(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) open Vmm_provision open Rresult.R.Infix open Vmm_asn let vm_csr key name image cpu mem args block net force compression = let block = match block with | None -> [] | Some x -> [ (false, `Unsupported (Oid.block_device, string_to_cstruct x)) ] and arg = match args with | [] -> [] | xs -> [ (false, `Unsupported (Oid.argv, strings_to_cstruct xs)) ] and net = match net with | [] -> [] | xs -> [ (false, `Unsupported (Oid.network, strings_to_cstruct xs)) ] and cmd = if force then `Force_create_vm else `Create_vm in let image = match compression with | 0 -> image_to_cstruct (`Hvt_amd64, image) | level -> let img = Vmm_compress.compress ~level (Cstruct.to_string image) in image_to_cstruct (`Hvt_amd64_compressed, Cstruct.of_string img) in let exts = [ (false, `Unsupported (Oid.version, version_to_cstruct asn_version)) ; (false, `Unsupported (Oid.cpuid, int_to_cstruct cpu)) ; (false, `Unsupported (Oid.memory, int_to_cstruct mem)) ; (false, `Unsupported (Oid.vmimage, image)) ; (false, `Unsupported (Oid.command, command_to_cstruct cmd)) ; ] @ block @ arg @ net and name = [ `CN name ] in X509.CA.request name ~extensions:[`Extensions exts] key let jump _ name key image mem cpu args block net force compression = Nocrypto_entropy_unix.initialize () ; match priv_key key name >>= fun key -> (Bos.OS.File.read (Fpath.v image) >>= fun s -> Ok (Cstruct.of_string s)) >>= fun image -> let csr = vm_csr key name image cpu mem args block net force compression in let enc = X509.Encoding.Pem.Certificate_signing_request.to_pem_cstruct1 csr in Bos.OS.File.write Fpath.(v name + ".req") (Cstruct.to_string enc) with | Ok () -> `Ok () | Error (`Msg m) -> `Error (false, m) open Cmdliner let cpu = let doc = "CPUid" in Arg.(required & pos 3 (some int) None & info [] ~doc) let image = let doc = "Image file to provision" in Arg.(required & pos 1 (some file) None & info [] ~doc) let args = let doc = "Boot arguments" in Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info [ "arg" ] ~doc) let block = let doc = "Block device name" in Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info [ "block" ] ~doc) let net = let doc = "Network device" in Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info [ "net" ] ~doc) let force = let doc = "Force creation (destroy VM with same name if it exists)" in Arg.(value & flag & info [ "force" ] ~doc) let compress_level = let doc = "Compression level (0 for no compression)" in Arg.(value & opt int 4 & info [ "compression-level" ] ~doc) let cmd = Term.(ret (const jump $ setup_log $ nam $ key $ image $ mem $ cpu $ args $ block $ net $ force $ compress_level)), Term.info "vmm_req_vm" ~version:"%%VERSION_NUM%%" let () = match Term.eval cmd with `Ok () -> exit 0 | _ -> exit 1