vmm_asn: instead of potentially losing information, be honest and fail if requested to encode older versions of unikernel configuration

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Hannes Mehnert 2020-07-05 20:53:57 +02:00
parent 125711ac6d
commit 5adc2f0a8a
1 changed files with 2 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -356,13 +356,7 @@ let v0_unikernel_config =
and fail_behaviour = `Quit (* TODO maybe set to restart by default :) *)
{ typ ; compressed ; image ; fail_behaviour ; cpuid ; memory ; block_devices ; bridges ; argv }
and g vm =
let network_interfaces = match vm.bridges with [] -> None | xs -> Some (List.map fst xs)
and block_device = match vm.block_devices with [] -> None | x::_ -> Some x
and typ = if vm.compressed then `Hvt_amd64_compressed else `Hvt_amd64
let image = typ, vm.image in
(vm.cpuid, vm.memory, block_device, network_interfaces, image, vm.argv)
and g _vm = failwith "cannot encode v0 unikernel configs"
Asn.S.map f g @@
@ -383,11 +377,7 @@ let v1_unikernel_config =
and block_devices = match blocks with None -> [] | Some xs -> xs
{ typ ; compressed ; image ; fail_behaviour ; cpuid ; memory ; block_devices ; bridges ; argv }
and g vm =
let bridges = match vm.bridges with [] -> None | xs -> Some (List.map fst xs)
and blocks = match vm.block_devices with [] -> None | xs -> Some xs
(vm.typ, (vm.compressed, (vm.image, (vm.fail_behaviour, (vm.cpuid, (vm.memory, (blocks, (bridges, vm.argv))))))))
and g _vm = failwith "cannot encode v1 unikernel configs"
Asn.S.(map f g @@ sequence @@
(required ~label:"typ" typ)