restart on failure

This commit is contained in:
Hannes Mehnert 2019-10-11 01:10:33 +02:00
parent f81a12bc4d
commit 58c3490782
12 changed files with 262 additions and 181 deletions

View File

@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ let info_ _ endp cert key ca name =
let destroy _ endp cert key ca name =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Unikernel_cmd `Unikernel_destroy)
let create _ endp cert key ca force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression with
let create _ endp cert key ca force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail with
| Ok cmd -> jump endp cert key ca name (`Unikernel_cmd cmd)
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ let create_cmd =
`P "Creates a virtual machine."]
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 9)),
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 9 $ restart_on_fail)), "create" ~doc ~man
let console_cmd =

View File

@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ let info_ _ opt_socket name =
let destroy _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket name (`Unikernel_cmd `Unikernel_destroy)
let create _ opt_socket force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression with
let create _ opt_socket force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail with
| Ok cmd -> jump opt_socket name (`Unikernel_cmd cmd)
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ let create_cmd =
`P "Creates a virtual machine."]
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ socket $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 0)),
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ socket $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 0 $ restart_on_fail)), "create" ~doc ~man
let console_cmd =

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ let setup_log style_renderer level =
Logs.set_level level;
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ~dst:Format.std_formatter ())
let create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block_devices bridges compression =
let create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block_devices bridges compression restart_on_fail =
let open Rresult.R.Infix in (Fpath.v image) >>| fun image ->
let image = match compression with
@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ let create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block_devices bridges compression =
let img = Vmm_compress.compress ~level image in
`Hvt_amd64_compressed, Cstruct.of_string img
and argv = match argv with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs
and fail_behaviour = if restart_on_fail then `Restart else `Quit
let config = Unikernel.{ cpuid ; memory ; block_devices ; bridges ; argv ; image } in
let config = Unikernel.{ cpuid ; memory ; block_devices ; bridges ; argv ; image ; fail_behaviour } in
if force then `Unikernel_force_create config else `Unikernel_create config
let policy vms memory cpus block bridges =
@ -236,6 +237,10 @@ let net =
let doc = "Network device names" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info [ "net" ] ~doc)
let restart_on_fail =
let doc = "Restart on fail" in
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "restart-on-fail" ] ~doc)
let timestamp_c =
let parse s = match Ptime.of_rfc3339 s with
| Ok (t, _, _) -> `Ok t

View File

@ -10,38 +10,86 @@ let version = `AV3
let state = ref (Vmm_vmmd.init version)
let create stat_out log_out cons_out data_out cons succ_cont fail_cont =
let stub_hdr = Vmm_commands.{ version ; sequence = 0L ; name = Name.root }
let stub_data_out _ = Lwt.return_unit
- handle_create only prepares the unikernel (fifo, image file)
-> IO console about fifo
- only the succ_cont later commits this (to resources)
--> there's a brief period
let create_lock = Lwt_mutex.create ()
let rec create stat_out log_out cons_out data_out hdr name config =
(match Vmm_vmmd.handle_create !state hdr name config with
| Error `Msg msg ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "failed to create %a: %s" Name.pp name msg) ;
Lwt.return (None, (hdr, `Failure msg))
| Ok (state', `Create (cons, succ_cont, fail_cont)) ->
state := state';
cons_out "create" cons >>= function
| Error () ->
let data = fail_cont () in
data_out data
| Error () -> Lwt.return (None, fail_cont ())
| Ok () -> match succ_cont !state with
| Error (`Msg msg) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "create (exec) failed %s" msg) ;
let data = fail_cont () in
data_out data
Lwt.return (None, fail_cont ())
| Ok (state', stat, log, data, name, vm) ->
state := state' ;
state := state';
(match Unikernel.(vm.config.fail_behaviour) with
| `Quit -> ()
| `Restart ->
match Vmm_vmmd.register_restart !state name Lwt.task with
| None -> ()
| Some (state', task) ->
state := state';
Lwt.async (fun () ->
task >>= function
| (`Signal _ | `Stop _) as r ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unikernel %a exited with signal %a"
Name.pp name pp_process_exit r);
| `Exit i ->
(* results:
normal exit (i.e. teardown) is 0
solo5-exit allows an arbitrary int
solo5-abort emits 255
solo5 internal error (bad image, bad manigest) is 1
ocaml exceptions (out of memory et al) use 2
-> soon (4.10) they'll abort == 255
signal 11 is if a kill -TERM was sent (i.e. our destroy)
--> best: user-provided list of which exit codes to restart on
(and filter 1 specially)
match i with
| 1 -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "solo5 exit failure"); Lwt.return_unit
| _ -> (fun m -> m "solo5 exited with %d, restarting" i);
Lwt_mutex.with_lock create_lock (fun () ->
create stat_out log_out cons_out stub_data_out
stub_hdr name vm.Unikernel.config)));
stat_out "setting up stat" stat >>= fun () ->
log_out "setting up log" log >|= fun () ->
(Some vm, data)) >>= fun (started, data) ->
(match started with
| None -> ()
| Some vm ->
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Vmm_lwt.wait_and_clear >>= fun r ->
Lwt_mutex.with_lock create_lock (fun () ->
let state', stat', log' = Vmm_vmmd.handle_shutdown !state name vm r in
state := state' ;
state := state';
stat_out "handle shutdown stat" stat' >>= fun () ->
log_out "handle shutdown log" log' >|= fun () ->
let state', waiter_opt = Vmm_vmmd.waiter !state name in
state := state' ;
(match waiter_opt with
state := state';
waiter_opt) >|= function
| None -> ()
| Some wakeme -> Lwt.wakeup wakeme ())) ;
stat_out "setting up stat" stat >>= fun () ->
log_out "setting up log" log >>= fun () ->
| Some wakeme -> Lwt.wakeup wakeme r));
data_out data
let register who header =
match Vmm_vmmd.register !state who Lwt.task with
| None -> Error (header, `Failure "task already registered")
| Some (state', task) -> state := state' ; Ok task
let handle log_out cons_out stat_out fd addr =
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "connection from %a" Vmm_lwt.pp_sockaddr addr) ;
(* now we need to read a packet and handle it
@ -69,49 +117,40 @@ let handle log_out cons_out stat_out fd addr =
| Ok wire ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "read %a" Vmm_commands.pp_wire wire) ;
Lwt_mutex.lock create_lock >>= fun () ->
match Vmm_vmmd.handle_command !state wire with
| Error wire -> out wire
| Error wire -> Lwt_mutex.unlock create_lock; out wire
| Ok (state', next) ->
state := state' ;
match next with
| `Loop wire -> out wire >>= loop
| `End wire -> out wire
| `Create (cons, succ, fail) ->
create stat_out log_out cons_out out cons succ fail
| `Loop wire -> Lwt_mutex.unlock create_lock; out wire >>= loop
| `End wire -> Lwt_mutex.unlock create_lock; out wire
| `Create (hdr, id, vm) ->
create stat_out log_out cons_out out hdr id vm >|= fun () ->
Lwt_mutex.unlock create_lock
| `Wait (who, data) ->
(match register who (fst wire) with
| Error data' -> out data'
| Ok task ->
task >>= fun () ->
out data)
| `Wait_and_create (who, next) ->
(match register who (fst wire) with
| Error data -> out data
| Ok task ->
task >>= fun () ->
match next !state with
| Error data -> out data
| Ok (state', `Create (cons, succ, fail)) ->
state := state' ;
create stat_out log_out cons_out out cons succ fail)
let state', task = Vmm_vmmd.register !state who Lwt.task in
state := state';
Lwt_mutex.unlock create_lock;
task >>= fun r ->
out (data r)
| `Wait_and_create (who, (hdr, id, vm)) ->
let state', task = Vmm_vmmd.register !state who Lwt.task in
state := state';
Lwt_mutex.unlock create_lock;
task >>= fun r -> (fun m -> m "wait returned %a" pp_process_exit r);
Lwt_mutex.with_lock create_lock (fun () ->
create stat_out log_out cons_out out hdr id vm)
loop () >>= fun () ->
Vmm_lwt.safe_close fd
let connect_client_socket sock =
let name = socket_path sock in
Vmm_lwt.connect Lwt_unix.PF_UNIX (Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX name) >|= function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (x, Lwt_mutex.create ())
let write_reply name (fd, mut) txt (header, cmd) =
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "locking to write to %s" name) ;
Lwt_mutex.with_lock mut (fun () ->
let write_reply name fd txt (header, cmd) =
Vmm_lwt.write_wire fd (header, cmd) >>= function
| Error `Exception -> invalid_arg ("exception during " ^ txt ^ " while writing to " ^ name)
| Ok () -> Vmm_lwt.read_wire fd) >|= fun r ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "unlocking, wrote and read %s" name) ;
match r with
| Ok () ->
Vmm_lwt.read_wire fd >|= function
| Ok (header', reply) ->
if not Vmm_commands.(version_eq header.version header'.version) then begin
Logs.err (fun m -> m "%s: wrong version (got %a, expected %a) in reply from %s"
@ -125,8 +164,8 @@ let write_reply name (fd, mut) txt (header, cmd) =
txt header'.Vmm_commands.sequence header.Vmm_commands.sequence name) ;
invalid_arg "wrong sequence number received"
end else begin
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "%s: received valid reply from %s %a"
txt name Vmm_commands.pp_wire (header', reply)) ;
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "%s: received valid reply from %s %a (request %a)"
txt name Vmm_commands.pp_wire (header', reply) Vmm_commands.pp_wire (header,cmd)) ;
match reply with
| `Success _ -> Ok ()
| `Failure msg ->
@ -148,9 +187,12 @@ let jump _ influx =
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "bailing out: %s" msg)
| Ok old_unikernels ->
(init_influx "albatross" influx;
(let unix_connect s =
Vmm_lwt.connect Lwt_unix.PF_UNIX (Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX (socket_path s))
init_influx "albatross" influx;
Vmm_lwt.server_socket `Vmmd >>= fun ss ->
(connect_client_socket `Log >|= function
(unix_connect `Log >|= function
| None -> invalid_arg "cannot connect to log socket"
| Some l -> l) >>= fun l ->
let self_destruct_mutex = Lwt_mutex.create () in
@ -166,10 +208,10 @@ let jump _ influx =
Vmm_lwt.safe_close ss)
Sys.(set_signal sigterm (Signal_handle (fun _ -> Lwt.async self_destruct)));
(connect_client_socket `Console >|= function
(unix_connect `Console >|= function
| None -> invalid_arg "cannot connect to console socket"
| Some c -> c) >>= fun c ->
connect_client_socket `Stats >>= fun s ->
unix_connect `Stats >>= fun s ->
let log_out txt wire = write_reply "log" l txt wire >|= fun _ -> ()
and cons_out = write_reply "cons" c
@ -178,19 +220,9 @@ let jump _ influx =
| Some s -> write_reply "stat" s txt wire >|= fun _ -> ()
let start_unikernel (name, config) =
let hdr = Vmm_commands.{ version ; sequence = 0L ; name = Name.root }
and data_out _ = Lwt.return_unit
match Vmm_vmmd.handle_create !state hdr name config with
| Error (`Msg msg) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "failed to restart %a: %s" Name.pp name msg) ;
| Ok (state', `Create (cons, succ, fail)) ->
state := state' ;
create stat_out log_out cons_out data_out cons succ fail
Lwt_list.iter_p start_unikernel (Vmm_trie.all old_unikernels) >>= fun () ->
Lwt_list.iter_p (fun (name, config) ->
create stat_out log_out cons_out stub_data_out stub_hdr name config)
(Vmm_trie.all old_unikernels) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
let rec loop () =

View File

@ -73,13 +73,16 @@ messages [
add path 'vmm/solo5*' mode 0660 group albatross
* start TLS endpoint via inetd on port 1025, add to /etc/inetd.conf:
blackjack stream tcp nowait albatross /usr/local/libexec/albatross/alabtross_tls_inetd albatross_tls_inetd /usr/local/etc/albatross/cacert.pem /usr/local/etc/albatross/server.pem /usr/local/etc/albatross/server.key
* start TLS endpoint on port 1025 (blackjack), put cacert.pem, server.pem
and server.key into /usr/local/etc/albatross, add this to /etc/inetd.conf:
and add cacert.pem server.pem and server.key to /usr/local/etc/albatross
blackjack stream tcp nowait albatross \
/usr/local/libexec/albatross/alabtross_tls_inetd albatross_tls_inetd \
/usr/local/etc/albatross/cacert.pem \
/usr/local/etc/albatross/server.pem \
* install solo5-hvt.block solo5-hvt.block-net solo5-hvt.none
in /var/db/albatross
* install solo5-hvt in /var/db/albatross

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ let info_ _ name = jump name (`Unikernel_cmd `Unikernel_info)
let destroy _ name =
jump name (`Unikernel_cmd `Unikernel_destroy)
let create _ force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression with
let create _ force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail with
| Ok cmd -> jump name (`Unikernel_cmd cmd)
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let create_cmd =
`P "Creates a virtual machine."]
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 9)),
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 9 $ restart_on_fail)), "create" ~doc ~man
let console_cmd =

View File

@ -282,27 +282,40 @@ let log_cmd = f g @@
Asn.S.(sequence (single (optional ~label:"since" utc_time)))
let fail_behaviour =
let f = function
| `C1 () -> `Quit
| `C2 () -> `Restart
and g = function
| `Quit -> `C1 ()
| `Restart -> `C2 ()
in f g @@
(explicit 0 null)
(explicit 1 null))
let unikernel_config =
let open Unikernel in
let f (image, cpuid, memory, blocks, bridges, argv) =
let f (fail_behaviour, (image, (cpuid, (memory, (blocks, (bridges, argv)))))) =
let bridges = match bridges with None -> [] | Some xs -> xs
and block_devices = match blocks with None -> [] | Some xs -> xs
{ cpuid ; memory ; block_devices ; bridges ; image ; argv }
{ cpuid ; memory ; block_devices ; bridges ; image ; argv ; fail_behaviour }
and g vm =
let bridges = match vm.bridges with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs
and blocks = match vm.block_devices with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs
(vm.image, vm.cpuid, vm.memory, blocks, bridges, vm.argv)
(vm.fail_behaviour, (vm.image, (vm.cpuid, (vm.memory, (blocks, (bridges, vm.argv))))))
in f g @@
(required ~label:"image" image)
(required ~label:"cpu" int)
(required ~label:"memory" int)
(optional ~label:"blocks" (explicit 0 (sequence_of utf8_string)))
(optional ~label:"bridges" (explicit 1 (sequence_of utf8_string)))
(optional ~label:"arguments"(explicit 2 (sequence_of utf8_string))))
Asn.S.(map f g @@ sequence @@
(required ~label:"fail behaviour" (explicit 3 fail_behaviour))
@ (required ~label:"image" image)
@ (required ~label:"cpu" int)
@ (required ~label:"memory" int)
@ (optional ~label:"blocks" (explicit 0 (sequence_of utf8_string)))
@ (optional ~label:"bridges" (explicit 1 (sequence_of utf8_string)))
-@ (optional ~label:"arguments"(explicit 2 (sequence_of utf8_string))))
let unikernel_cmd =
let f = function

View File

@ -158,6 +158,11 @@ module Unikernel = struct
| `Hvt_amd64_compressed -> ppf "hvt-amd64-compressed"
| `Hvt_arm64 -> ppf "hvt-arm64"
type fail_behaviour = [ `Quit | `Restart ]
let pp_fail_behaviour ppf f =
Fmt.string ppf (match f with `Quit -> "quit" | `Restart -> "restart")
type config = {
cpuid : int ;
memory : int ;
@ -165,6 +170,7 @@ module Unikernel = struct
bridges : string list ;
image : typ * Cstruct.t ;
argv : string list option ;
fail_behaviour : fail_behaviour;
let pp_image ppf (typ, blob) =
@ -172,7 +178,8 @@ module Unikernel = struct ppf "%a: %d bytes" pp_typ typ l
let pp_config ppf (vm : config) = ppf "cpu %d, %d MB memory, block devices %a@ bridge %a, image %a, argv %a" ppf "fail behaviour %a, cpu %d, %d MB memory, block devices %a@ bridge %a, image %a, argv %a"
pp_fail_behaviour vm.fail_behaviour
vm.cpuid vm.memory
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) vm.block_devices
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) vm.bridges
@ -280,9 +287,9 @@ end
type process_exit = [ `Exit of int | `Signal of int | `Stop of int ]
let pp_process_exit ppf = function
| `Exit n -> ppf "exit %a (%d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n
| `Signal n -> ppf "signal %a (%d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n
| `Stop n -> ppf "stop %a (%d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n
| `Exit n -> ppf "exit %d" n
| `Signal n -> ppf "signal %a (numeric %d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n
| `Stop n -> ppf "stop %a (numeric %d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n
module Log = struct
type log_event = [

View File

@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ module Unikernel : sig
type typ = [ `Hvt_amd64 | `Hvt_amd64_compressed | `Hvt_arm64 ]
val pp_typ : typ Fmt.t
type fail_behaviour = [ `Quit | `Restart ]
type config = {
cpuid : int;
memory : int;
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ module Unikernel : sig
bridges : string list;
image : typ * Cstruct.t;
argv : string list option;
fail_behaviour : fail_behaviour;
val pp_image : (typ * Cstruct.t) Fmt.t

View File

@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ let read_wire s =
(fun e ->
let err = Printexc.to_string e in
Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception %s while reading" err) ;
Lwt.return (Error `Exception))
safe_close s >|= fun () ->
Error `Exception)
r buf 0 4 >>= function
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error e)
@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ let write_raw s buf =
w (off + n) (l - n))
(fun e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception %s while writing" (Printexc.to_string e)) ;
Lwt.return (Error `Exception))
safe_close s >|= fun () ->
Error `Exception)
(* Logs.debug (fun m -> m "writing %a" Cstruct.hexdump_pp (Cstruct.of_bytes buf)) ; *)
w 0 (Bytes.length buf)

View File

@ -23,8 +23,30 @@ let killall t =
| [] -> false
| vms -> in_shutdown := true ; List.iter Vmm_unix.destroy vms ; true
let remove_resources t name =
let resources = match Vmm_resources.remove_vm t.resources name with
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s while removing vm %a from resources" e Name.pp name) ;
| Ok resources -> resources
{ t with resources }
let dump_unikernels t =
let unikernels = Vmm_trie.all t.resources.Vmm_resources.unikernels in
let trie = List.fold_left (fun t (name, unik) ->
fst @@ Vmm_trie.insert name unik.Unikernel.config t)
Vmm_trie.empty unikernels
let data = Vmm_asn.unikernels_to_cstruct trie in
match Vmm_unix.dump data with
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "failed to dump unikernels: %s" msg)
| Ok () -> (fun m -> m "dumped current state")
let waiter t id =
let t = remove_resources t id in
let name = Name.to_string id in
if not !in_shutdown then dump_unikernels t ;
match String.Map.find name t.waiters with
| None -> t, None
| Some waiter ->
@ -33,11 +55,14 @@ let waiter t id =
let register t id create =
let name = Name.to_string id in
match String.Map.find name t.waiters with
| None ->
let task, waiter = create () in
Some ({ t with waiters = String.Map.add name waiter t.waiters }, task)
| Some _ -> None
{ t with waiters = String.Map.add name waiter t.waiters }, task
let register_restart t id create =
let name = Name.to_string id in
match String.Map.find name t.waiters with
| Some _ -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "restart attempted to overwrite waiter"); None
| _ -> Some (register t id create)
let init wire_version =
let t = {
@ -89,17 +114,6 @@ let restore_unikernels () = (fun m -> m "restored %d unikernels" (List.length (Vmm_trie.all unikernels))) ;
Ok unikernels
let dump_unikernels t =
let unikernels = Vmm_trie.all t.resources.Vmm_resources.unikernels in
let trie = List.fold_left (fun t (name, unik) ->
fst @@ Vmm_trie.insert name unik.Unikernel.config t)
Vmm_trie.empty unikernels
let data = Vmm_asn.unikernels_to_cstruct trie in
match Vmm_unix.dump data with
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "failed to dump unikernels: %s" msg)
| Ok () -> (fun m -> m "dumped current state")
let setup_stats t name vm =
let stat_out =
let name = match Vmm_unix.vm_device vm with
@ -171,14 +185,6 @@ let handle_shutdown t name vm r =
(match Vmm_unix.free_system_resources name vm.Unikernel.taps with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error (`Msg e) -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s while shutdown vm %a" e Unikernel.pp vm)) ;
let resources = match Vmm_resources.remove_vm t.resources name with
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s while removing vm %a from resources" e Unikernel.pp vm) ;
| Ok resources -> resources
let t = { t with resources } in
if not !in_shutdown then dump_unikernels t ;
let t, log_out = log t name (`Unikernel_stop (name,, r)) in
let t, stat_out = remove_stats t name in
(t, stat_out, log_out)
@ -213,7 +219,7 @@ let handle_policy_cmd t reply id = function
| _ ->
Ok (t, `End (reply (`Policies policies)))
let handle_unikernel_cmd t reply header id msg_to_err = function
let handle_unikernel_cmd t reply header id = function
| `Unikernel_info ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "info %a" Name.pp id) ;
let vms =
@ -228,29 +234,37 @@ let handle_unikernel_cmd t reply header id msg_to_err = function
| _ ->
Ok (t, `End (reply (`Unikernels vms)))
| `Unikernel_create vm_config -> handle_create t header id vm_config
| `Unikernel_create vm_config -> Ok (t, `Create (header, id, vm_config))
| `Unikernel_force_create vm_config ->
let resources =
match Vmm_resources.remove_vm t.resources id with
| Error _ -> t.resources
| Ok r -> r
| Error _ -> t.resources | Ok r -> r
Vmm_resources.check_vm resources id vm_config >>= fun () ->
match Vmm_resources.find_vm t.resources id with
| None -> handle_create t header id vm_config
| None -> Ok (t, `Create (header, id, vm_config))
| Some vm ->
Vmm_unix.destroy vm ;
Ok (t, `Wait_and_create
(id, fun t -> msg_to_err @@ handle_create t header id vm_config))
(match Vmm_unix.destroy vm with
| exception Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
| () -> ());
Ok (t, `Wait_and_create (id, (header, id, vm_config)))
| `Unikernel_destroy ->
match Vmm_resources.find_vm t.resources id with
| Some vm ->
Vmm_unix.destroy vm ;
let s = reply (`String "destroyed unikernel") in
Ok (t, `Wait (id, s))
| None -> Error (`Msg "destroy: not found")
| Some vm ->
let answer =
Vmm_unix.destroy vm ; "destroyed unikernel"
Unix.Unix_error _ -> "kill failed"
let s ex =
let data = Fmt.strf "%a %s %a" Name.pp id answer pp_process_exit ex in
reply (`String data)
Ok (t, `Wait (id, s))
let handle_block_cmd t reply id = function
| `Block_remove ->
@ -300,7 +314,7 @@ let handle_command t (header, payload) =
msg_to_err (
match payload with
| `Command (`Policy_cmd pc) -> handle_policy_cmd t reply id pc
| `Command (`Unikernel_cmd vc) -> handle_unikernel_cmd t reply header id msg_to_err vc
| `Command (`Unikernel_cmd vc) -> handle_unikernel_cmd t reply header id vc
| `Command (`Block_cmd bc) -> handle_block_cmd t reply id bc
| _ ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "ignoring %a" Vmm_commands.pp_wire (header, payload)) ;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ val init : Vmm_commands.version -> 'a t
val waiter : 'a t -> Name.t -> 'a t * 'a option
val register : 'a t -> Name.t -> (unit -> 'b * 'a) -> ('a t * 'b) option
val register : 'a t -> Name.t -> (unit -> 'b * 'a) -> ('a t * 'b)
val register_restart : 'a t -> Name.t -> (unit -> 'b * 'a) -> ('a t * 'b) option
type 'a create =
Vmm_commands.wire *
@ -24,11 +26,11 @@ val handle_create : 'a t -> Vmm_commands.header ->
val handle_command : 'a t -> Vmm_commands.wire ->
('a t *
[ `Create of 'a create
[ `Create of Vmm_commands.header * Name.t * Unikernel.config
| `Loop of Vmm_commands.wire
| `End of Vmm_commands.wire
| `Wait of Name.t * Vmm_commands.wire
| `Wait_and_create of Name.t * ('a t -> ('a t * [ `Create of 'a create ], Vmm_commands.wire) result) ],
| `Wait of Name.t * (process_exit -> Vmm_commands.wire)
| `Wait_and_create of Name.t * (Vmm_commands.header * Name.t * Unikernel.config) ],
Vmm_commands.wire) result
val killall : 'a t -> bool