not_present) ->
Error (`Msg "leaf certificate does not contain an albatross extension")
| Error (`Version received) ->
R.error_msgf "unexpected version %a (expected %a)"
Vmm_commands.pp_version received
Vmm_commands.pp_version version
| Ok wire ->
(* we only allow some commands via certificate *)
match wire with
| `Console_cmd (`Console_subscribe _)
| `Stats_cmd `Stats_subscribe
| `Log_cmd (`Log_subscribe _)
2018-11-13 00:02:05 +00:00
| `Unikernel_cmd _
| `Policy_cmd `Policy_info -> Ok (name, policies, wire)
| _ -> Error (`Msg "unexpected command")