(* (c) 2017, 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) open Astring let tmpdir = Fpath.(v "/var" / "run" / "albatross") let sockdir = Fpath.(tmpdir / "util") type service = [ `Console | `Log | `Stats | `Vmmd ] let socket_path t = let path = match t with | `Console -> "console" | `Vmmd -> "vmmd" | `Stats -> "stat" | `Log -> "log" in Fpath.to_string Fpath.(sockdir / path + "sock") let pp_socket ppf t = let name = socket_path t in Fmt.pf ppf "socket: %s" name module I = struct type t = int let compare : int -> int -> int = compare end module IS = Set.Make(I) module IM = Map.Make(I) module Name = struct type t = string list let root = [] let is_root x = x = [] let rec equal x y = match x, y with | [], [] -> true | x::xs, y::ys -> x = y && equal xs ys | _ -> false let [@inline always] valid_label s = String.length s < 20 && String.length s > 0 && String.get s 0 <> '-' && (* leading may not be '-' *) String.for_all (function | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '-' -> true | _ -> false) s (* only LDH (letters, digits, hyphen)! *) let to_string ids = String.concat ~sep:"." ids let to_list x = x let drop x = match List.rev x with | [] -> [] | _::tl -> List.rev tl let append_exn lbl x = if valid_label lbl then x @ [ lbl ] else invalid_arg "label not valid" let append lbl x = if valid_label lbl then Ok (x @ [ lbl ]) else Error (`Msg "label not valid") let prepend lbl x = if valid_label lbl then Ok (lbl :: x) else Error (`Msg "label not valid") let domain id = match List.rev id with | _::prefix -> List.rev prefix | [] -> [] let image_file name = let file = to_string name in Fpath.(tmpdir / file + "img") let fifo_file name = let file = to_string name in Fpath.(tmpdir / "fifo" / file) let block_name vm_name dev = List.rev (dev :: List.rev (domain vm_name)) let of_string str = let id = String.cuts ~sep:"." str in if List.for_all valid_label id then Ok id else Error (`Msg "invalid name") let of_list labels = if List.for_all valid_label labels then Ok labels else Error (`Msg "invalid name") let drop_super ~super ~sub = let rec go sup sub = match sup, sub with | [], xs -> Some xs | _, [] -> None | x::xs, z::zs -> if String.equal x z then go xs zs else None in go super sub let is_sub ~super ~sub = match drop_super ~super ~sub with None -> false | Some _ -> true let pp ppf ids = Fmt.(pf ppf "[vm: %a]" (list ~sep:(unit ".") string) ids) let mac name bridge = (* deterministic mac address computation: VEB Kombinat Robotron prefix vielen dank, liebe genossen! *) let prefix = "\x00\x80\x41" and ours = Digest.string (to_string (bridge :: name)) in Macaddr.of_octets_exn (prefix ^ String.take ~min:3 ~max:3 ours) end module Policy = struct let pp_is ppf is = Fmt.pf ppf "%a" Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ",") int) (IS.elements is) let eq_int (a : int) (b : int) = a = b type t = { vms : int ; cpuids : IS.t ; memory : int ; block : int option ; bridges : String.Set.t ; } let equal p1 p2 = let eq_opt a b = match a, b with | None, None -> true | Some a, Some b -> eq_int a b | _ -> false in eq_int p1.vms p2.vms && IS.equal p1.cpuids p2.cpuids && eq_int p1.memory p2.memory && eq_opt p1.block p2.block && String.Set.equal p1.bridges p2.bridges let pp ppf res = Fmt.pf ppf "policy: %d vms %a cpus %d MB memory %a MB block bridges: %a" res.vms pp_is res.cpuids res.memory Fmt.(option ~none:(unit "no") int) res.block (String.Set.pp ~sep:Fmt.(unit ", ") Fmt.string) res.bridges end module Unikernel = struct type typ = [ `Solo5 ] let pp_typ ppf = function | `Solo5 -> Fmt.pf ppf "solo5" type fail_behaviour = [ `Quit | `Restart of IS.t option ] let pp_fail_behaviour ppf = function | `Quit -> Fmt.string ppf "quit" | `Restart codes -> Fmt.pf ppf "restart %a" Fmt.(option ~none:(unit "all except 1") (list ~sep:(unit ", ") int)) (match codes with None -> None | Some x -> Some (IS.elements x)) type config = { typ : typ ; compressed : bool ; image : Cstruct.t ; fail_behaviour : fail_behaviour; cpuid : int ; memory : int ; block_devices : string list ; bridges : string list ; argv : string list option ; } let pp_config ppf (vm : config) = Fmt.pf ppf "typ %a@ compression %B image %d bytes@ fail behaviour %a@ cpu %d@ %d MB memory@ block devices %a@ bridge %a@ argv %a" pp_typ vm.typ vm.compressed (Cstruct.len vm.image) pp_fail_behaviour vm.fail_behaviour vm.cpuid vm.memory Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) vm.block_devices Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) vm.bridges Fmt.(option ~none:(unit "no") (list ~sep:(unit " ") string)) vm.argv let restart_handler config = match config.fail_behaviour with `Quit -> false | `Restart _ -> true type t = { config : config ; cmd : Bos.Cmd.t ; pid : int ; taps : string list ; } let pp ppf vm = Fmt.pf ppf "pid %d@ taps %a (block %a) cmdline %a" vm.pid Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) vm.taps Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) vm.config.block_devices Bos.Cmd.pp vm.cmd end module Stats = struct type rusage = { utime : (int64 * int) ; stime : (int64 * int) ; maxrss : int64 ; ixrss : int64 ; idrss : int64 ; isrss : int64 ; minflt : int64 ; majflt : int64 ; nswap : int64 ; inblock : int64 ; outblock : int64 ; msgsnd : int64 ; msgrcv : int64 ; nsignals : int64 ; nvcsw : int64 ; nivcsw : int64 ; } let pp_rusage ppf r = Fmt.pf ppf "utime %Lu.%d stime %Lu.%d maxrss %Lu ixrss %Lu idrss %Lu isrss %Lu minflt %Lu majflt %Lu nswap %Lu inblock %Lu outblock %Lu msgsnd %Lu msgrcv %Lu signals %Lu nvcsw %Lu nivcsw %Lu" (fst r.utime) (snd r.utime) (fst r.stime) (snd r.stime) r.maxrss r.ixrss r.idrss r.isrss r.minflt r.majflt r.nswap r.inblock r.outblock r.msgsnd r.msgrcv r.nsignals r.nvcsw r.nivcsw let pp_rusage_mem ppf r = Fmt.pf ppf "maxrss %Lu ixrss %Lu idrss %Lu isrss %Lu minflt %Lu majflt %Lu" r.maxrss r.ixrss r.idrss r.isrss r.minflt r.majflt type kinfo_mem = { vsize : int64 ; rss : int64 ; tsize : int64 ; dsize : int64 ; ssize : int64 ; runtime : int64 ; cow : int ; start : (int64 * int) ; } let pp_kinfo_mem ppf t = Fmt.pf ppf "virtual-size %Lu rss %Lu text-size %Lu data-size %Lu stack-size %Lu runtime %Lu cow %u start %Lu.%d" t.vsize t.rss t.tsize t.dsize t.ssize t.runtime t.cow (fst t.start) (snd t.start) type vmm = (string * int64) list let pp_vmm ppf vmm = Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") string int64)) ppf vmm let pp_vmm_mem ppf vmm = Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") string int64)) ppf (List.filter (fun (k, _) -> k = "Resident memory" || k = "Wired memory") vmm) type ifdata = { bridge : string ; flags : int32 ; send_length : int32 ; max_send_length : int32 ; send_drops : int32 ; mtu : int32 ; baudrate : int64 ; input_packets : int64 ; input_errors : int64 ; output_packets : int64 ; output_errors : int64 ; collisions : int64 ; input_bytes : int64 ; output_bytes : int64 ; input_mcast : int64 ; output_mcast : int64 ; input_dropped : int64 ; output_dropped : int64 ; } let pp_ifdata ppf i = Fmt.pf ppf "bridge %s flags %lX send_length %lu max_send_length %lu send_drops %lu mtu %lu baudrate %Lu input_packets %Lu input_errors %Lu output_packets %Lu output_errors %Lu collisions %Lu input_bytes %Lu output_bytes %Lu input_mcast %Lu output_mcast %Lu input_dropped %Lu output_dropped %Lu" i.bridge i.flags i.send_length i.max_send_length i.send_drops i.mtu i.baudrate i.input_packets i.input_errors i.output_packets i.output_errors i.collisions i.input_bytes i.output_bytes i.input_mcast i.output_mcast i.input_dropped i.output_dropped type t = rusage * kinfo_mem option * vmm option * ifdata list let pp ppf (ru, mem, vmm, ifs) = Fmt.pf ppf "%a@.%a@.%a@.%a" pp_rusage ru Fmt.(option ~none:(unit "no kinfo_mem stats") pp_kinfo_mem) mem Fmt.(option ~none:(unit "no vmm stats") pp_vmm) vmm Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.@.") pp_ifdata) ifs end type process_exit = [ `Exit of int | `Signal of int | `Stop of int ] let pp_process_exit ppf = function | `Exit n -> Fmt.pf ppf "exit %d" n | `Signal n -> Fmt.pf ppf "signal %a (numeric %d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n | `Stop n -> Fmt.pf ppf "stop %a (numeric %d)" Fmt.Dump.signal n n let should_restart config name = function | (`Signal _ | `Stop _) as r -> (* signal 11 is if a kill -TERM was sent (i.e. our destroy) *) Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unikernel %a exited with signal %a" Name.pp name pp_process_exit r); false | `Exit i -> (* results (and default behaviour) -- solo5-exit allows an arbitrary int 0 normal exit (i.e. teardown) -> restart 1 solo5 internal error (bad image, bad manigest) -> no restart, never 2 ocaml exceptions (out of memory et al) -> restart 64..70 -> no restart (soon to be used by unikernel command line parsing) 255 solo5-abort -> soon (OCaml 4.10) fatal error (out of memory) -> restart *) let opt_mem i = match config.Unikernel.fail_behaviour with | `Quit -> assert false | `Restart None -> true | `Restart (Some c) -> IS.mem i c in match i with | 1 -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unikernel %a solo5 exit failure (1)" Name.pp name); false | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unikernel %a exited %d, not restarting" Name.pp name i); false | _ when opt_mem i -> Logs.info (fun m -> m "unikernel %a exited %d, restarting" Name.pp name i); true | _ -> Logs.info (fun m -> m "unikernel %a exited %d, not restarting %a" Name.pp name i Unikernel.pp_fail_behaviour config.fail_behaviour); false module Log = struct type log_event = [ | `Login of Name.t * Ipaddr.V4.t * int | `Logout of Name.t * Ipaddr.V4.t * int | `Startup | `Unikernel_start of Name.t * int * (string * string) list * (string * Name.t) list | `Unikernel_stop of Name.t * int * process_exit | `Hup ] let name = function | `Startup -> [] | `Login (name, _, _) -> name | `Logout (name, _, _) -> name | `Unikernel_start (name, _, _ ,_) -> name | `Unikernel_stop (name, _, _) -> name | `Hup -> [] let pp_log_event ppf = function | `Startup -> Fmt.string ppf "startup" | `Login (name, ip, port) -> Fmt.pf ppf "%a login %a:%d" Name.pp name Ipaddr.V4.pp ip port | `Logout (name, ip, port) -> Fmt.pf ppf "%a logout %a:%d" Name.pp name Ipaddr.V4.pp ip port | `Unikernel_start (name, pid, taps, blocks) -> Fmt.pf ppf "%a started %d (taps %a, block %a)" Name.pp name pid Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "; ") (pair ~sep:(unit "=") string string)) taps Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "; ") (pair ~sep:(unit "=") string Name.pp)) blocks | `Unikernel_stop (name, pid, code) -> Fmt.pf ppf "%a stopped %d with %a" Name.pp name pid pp_process_exit code | `Hup -> Fmt.string ppf "hup" type t = Ptime.t * log_event let pp ppf (ts, ev) = Fmt.pf ppf "%a: %a" (Ptime.pp_rfc3339 ()) ts pp_log_event ev end