val pp_sockaddr : Format.formatter -> Lwt_unix.sockaddr -> unit val pp_process_status : Format.formatter -> Unix.process_status -> unit val ret : Unix.process_status -> [> `Exit of int | `Signal of int | `Stop of int ] val waitpid : int -> (int * Lwt_unix.process_status, unit) result Lwt.t val wait_and_clear : int -> Unix.file_descr -> [> `Exit of int | `Signal of int | `Stop of int ] Lwt.t val read_wire : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> (Vmm_asn.wire, [> `Eof | `Exception | `Toomuch ]) result Lwt.t val write_raw : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> bytes -> (unit, [> `Exception ]) result Lwt.t val write_wire : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> Vmm_asn.wire -> (unit, [> `Exception ]) result Lwt.t val safe_close : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> unit Lwt.t