(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) open Vmm_core type res_entry = { running_vms : int ; used_memory : int ; } let empty_res = { running_vms = 0 ; used_memory = 0 } let check_resource (policy : policy) (vm : vm_config) (res : res_entry) = succ res.running_vms <= policy.vms && res.used_memory + vm.requested_memory <= policy.memory && vm_matches_res policy vm let check_resource_policy (policy : policy) (res : res_entry) = res.running_vms <= policy.vms && res.used_memory <= policy.memory let add (vm : vm) (res : res_entry) = { running_vms = succ res.running_vms ; used_memory = vm.config.requested_memory + res.used_memory } type entry = | Vm of vm | Policy of policy type t = entry Vmm_trie.t let pp ppf t = Vmm_trie.fold [] t (fun id ele () -> match ele with | Vm vm -> Fmt.pf ppf "vm %a: %a@." pp_id id pp_vm_config vm.config | Policy p -> Fmt.pf ppf "policy %a: %a@." pp_id id pp_policy p) () let empty = Vmm_trie.empty let fold t name f g acc = Vmm_trie.fold name t (fun prefix entry acc -> match entry with | Vm vm -> f prefix vm acc | Policy p -> g prefix p acc) acc (* we should hide this type and confirm the following invariant: - in case Vm, there are no siblings *) let resource_usage t name = Vmm_trie.fold name t (fun _ entry acc -> match entry with | Policy _ -> acc | Vm vm -> add vm acc) empty_res let find_vm t name = match Vmm_trie.find name t with | Some (Vm vm) -> Some vm | _ -> None let find_policy t name = match Vmm_trie.find name t with | Some (Policy p) -> Some p | _ -> None let remove_vm t name = match find_vm t name with | None -> Error (`Msg "unknown vm") | Some _ -> Ok (Vmm_trie.remove name t) let remove_policy t name = match find_policy t name with | None -> Error (`Msg "unknown policy") | Some _ -> Ok (Vmm_trie.remove name t) let check_vm_policy t name vm = let dom = domain name in let res = resource_usage t dom in match Vmm_trie.find dom t with | None -> true | Some (Vm _) -> assert false | Some (Policy p) -> check_resource p vm res let insert_vm t name vm = if check_vm_policy t name vm.config then match Vmm_trie.insert name (Vm vm) t with | t', None -> Ok t' | _, Some _ -> Error (`Msg "vm already exists") else Error (`Msg "resource policy mismatch") let check_policy_above t name p = let above = Vmm_trie.collect name t in List.for_all (fun (_, node) -> match node with | Vm _ -> assert false | Policy p' -> is_sub ~super:p' ~sub:p) above let check_policy_below t name p = Vmm_trie.fold name t (fun name entry res -> match name with | [] -> res | _ -> match res, entry with | Ok p, Policy p' -> if is_sub ~super:p ~sub:p then Ok p' else Error () | Ok p, Vm vm -> let cfg = vm.config in if IS.mem cfg.cpuid p.cpuids && good_bridge cfg.network p.bridges then Ok p else Error () | res, _ -> res) (Ok p) let insert_policy t name p = let dom = domain name in match check_policy_above t dom p, check_policy_below t name p, check_resource_policy p (resource_usage t dom) with | true, Ok _, true -> Ok (fst (Vmm_trie.insert name (Policy p) t)) | false, _, _ -> Error (`Msg "policy violates other policies above") | _, Error (), _ -> Error (`Msg "policy violates other policies below") | _, _, false -> Error (`Msg "more resources used than policy would allow")