(* (c) 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) open Lwt.Infix open Astring open Vmm_core open Vmm_core.Stats (* line protocol: ``` [,=[,=]] \ =[,=] [] ``` (measurement, tag_key, tag_value, field_key are all strings, index over tags) * Quoting Element Double quotes Single quotes --------------------------------------------- Timestamp Never Never Measurements, tag keys, tag values, field keys Never* Never* Field values Double quote string field values. Do not double quote floats, integers, or Booleans. Never *=Line Protocol allows users to double and single quote measurement names, tag keys, tag values, and field keys. It will, however, assume that the double or single quotes are part of the name, key, or value. This can complicate query syntax (see the example below). Float IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers. This is the default numerical type. Examples: 1, 1.0, 1.e+78, 1.E+78. Integer Signed 64-bit integers (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807). Specify an integer with a trailing i on the number. Example: 1i. For tag keys, tag values, and field keys always use a backslash character \ to escape: commas , equal signs = spaces For measurements always use a backslash character \ to escape: commas , spaces For string field values use a backslash character \ to escape: double quotes "" Line Protocol does not require users to escape the backslash character \. Users do not need to escape all other special characters. do not use any keywords: ALL ALTER ANY AS ASC BEGIN BY CREATE CONTINUOUS DATABASE DATABASES DEFAULT DELETE DESC DESTINATIONS DIAGNOSTICS DISTINCT DROP DURATION END EVERY EXPLAIN FIELD FOR FROM GRANT GRANTS GROUP GROUPS IN INF INSERT INTO KEY KEYS KILL LIMIT SHOW MEASUREMENT MEASUREMENTS NAME OFFSET ON ORDER PASSWORD POLICY POLICIES PRIVILEGES QUERIES QUERY READ REPLICATION RESAMPLE RETENTION REVOKE SELECT SERIES SET SHARD SHARDS SLIMIT SOFFSET STATS SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTIONS TAG TO USER USERS VALUES WHERE WITH WRITE *) module P = struct let tv (sec, usec) = Printf.sprintf "%Lu.%06d" sec usec let i64 i = Printf.sprintf "%Lui" i let encode_ru vm ru = let fields = [ "utime", tv ru.utime ; "stime", tv ru.stime ; "maxrss", i64 ru.maxrss ; "ixrss", i64 ru.ixrss ; "idrss", i64 ru.idrss ; "isrss", i64 ru.isrss ; "minflt", i64 ru.minflt ; "maxflt", i64 ru.majflt ; "nswap", i64 ru.nswap ; "inblock", i64 ru.inblock ; "outblock", i64 ru.outblock ; "msgsnd", i64 ru.msgsnd ; "msgrcv", i64 ru.msgrcv ; "nsignals", i64 ru.nsignals ; "nvcsw", i64 ru.nvcsw ; "nivcsw", i64 ru.nivcsw ] in let fields = List.map (fun (k, v) -> k ^ "=" ^ v) fields in Printf.sprintf "resource_usage,vm=%s %s" vm (String.concat ~sep:"," fields) let encode_kinfo_mem vm mem = let fields = [ "vsize", i64 mem.vsize ; "rss", i64 mem.rss ; "tsize", i64 mem.tsize ; "dsize", i64 mem.dsize ; "ssize", i64 mem.ssize ; ] in let fields = List.map (fun (k, v) -> k ^ "=" ^ v) fields in Printf.sprintf "kinfo_mem,vm=%s %s" vm (String.concat ~sep:"," fields) let encode_vmm vm xs = let escape s = let cutted = String.cuts ~sep:"," s in let cutted = String.concat ~sep:"\\," cutted in let cutted = String.cuts ~sep:" " cutted in let cutted = String.concat ~sep:"\\ " cutted in let cutted = String.cuts ~sep:"=" cutted in String.concat ~sep:"\\=" cutted in Printf.sprintf "vmm,vm=%s %s" vm (String.concat ~sep:"," (List.map (fun (k, v) -> (escape k) ^ "=" ^ (i64 v)) xs)) let i32 i = Printf.sprintf "%lui" i let encode_if vm ifd = let fields = (* TODO: flags *) [ "send_queue_length", i32 ifd.send_length ; "max_send_queue_length", i32 ifd.max_send_length ; "send_queue_drops", i32 ifd.send_drops ; "mtu", i32 ifd.mtu ; "baudrate", i64 ifd.baudrate ; "vm_to_host_packets", i64 ifd.input_packets ; "vm_to_host_errors", i64 ifd.input_errors ; "vm_to_host_bytes", i64 ifd.input_bytes ; "vm_to_host_mcast", i64 ifd.input_mcast ; "vm_to_host_dropped", i64 ifd.input_dropped ; "collisions", i64 ifd.collisions ; "host_to_vm_packets", i64 ifd.output_packets ; "host_to_vm_errors", i64 ifd.output_errors ; "host_to_vm_bytes", i64 ifd.output_bytes ; "host_to_vm_mcast", i64 ifd.output_mcast ; "host_to_vm_dropped", i64 ifd.output_dropped ] in let fields = List.map (fun (k, v) -> k ^ "=" ^ v) fields in Printf.sprintf "interface,vm=%s,bridge=%s %s" vm ifd.bridge (String.concat ~sep:"," fields) end let my_version = `AV3 let command = ref 1L let str_of_e = function | `Eof -> "end of file" | `Exception -> "exception" | `Toomuch -> "too much" | `Msg m -> m (* how many times did I write this now? *) let safe_close s = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close s) (fun e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception %s while closing" (Printexc.to_string e)) ; Lwt.return_unit) let rec read_sock_write_tcp c ?fd addr addrtype = match fd with | None -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "new connection to TCP") ; let fd = Lwt_unix.socket addrtype Lwt_unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Lwt_unix.setsockopt fd Lwt_unix.SO_KEEPALIVE true ; Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_unix.connect fd addr >|= fun () -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "connected to TCP") ; Some fd) (fun e -> let addr', port = match addr with | Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (ip, port) -> Unix.string_of_inet_addr ip, port | Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX addr -> addr, 0 in Logs.warn (fun m -> m "error %s connecting to influxd %s:%d, retrying in 5s" (Printexc.to_string e) addr' port) ; safe_close fd >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.sleep 5.0 >|= fun () -> None) >>= fun fd -> read_sock_write_tcp c ?fd addr addrtype | Some fd -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "reading from unix socket") ; Vmm_lwt.read_wire c >>= function | Error e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %s while reading vmm socket (return)" (str_of_e e)) ; safe_close fd >>= fun () -> safe_close c >|= fun () -> true | Ok (hdr, `Data (`Stats_data (ru, mem, vmm, ifs))) -> begin if not (Vmm_commands.version_eq hdr.Vmm_commands.version my_version) then begin Logs.err (fun m -> m "unknown wire protocol version") ; safe_close fd >>= fun () -> safe_close c >|= fun () -> false end else let name = Name.to_string hdr.Vmm_commands.name in let ru = P.encode_ru name ru in let mem = match mem with None -> [] | Some m -> [ P.encode_kinfo_mem name m ] in let vmm = match vmm with None -> [] | Some vmm -> [ P.encode_vmm name vmm ] in let taps = List.map (P.encode_if name) ifs in let out = (String.concat ~sep:"\n" (ru :: mem @ vmm @ taps)) ^ "\n" in Logs.debug (fun m -> m "writing %d via tcp" (String.length out)) ; Vmm_lwt.write_raw fd (Bytes.unsafe_of_string out) >>= function | Ok () -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "wrote successfully") ; read_sock_write_tcp c ~fd addr addrtype | Error e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %s while writing to tcp (%s)" (str_of_e e) name) ; safe_close fd >|= fun () -> false end | Ok wire -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring %a" Vmm_commands.pp_wire wire) ; Lwt.return (Some fd) >>= fun fd -> read_sock_write_tcp c ?fd addr addrtype let query_sock vm c = let header = Vmm_commands.{ version = my_version ; sequence = !command ; name = vm } in command := Int64.succ !command ; Logs.debug (fun m -> m "%Lu requesting %a via socket" !command Name.pp vm) ; Vmm_lwt.write_wire c (header, `Command (`Stats_cmd `Stats_subscribe)) let rec maybe_connect stat_socket = let c = Lwt_unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Lwt.catch (fun () -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "connecting to %s" stat_socket) ; Lwt_unix.(connect c (ADDR_UNIX stat_socket)) >>= fun () -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "connected") ; Lwt.return c) (fun e -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "error %s connecting to socket %s" (Printexc.to_string e) stat_socket) ; safe_close c >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.sleep (float_of_int 5) >>= fun () -> maybe_connect stat_socket) let client stat_socket influxhost influxport vm = (* figure out address of influx *) Lwt_unix.gethostbyname influxhost >>= fun host_entry -> let host_inet_addr = Array.get host_entry.Lwt_unix.h_addr_list 0 in let addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (host_inet_addr, influxport) and addrtype = host_entry.Lwt_unix.h_addrtype in (* loop *) (* the query task queries the stat_socket at each - if this fails, closing is set to true (and unit is returned) the read_sock reads the stat_socket, and forwards to a TCP socket - if closing is true, the TCP socket is closed and unit is returned - if read on the unix domain socket fails, closing is set to true (and unit is returned) *) (* connection to the unix domain socket is managed in this loop only: - maybe_connect attempts to establishes to it - query_sock/read_sock_write_tcp write an read from it - on failure in read or write, the TCP connection is closed, and loop takes control: safe_close, maybe_connect, rinse, repeat *) let rec loop () = (* start a socket connection to vmm_stats *) maybe_connect stat_socket >>= fun c -> query_sock vm c >>= function | Error e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %s while writing to stat socket" (str_of_e e)) ; Lwt.return_unit | Ok () -> read_sock_write_tcp c addr addrtype >>= fun restart -> if restart then loop () else Lwt.return_unit in loop () let run_client _ socket (influxhost, influxport) vm = Sys.(set_signal sigpipe Signal_ignore) ; Lwt_main.run (client socket influxhost influxport vm) open Cmdliner open Vmm_cli let socket = let doc = "socket to use" in Arg.(value & opt string (Vmm_core.socket_path `Stats) & info [ "socket" ] ~doc) let influx = Arg.(required & pos 0 (some host_port) None & info [] ~docv:"INFLUXHOST:INFLUXPORT" ~doc:"the influx hostname:port to connect to") let cmd = let doc = "VMM InfluxDB connector" in let man = [ `S "DESCRIPTION" ; `P "$(tname) connects to a vmm stats socket, pulls statistics and pushes them via TCP to influxdb" ] in Term.(pure run_client $ setup_log $ socket $ influx $ opt_vm_name), Term.info "vmmd_influx" ~version:"%%VERSION_NUM%%" ~doc ~man let () = match Term.eval cmd with `Error _ -> exit 1 | _ -> exit 0