tls endpoint

This commit is contained in:
Hannes Mehnert 2018-10-23 00:12:06 +02:00
parent f939ff5a58
commit 0441b8ab25
3 changed files with 37 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
open Lwt.Infix
let my_version = `AV2
let command = ref 0L
let pp_sockaddr ppf = function
| Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX str -> ppf "unix domain socket %s" str
| Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> ppf "TCP %s:%d"
@ -38,11 +42,10 @@ let read fd tls =
(* now we busy read and process output *)
let rec loop () =
Vmm_lwt.read_wire fd >>= function
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while reading %s" msg) ; loop ()
| Error _ -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "exception while reading"))
| Ok (hdr, data) ->
let full = Cstruct.append (Vmm_wire.encode_header hdr) data in
Vmm_tls.write_tls tls full >>= function
| Ok wire ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "read proxying %a" Vmm_asn.pp_wire wire) ;
Vmm_tls.write_tls tls wire >>= function
| Ok () -> loop ()
| Error `Exception -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "exception"))
@ -50,11 +53,10 @@ let read fd tls =
let process fd tls =
Vmm_lwt.read_wire fd >>= function
| Error (`Msg m) -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg m))
| Error _ -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "read error"))
| Ok (hdr, data) ->
let full = Cstruct.append (Vmm_wire.encode_header hdr) data in
Vmm_tls.write_tls tls full >|= function
| Ok wire ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "proxying %a" Vmm_asn.pp_wire wire) ;
Vmm_tls.write_tls tls wire >|= function
| Ok () -> Ok ()
| Error `Exception -> Error (`Msg "exception on write")
@ -62,10 +64,15 @@ let handle ca (tls, addr) =
client_auth ca tls addr >>= fun chain ->
match Vmm_x509.handle addr chain with
| Error (`Msg m) -> Lwt.fail_with m
| Ok cmd ->
let sock, next, cmd = Vmm_commands.handle cmd in
| Ok (name, cmd) ->
let sock, next = Vmm_commands.handle cmd in
connect (Vmm_core.socket_path sock) >>= fun fd ->
Vmm_lwt.write_wire fd cmd >>= function
let wire =
let header = Vmm_asn.{version = my_version ; sequence = !command ; id = name } in
command := Int64.succ !command ;
(header, `Command cmd)
Vmm_lwt.write_wire fd wire >>= function
| Error `Exception -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "couldn't write"))
| Ok () ->
(match next with

View File

@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ let () =
Pkg.bin "app/vmmd" ;
Pkg.bin "app/vmm_console" ;
Pkg.bin "app/vmm_log" ;
(* Pkg.bin "app/vmm_client" ;
Pkg.bin "app/vmm_tls_endpoint" ; *)
(* Pkg.bin "app/vmm_client" ; *)
Pkg.bin "app/vmm_tls_endpoint" ;
Pkg.bin "app/vmmc" ;
(* Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_req_command" ;
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_req_command" ;
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_req_delegation" ;
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_req_vm" ;
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_sign" ;
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_revoke" ;
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_gen_ca" ; *)
Pkg.bin "provision/vmm_gen_ca" ;
(* Pkg.clib "stats/libvmm_stats_stubs.clib" ; *)
Pkg.bin "stats/vmm_stats_lwt" ;
Pkg.bin "app/vmm_influxdb_stats" ;

View File

@ -29,24 +29,25 @@ let handle _addr chain =
may need to create bridges and/or block device subdirectory (zfs create) *)
(* let login_hdr, login_ev = Log.hdr name, `Login addr in *)
Vmm_asn.command_of_cert asn_version leaf >>= function
| `Info -> Ok (`Info name)
| `Info -> Ok (name, `Vm_cmd `Vm_info)
| `Create_vm ->
(* TODO: update acl *)
Vmm_asn.vm_of_cert prefix leaf >>| fun vm_config ->
`Create_vm vm_config
(name, `Vm_cmd (`Vm_create vm_config))
| `Force_create_vm ->
(* TODO: update acl *)
Vmm_asn.vm_of_cert prefix leaf >>| fun vm_config ->
`Force_create_vm vm_config
| `Destroy_vm -> Ok (`Destroy_vm name)
| `Statistics -> Ok (`Statistics name)
| `Console -> Ok (`Console name)
| `Log -> Ok (`Log name)
| `Crl -> Ok `Crl
| `Create_block ->
Vmm_asn.block_device_of_cert asn_version leaf >>= fun block_name ->
(name, `Vm_cmd (`Vm_force_create vm_config))
| `Destroy_vm -> Ok (name, `Vm_cmd `Vm_destroy)
| `Statistics -> Ok (name, `Stats_cmd `Stats_subscribe)
| `Console -> Ok (name, `Console_cmd `Console_subscribe)
| `Log -> Ok (name, `Log_cmd `Log_subscribe)
| `Crl -> assert false
| `Create_block -> assert false
(* Vmm_asn.block_device_of_cert asn_version leaf >>= fun block_name ->
Vmm_asn.block_size_of_cert asn_version leaf >>| fun block_size ->
`Create_block (block_name, block_size)
| `Destroy_block ->
Vmm_asn.block_device_of_cert asn_version leaf >>| fun block_name ->
`Create_block (block_name, block_size) *)
| `Destroy_block -> assert false
(* Vmm_asn.block_device_of_cert asn_version leaf >>| fun block_name ->
`Destroy_block block_name