- Vmm_console/log/stats do not read multiple times
console_add loops
console_subscribe terminates (a stream of messages is sent)
log data stream loops
log_subscribe terminates (a stream of data is sent)
stat_add loops
stat_remove loops
stat_subscribe terminates (a stream of stats is sent)
terminates means: reads once more, and closes socket after second read returned
loop processes further incoming data
vmmc now has more subcommands
- policy [-n name] returns all policies in name and below
- add_policy [-n name] [--cpu cpuid] [--mem mem] [--bridge bridge] [--block size] adds a policy
- remove [-n name] removes policy at name
policy is just the same which is in vmm_req_delegation, and vmm_resources now check them:
- you cannot insert a subpolicy violating the prefix
- you cannot insert a policy which would forbid current resource usage
- you cannot insert a policy with which any subpolicy would be invalid
- you can adjust (increase/decrease) a policy if the above invariants are kept
implement "force create" directly in vmmd: much nicer to
- check resource constraints,
- kill vm potentially,
- and create a new vm,
all as single transaction.
don't use /tmp anymore, but /var/run/albatross for fifos + sockets + vm images,
and /var/db/albatross for ukvm-bin and crls, and /var/log/albatross for logging
vmm_console/vmm_log/vmm_stats_lwt: delete socket on startup if it exists
vmm_influxdb_stats: connects to vmm_stats socket and pushes every interval in
influxdb line format via tcp to specified host and port