(* (c) 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) (* the wire protocol *) open Vmm_core type version = [ `AV0 | `AV1 | `AV2 ] let pp_version ppf v = Fmt.int ppf (match v with | `AV0 -> 0 | `AV1 -> 1 | `AV2 -> 2) let version_eq a b = match a, b with | `AV0, `AV0 -> true | `AV1, `AV1 -> true | `AV2, `AV2 -> true | _ -> false type console_cmd = [ | `Console_add | `Console_subscribe ] let pp_console_cmd ppf = function | `Console_add -> Fmt.string ppf "console add" | `Console_subscribe -> Fmt.string ppf "console subscribe" type stats_cmd = [ | `Stats_add of int * string list | `Stats_remove | `Stats_subscribe ] let pp_stats_cmd ppf = function | `Stats_add (pid, taps) -> Fmt.pf ppf "stats add: pid %d taps %a" pid Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) taps | `Stats_remove -> Fmt.string ppf "stat remove" | `Stats_subscribe -> Fmt.string ppf "stat subscribe" type log_cmd = [ | `Log_subscribe ] let pp_log_cmd ppf = function | `Log_subscribe -> Fmt.string ppf "log subscribe" type vm_cmd = [ | `Vm_info | `Vm_create of vm_config | `Vm_force_create of vm_config | `Vm_destroy ] let pp_vm_cmd ppf = function | `Vm_info -> Fmt.string ppf "vm info" | `Vm_create vm_config -> Fmt.pf ppf "create %a" pp_vm_config vm_config | `Vm_force_create vm_config -> Fmt.pf ppf "force create %a" pp_vm_config vm_config | `Vm_destroy -> Fmt.string ppf "vm destroy" type policy_cmd = [ | `Policy_info | `Policy_add of policy | `Policy_remove ] let pp_policy_cmd ppf = function | `Policy_info -> Fmt.string ppf "policy info" | `Policy_add policy -> Fmt.pf ppf "add policy: %a" pp_policy policy | `Policy_remove -> Fmt.string ppf "policy remove" type t = [ | `Console_cmd of console_cmd | `Stats_cmd of stats_cmd | `Log_cmd of log_cmd | `Vm_cmd of vm_cmd | `Policy_cmd of policy_cmd ] let pp ppf = function | `Console_cmd c -> pp_console_cmd ppf c | `Stats_cmd s -> pp_stats_cmd ppf s | `Log_cmd l -> pp_log_cmd ppf l | `Vm_cmd v -> pp_vm_cmd ppf v | `Policy_cmd p -> pp_policy_cmd ppf p type data = [ | `Console_data of Ptime.t * string | `Stats_data of Stats.t | `Log_data of Log.t ] let pp_data ppf = function | `Console_data (ts, line) -> Fmt.pf ppf "console data %a: %s" (Ptime.pp_rfc3339 ()) ts line | `Stats_data stats -> Fmt.pf ppf "stats data: %a" Stats.pp stats | `Log_data log -> Fmt.pf ppf "log data: %a" Log.pp log type header = { version : version ; sequence : int64 ; id : id ; } type success = [ `Empty | `String of string | `Policies of (id * policy) list | `Vms of (id * vm_config) list ] let pp_success ppf = function | `Empty -> Fmt.string ppf "success" | `String data -> Fmt.pf ppf "success: %s" data | `Policies ps -> Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") pp_id pp_policy)) ppf ps | `Vms vms -> Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") pp_id pp_vm_config)) ppf vms type wire = header * [ | `Command of t | `Success of success | `Failure of string | `Data of data ] let pp_wire ppf (header, data) = let id = header.id in match data with | `Command c -> Fmt.pf ppf "host %a: %a" pp_id id pp c | `Failure f -> Fmt.pf ppf "host %a: command failed %s" pp_id id f | `Success s -> Fmt.pf ppf "host %a: %a" pp_id id pp_success s | `Data d -> pp_data ppf d let endpoint = function | `Vm_cmd _ -> `Vmmd, `End | `Policy_cmd _ -> `Vmmd, `End | `Stats_cmd _ -> `Stats, `Read | `Console_cmd _ -> `Console, `Read | `Log_cmd _ -> `Log, `Read