Verify devices with manifest

This commit is contained in:
Reynir Björnsson 2020-11-26 14:43:06 +01:00
parent 33f7b6bcee
commit 5cad5b00ea
3 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,32 @@ let find_string_value k = function
| Some (_, `String value) -> Ok value
| _ -> Rresult.R.error_msgf "couldn't find %s in json dictionary" k
let find_devices x =
let open Rresult in
let device dev =
find_string_value "name" dev >>= fun name ->
find_string_value "type" dev >>= fun typ ->
match typ with
| "BLOCK_BASIC" -> Ok (`Block name)
| "NET_BASIC" -> Ok (`Net name)
| _ -> Rresult.R.error_msgf "unknown device type %s in json" typ
match x with
| `Null | `Bool _ | `Float _ | `String _ | `A _ ->
Rresult.R.error_msg "couldn't find devices in json"
| `O dict ->
match List.find_opt (fun (key, _) -> String.equal key "devices") dict with
| Some (_, `A devices) ->
(fun acc dev ->
acc >>= fun (block_devices, networks) ->
device dev >>= function
| `Block block -> Ok (block :: block_devices, networks)
| `Net net -> Ok (block_devices, (net, None) :: networks))
(Ok ([], [])) devices
| _ -> Rresult.R.error_msg "devices field is not array in json"
let json_of_string src =
let dec d = match Jsonm.decode d with
| `Lexeme l -> l

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@ -201,6 +201,23 @@ let solo5_image_target image =
let solo5_tender = function Spt -> "solo5-spt" | Hvt -> "solo5-hvt"
let solo5_image_devices image =
check_solo5_cmd "solo5-elftool" >>= fun cmd ->
let cmd = Bos.Cmd.(cmd % "query-manifest" % p image) in
Bos.OS.Cmd.(run_out cmd |> out_string |> success) >>= fun s ->
R.error_to_msg ~pp_error:Jsonm.pp_error
(Vmm_json.json_of_string s) >>= fun data ->
Vmm_json.find_devices data
let equal_blocks b1 b2 =
let open Astring in
String.Set.(equal (of_list b1) (of_list b2))
let equal_networks n1 n2 =
let open Astring in
let n1 = fst n1 and n2 = fst n2 in
String.Set.(equal (of_list n1) (of_list n2))
let prepare name vm =
(match vm.Unikernel.typ with
| `Solo5 ->
@ -214,6 +231,11 @@ let prepare name vm =
Bos.OS.File.write filename (Cstruct.to_string image) >>= fun () ->
solo5_image_target filename >>= fun target ->
check_solo5_cmd (solo5_tender target) >>= fun _ ->
solo5_image_devices filename >>= fun (block_devices, networks) ->
(if equal_blocks vm.Unikernel.block_devices block_devices then Ok ()
else R.error_msg "specified block device(s) does not match with manifest") >>= fun () ->
(if equal_networks vm.Unikernel.bridges networks then Ok ()
else R.error_msg "specified bridge(s) does not match with the manifest") >>= fun () ->
let fifo = Name.fifo_file name in
begin match fifo_exists fifo with
| Ok true -> Ok ()

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@ -37,3 +37,6 @@ val dump : ?name:string -> Cstruct.t -> (unit, [> R.msg ]) result
val restore : ?name:string -> unit -> (Cstruct.t, [> R.msg | `NoFile ]) result
val vm_device : Unikernel.t -> (string, [> R.msg ]) result
(* XXX: remove? *)
val solo5_image_devices : Fpath.t -> (string list * (string * string option) list , [> R.msg]) result