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let asn_version = `AV1
let handle_single_revocation t prefix serial =
let id = identifier serial in
(match Vmm_resources.find t.resources (prefix @ [ id ]) with
| None -> ()
| Some e -> Vmm_resources.iter Vmm_unix.destroy e) ;
(* also revoke all active sessions!? *)
(* TODO: maybe we need a vmm_resources like structure for sessions as well!? *)
let log_attached, kill =
let pid = string_of_id prefix in
match String.Map.find pid t.log_attached with
| None -> t.log_attached, []
| Some xs ->
(* those where snd v = serial: drop *)
let drop, keep = List.partition (fun (_, s) -> String.equal s id) xs in
String.Map.add pid keep t.log_attached, drop
(* two things:
1 revoked LEAF certs need to go (k = prefix, snd v = serial) [see above]
2 revoked CA certs need to wipe subtree (all entries where k starts with prefix @ serial) *)
let log_attached, kill =
String.Map.fold (fun k' v (l, k) ->
if is_sub_id ~super:(prefix@[id]) ~sub:(id_of_string k') then
(l, v @ k)
(String.Map.add k' v l, k))
(String.Map.empty, kill)
let state, out =
List.fold_left (fun (s, out) (t, _) ->
let s', out' = handle_disconnect s t in
s', out @ out')
({ t with log_attached }, [])
(state, (fun x -> `Raw x) out, fst kill)
let handle_revocation t s leaf chain ca prefix =
Vmm_asn.crl_of_cert leaf >>= fun crl ->
(* verify data (must be signed by the last cert of the chain (or cacert if chain is empty))! *)
let issuer = match chain with
| subca::_ -> subca
| [] -> ca
let time = () in
(if X509.CRL.verify crl ~time issuer then Ok () else Error (`Msg "couldn't verify CRL")) >>= fun () ->
(* the this_update must be > now, next_update < now, this_update > <local>.this_update, number > <local>.number *)
(* TODO: can we have something better for uniqueness of CRL? *)
let local = try Some (List.find (fun crl -> X509.CRL.verify crl issuer) t.crls) with Not_found -> None in
(match local with
| None -> Ok ()
| Some local -> match X509.CRL.crl_number local, X509.CRL.crl_number crl with
| None, _ -> Ok ()
| Some _, None -> Error (`Msg "CRL number not present")
| Some x, Some y -> if y > x then Ok () else Error (`Msg "CRL number not increased")) >>= fun () ->
(* filename should be whatever_dir / crls / <id> *)
let filename = Fpath.(dbdir / "crls" / string_of_id prefix) in
Bos.OS.File.delete filename >>= fun () ->
Bos.OS.File.write filename (Cstruct.to_string (X509.Encoding.crl_to_cstruct crl)) >>= fun () ->
(* remove crl with same issuer from crls, and inject this one into state *)
let crls =
match local with
| None -> crl :: t.crls
| Some _ -> crl :: List.filter (fun c -> c <> crl) t.crls
(* iterate over revoked serials, find active resources, and kill them *)
let newly_revoked =
let old = match local with
| Some x -> (fun rc -> rc.X509.CRL.serial) (X509.CRL.revoked_certificates x)
| None -> []
let new_rev = (fun rc -> rc.X509.CRL.serial) (X509.CRL.revoked_certificates crl) in
List.filter (fun n -> not (List.mem n old)) new_rev
let t, out, close =
List.fold_left (fun (t, out, close) serial ->
let t', out', close' = handle_single_revocation t prefix serial in
(t', out @ out', close @ close'))
(t, [], []) newly_revoked
let tls_out = Vmm_wire.success ~msg:"updated revocation list" 0 t.client_version in
Ok ({ t with crls }, `Tls (s, tls_out) :: out, `Close close)
let handle_initial t s addr chain ca =
separate_chain chain >>= fun (leaf, chain) ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "leaf is %s, chain %a"
(X509.common_name_to_string leaf)
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "->") string)
( X509.common_name_to_string chain)) ;
(* TODO here: inspect top-level-cert of chain.
may need to create bridges and/or block device subdirectory (zfs create) *)
let prefix = id chain in
let login_hdr, login_ev = Log.hdr prefix (id leaf), `Login addr in
let t, out = log t (login_hdr, login_ev) in
let initial_out = `Tls (s, Vmm_wire.Client.log login_hdr login_ev t.client_version) in
Vmm_asn.permissions_of_cert asn_version leaf >>= fun perms ->
(if (List.mem `Create perms || List.mem `Force_create perms) && Vmm_asn.contains_vm leaf then
(* convert certificate to vm_config *)
Vmm_asn.vm_of_cert prefix leaf >>= fun vm_config ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "vm %a" pp_vm_config vm_config) ;
(* get names and static resources *)
List.fold_left (fun acc ca ->
acc >>= fun acc ->
Vmm_asn.delegation_of_cert asn_version ca >>= fun res ->
let name = id ca in
Ok ((name, res) :: acc))
(Ok []) chain >>= fun policies ->
(* check static policies *)
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "now checking static policies") ;
check_policies vm_config ( snd policies) >>= fun () ->
let t, task =
let force = List.mem `Force_create perms in
if force then
let fid = vm_id vm_config in
match String.Map.find fid t.tasks with
| None -> t, None
| Some task ->
let kill () =
match Vmm_resources.find_vm t.resources (fullname vm_config) with
| None ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "found a task, but no vm for %a (%s)"
pp_id (fullname vm_config) fid)
| Some vm ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "killing %a now" pp_vm vm) ;
Vmm_unix.destroy vm
let tasks = String.Map.remove fid t.tasks in
({ t with tasks }, Some (kill, task))
t, None
let next t sleeper =
handle_create t vm_config policies >>= fun cont ->
let id = vm_id vm_config in
let cons = Vmm_wire.Console.add t.console_counter t.console_version id in
let tasks = String.Map.add id sleeper t.tasks in
Ok ({ t with console_counter = succ t.console_counter ; tasks },
[ `Raw (t.console_socket, cons) ],
Ok (t, [], `Create (task, next))
else if List.mem `Crl perms && Vmm_asn.contains_crl leaf then
handle_revocation t s leaf chain ca prefix
let log_attached =
if cmd_allowed perms Log then
let pre = string_of_id prefix in
let v = match String.Map.find pre t.log_attached with
| None -> []
| Some xs -> xs
String.Map.add pre ((s, id leaf) :: v) t.log_attached
Ok ({ t with log_attached }, [], `Loop (prefix, perms))
) >>= fun (t, outs, res) ->
Ok (t, initial_out :: out @ outs, res)