(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) open Astring open Vmm_core open Rresult open R.Infix type ('a, 'b) t = { dir : Fpath.t ; cmp : 'b -> 'b -> bool ; console_socket : 'a ; console_counter : int ; console_requests : (('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t * [ `Raw of 'a * string | `Tls of 'b * string ] list) IM.t ; console_attached : 'b String.Map.t ; (* vm_name -> socket *) console_version : Vmm_wire.version ; stats_socket : 'a option ; stats_counter : int ; stats_requests : ('b * int * (string -> string option)) IM.t ; stats_version : Vmm_wire.version ; log_socket : 'a ; log_counter : int ; log_requests : ('b * int) IM.t ; log_attached : ('b * string) list String.Map.t ; log_version : Vmm_wire.version ; client_version : Vmm_wire.version ; (* TODO: refine, maybe: bridges : (Macaddr.t String.Map.t * String.Set.t) String.Map.t ; *) used_bridges : String.Set.t String.Map.t ; (* TODO: used block devices (since each may only be active once) *) resources : Vmm_resources.t ; crls : X509.CRL.c list ; } let init dir cmp console_socket stats_socket log_socket = (* error hard on permission denied etc. *) let crls = Fpath.(dir / "crls") in (Bos.OS.Dir.exists crls >>= function | true -> Ok true | false -> Bos.OS.Dir.create crls) >>= fun _ -> let err _ x = x in Bos.OS.Dir.fold_contents ~elements:`Files ~traverse:`None ~err (fun f acc -> acc >>= fun acc -> Bos.OS.File.read f >>= fun data -> match X509.Encoding.crl_of_cstruct (Cstruct.of_string data) with | None -> R.error_msgf "couldn't parse CRL %a" Fpath.pp f | Some crl -> Ok (crl :: acc)) (Ok []) Fpath.(dir / "crls") >>= fun crls -> crls >>= fun crls -> Ok { dir ; cmp ; console_socket ; console_counter = 1 ; console_requests = IM.empty ; console_attached = String.Map.empty ; console_version = `WV0 ; stats_socket ; stats_counter = 1 ; stats_requests = IM.empty ; stats_version = `WV0 ; log_socket ; log_counter = 1 ; log_attached = String.Map.empty ; log_version = `WV0 ; log_requests = IM.empty ; client_version = `WV0 ; used_bridges = String.Map.empty ; resources = Vmm_resources.empty ; crls } let asn_version = `AV0 let log state (hdr, event) = let pre = string_of_id hdr.Log.context in let out = match String.Map.find pre state.log_attached with | None -> [] | Some x -> x in let data = Vmm_wire.Log.data state.log_counter state.log_version hdr event in let tls = Vmm_wire.Client.log hdr event state.client_version in let log_counter = succ state.log_counter in Logs.debug (fun m -> m "LOG %a" (Log.pp []) (hdr, event)) ; ({ state with log_counter }, `Raw (state.log_socket, data) :: List.map (fun (s, _) -> `Tls (s, tls)) out) let stat state str = match state.stats_socket with | None -> [] | Some s -> [ `Raw (s, str) ] let handle_disconnect state t = Logs.err (fun m -> m "disconnect!!") ; let rem, console_attached = String.Map.partition (fun _ s -> state.cmp s t) state.console_attached in let out, console_counter = List.fold_left (fun (acc, ctr) name -> (acc ^ Vmm_wire.Console.detach ctr state.console_version name, succ ctr)) ("", state.console_counter) (fst (List.split (String.Map.bindings rem))) in let log_attached = String.Map.fold (fun k v n -> match List.filter (fun (e, _) -> not (state.cmp t e)) v with | [] -> n | xs -> String.Map.add k xs n) state.log_attached String.Map.empty in let out = if String.length out = 0 then [] else [ (state.console_socket, out) ] in { state with console_attached ; console_counter ; log_attached }, out let handle_create t prefix chain cert force = (* convert certificate to vm_config *) Vmm_asn.vm_of_cert prefix cert >>= fun vm_config -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "vm %a" pp_vm_config vm_config) ; (* check whether vm with same name is already running *) let full = fullname vm_config in (* get names and static resources *) List.fold_left (fun acc ca -> acc >>= fun acc -> Vmm_asn.delegation_of_cert asn_version ca >>= fun res -> let name = id ca in Ok ((name, res) :: acc)) (Ok []) chain >>= fun res -> (* check static policies *) Logs.debug (fun m -> m "now checking static policies") ; check_policies vm_config (List.map snd res) >>= fun () -> (* may retract currently running vm to evaluate force-create! *) (if force then match Vmm_resources.find_vm t.resources full with | None -> Ok (t.resources, None) | Some vm -> Vmm_resources.remove t.resources full vm >>= fun r -> Ok (r, Some vm) else if Vmm_resources.exists t.resources full then Error (`Msg "VM with same name is already running") else Ok (t.resources, None)) >>= fun (resources, vm) -> (* check dynamic usage *) Logs.debug (fun m -> m "now checking dynamic policies") ; Vmm_resources.check_dynamic resources vm_config res >>= fun () -> (* need to kill *) (match vm with | Some vm -> Vmm_commands.destroy vm | None -> ()) ; (* prepare VM: save VM image to disk, create fifo, ... *) Vmm_commands.prepare vm_config >>= fun (tmpfile, taps) -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "prepared vm %a" Fpath.pp tmpfile) ; Ok (Fpath.basename tmpfile, fun t s -> (* actually execute the vm *) Vmm_commands.exec t.dir vm_config tmpfile taps >>= fun vm -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "exec()ed vm") ; Vmm_resources.insert t.resources full vm >>= fun resources -> let used_bridges = List.fold_left2 (fun b br ta -> let old = match String.Map.find br b with | None -> String.Set.empty | Some x -> x in String.Map.add br (String.Set.add ta old) b) t.used_bridges vm_config.network taps in let t = { t with resources ; used_bridges } in let t, out = log t (Log.hdr prefix vm_config.vname, `VM_start (vm.pid, vm.taps, None)) in let tls_out = Vmm_wire.success ~msg:"VM started" 0 t.client_version in Ok (t, `Tls (s, tls_out) :: out, vm)) let setup_stats t vm = Vmm_commands.setup_freebsd_kludge vm.Vmm_core.pid >>= fun () -> let stat_out = Vmm_wire.Stats.add t.stats_counter t.stats_version vm.pid vm.taps in let t = { t with stats_counter = succ t.stats_counter } in Ok (t, stat t stat_out) let handle_shutdown t vm r = (match Vmm_commands.shutdown vm with | Ok () -> () | Error (`Msg e) -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s while shutdown vm %a" e pp_vm vm)) ; let resources = match Vmm_resources.remove t.resources (fullname vm.config) vm with | Ok resources -> resources | Error (`Msg e) -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "%s while removing vm %a" e pp_vm vm) ; t.resources in let used_bridges = List.fold_left2 (fun b br ta -> let old = match String.Map.find br b with | None -> String.Set.empty | Some x -> x in String.Map.add br (String.Set.remove ta old) b) t.used_bridges vm.config.network vm.taps in let stat_out = Vmm_wire.Stats.remove t.stats_counter t.stats_version vm.pid in let t = { t with stats_counter = succ t.stats_counter ; resources ; used_bridges } in let t, outs = log t (Log.hdr vm.config.prefix vm.config.vname, `VM_stop (vm.pid, r)) in (t, stat t stat_out @ outs) let handle_command t s prefix perms hdr buf = let res = if not (Vmm_wire.version_eq hdr.Vmm_wire.version t.client_version) then Error (`Msg "unknown client version") else match Vmm_wire.Client.cmd_of_int hdr.Vmm_wire.tag with | None -> Error (`Msg "unknown command") | Some x when cmd_allowed perms x -> begin Vmm_wire.decode_str buf >>= fun (buf, _l) -> let arg = if String.length buf = 0 then prefix else prefix @ [buf] in match x with | Info -> begin match Vmm_resources.find t.resources arg with | None -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "info: couldn't find %a" pp_id arg) ; R.error_msgf "info: %s not found" buf | Some x -> let data = Vmm_resources.fold (fun acc vm -> acc ^ Vmm_wire.Client.encode_vm vm.config.vname vm) "" x in let out = Vmm_wire.Client.info data hdr.Vmm_wire.id t.client_version in Ok (t, [ `Tls (s, out) ]) end | Destroy_vm -> begin match Vmm_resources.find_vm t.resources arg with | Some vm -> Vmm_commands.destroy vm ; let out = Vmm_wire.success hdr.Vmm_wire.id t.client_version in Ok (t, [ `Tls (s, out) ]) | _ -> Error (`Msg ("destroy: not found " ^ buf)) end | Attach -> (* TODO: get (optionally) from client, instead of hardcoding Ptime.epoch below *) let name = String.concat ~sep:"." arg in let on_success t = let cons = Vmm_wire.Console.history t.console_counter t.console_version name Ptime.epoch in let old = match String.Map.find name t.console_attached with | None -> [] | Some s -> let out = Vmm_wire.success hdr.Vmm_wire.id t.client_version in [ `Tls (s, out) ] in let console_attached = String.Map.add name s t.console_attached in { t with console_counter = succ t.console_counter ; console_attached }, `Raw (t.console_socket, cons) :: old in let cons = Vmm_wire.Console.attach t.console_counter t.console_version name in let console_requests = IM.add t.console_counter on_success t.console_requests in Ok ({ t with console_counter = succ t.console_counter ; console_requests }, [ `Raw (t.console_socket, cons) ]) | Detach -> let name = String.concat ~sep:"." arg in let cons = Vmm_wire.Console.detach t.console_counter t.console_version name in (match String.Map.find name t.console_attached with | None -> Error (`Msg "not attached") | Some x when t.cmp x s -> Ok (String.Map.remove name t.console_attached) | Some _ -> Error (`Msg "this socket is not attached")) >>= fun console_attached -> let out = Vmm_wire.success hdr.Vmm_wire.id t.client_version in Ok ({ t with console_counter = succ t.console_counter ; console_attached }, [ `Raw (t.console_socket, cons) ; `Tls (s, out) ]) | Statistics -> begin match t.stats_socket with | None -> Error (`Msg "no statistics available") | Some _ -> match Vmm_resources.find_vm t.resources arg with | Some vm -> let stat_out = Vmm_wire.Stats.stat t.stats_counter t.stats_version vm.pid in let d = (s, hdr.Vmm_wire.id, translate_tap vm) in let stats_requests = IM.add t.stats_counter d t.stats_requests in Ok ({ t with stats_counter = succ t.stats_counter ; stats_requests }, stat t stat_out) | _ -> Error (`Msg ("statistics: not found " ^ buf)) end | Log -> begin let log_out = Vmm_wire.Log.history t.log_counter t.log_version (string_of_id prefix) Ptime.epoch in let log_requests = IM.add t.log_counter (s, hdr.Vmm_wire.id) t.log_requests in let log_counter = succ t.log_counter in Ok ({ t with log_counter ; log_requests }, [ `Raw (t.log_socket, log_out) ]) end | Create_block | Destroy_block -> Error (`Msg "NYI") end | Some _ -> Error (`Msg "unauthorised command") in match res with | Ok r -> r | Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "error while processing command: %s" msg) ; let out = Vmm_wire.fail ~msg hdr.Vmm_wire.id t.client_version in (t, [ `Tls (s, out) ]) let handle_single_revocation t prefix serial = let id = identifier serial in (match Vmm_resources.find t.resources (prefix @ [ id ]) with | None -> () | Some e -> Vmm_resources.iter Vmm_commands.destroy e) ; (* also revoke all active sessions!? *) (* TODO: maybe we need a vmm_resources like structure for sessions as well!? *) let log_attached, kill = match String.Map.find (string_of_id prefix) t.log_attached with | None -> t.log_attached, [] | Some xs -> (* those where snd v = serial: drop *) let drop, keep = List.partition (fun (_, s) -> String.equal s id) xs in String.Map.add (string_of_id prefix) keep t.log_attached, drop in (* two things: 1 revoked LEAF certs need to go (k = prefix, snd v = serial) [see above] 2 revoked CA certs need to wipe subtree (all entries where k starts with prefix @ serial) *) let log_attached, kill = String.Map.fold (fun k' v (l, k) -> if is_sub_id ~super:(prefix@[id]) ~sub:(id_of_string k') then (l, v @ k) else (String.Map.add k' v l, k)) log_attached (String.Map.empty, kill) in let state, out = List.fold_left (fun (s, out) (t, _) -> let s', out' = handle_disconnect s t in s', out @ out') ({ t with log_attached }, []) kill in (state, List.map (fun x -> `Raw x) out, List.map fst kill) let handle_revocation t s leaf chain ca prefix = Vmm_asn.crl_of_cert leaf >>= fun crl -> (* verify data (must be signed by the last cert of the chain (or cacert if chain is empty))! *) let issuer = match chain with | subca::_ -> subca | [] -> ca in let time = Ptime_clock.now () in (if X509.CRL.verify crl ~time issuer then Ok () else Error (`Msg "couldn't verify CRL")) >>= fun () -> (* the this_update must be > now, next_update < now, this_update > .this_update, number > .number *) (* TODO: can we have something better for uniqueness of CRL? *) let local = try Some (List.find (fun crl -> X509.CRL.verify crl issuer) t.crls) with Not_found -> None in (match local with | None -> Ok () | Some local -> match X509.CRL.crl_number local, X509.CRL.crl_number crl with | None, _ -> Ok () | Some _, None -> Error (`Msg "CRL number not present") | Some x, Some y -> if y > x then Ok () else Error (`Msg "CRL number not increased")) >>= fun () -> (* filename should be whatever_dir / crls / *) let filename = Fpath.(t.dir / "crls" / string_of_id prefix) in Bos.OS.File.delete filename >>= fun () -> Bos.OS.File.write filename (Cstruct.to_string (X509.Encoding.crl_to_cstruct crl)) >>= fun () -> (* remove crl with same issuer from crls, and inject this one into state *) let crls = match local with | None -> crl :: t.crls | Some _ -> crl :: List.filter (fun c -> c <> crl) t.crls in (* iterate over revoked serials, find active resources, and kill them *) let newly_revoked = let old = match local with | Some x -> List.map (fun rc -> rc.X509.CRL.serial) (X509.CRL.revoked_certificates x) | None -> [] in let new_rev = List.map (fun rc -> rc.X509.CRL.serial) (X509.CRL.revoked_certificates crl) in List.filter (fun n -> not (List.mem n old)) new_rev in let t, out, close = List.fold_left (fun (t, out, close) serial -> let t', out', close' = handle_single_revocation t prefix serial in (t', out @ out', close @ close')) (t, [], []) newly_revoked in let tls_out = Vmm_wire.success ~msg:"updated revocation list" 0 t.client_version in Ok ({ t with crls }, `Tls (s, tls_out) :: out, `Close close) let handle_initial t s addr chain ca = separate_chain chain >>= fun (leaf, chain) -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "leaf is %s, chain %a" (X509.common_name_to_string leaf) Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "->") string) (List.map X509.common_name_to_string chain)) ; (* TODO here: inspect top-level-cert of chain. may need to create bridges and/or block device subdirectory (zfs create) *) let prefix = List.map id chain in let login_hdr, login_ev = Log.hdr prefix (id leaf), `Login addr in let t, out = log t (login_hdr, login_ev) in let initial_out = `Tls (s, Vmm_wire.Client.log login_hdr login_ev t.client_version) in Vmm_asn.permissions_of_cert asn_version leaf >>= fun perms -> (if (List.mem `Create perms || List.mem `Force_create perms) && Vmm_asn.contains_vm leaf then let force = List.mem `Force_create perms in handle_create t prefix chain leaf force >>= fun (file, cont) -> let cons = Vmm_wire.Console.add t.console_counter t.console_version file in Ok ({ t with console_counter = succ t.console_counter }, [ `Raw (t.console_socket, cons) ], `Create cont) else if List.mem `Crl perms && Vmm_asn.contains_crl leaf then handle_revocation t s leaf chain ca prefix else let log_attached = if cmd_allowed perms Log then let pre = string_of_id prefix in let v = match String.Map.find pre t.log_attached with | None -> [] | Some xs -> xs in String.Map.add pre ((s, id leaf) :: v) t.log_attached else t.log_attached in Ok ({ t with log_attached }, [], `Loop (prefix, perms)) ) >>= fun (t, outs, res) -> Ok (t, initial_out :: out @ outs, res) let handle_stat state hdr data = let open Vmm_wire in if not (version_eq hdr.version state.stats_version) then begin Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring message with unknown stats version") ; state, [] end else if hdr.tag = success_tag then state, [] else match IM.find hdr.id state.stats_requests with | exception Not_found -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "couldn't find stat request") ; state, [] | (s, req_id, f) -> let stats_requests = IM.remove hdr.id state.stats_requests in let state = { state with stats_requests } in let out = match Stats.int_to_op hdr.tag with | Some Stats.Stat_reply -> begin match Stats.decode_stats (Cstruct.of_string data) with | Ok (ru, vmm, ifs) -> let ifs = List.map (fun x -> match f x.name with | Some name -> { x with name } | None -> x) ifs in let data = Cstruct.to_string (Stats.encode_stats (ru, vmm, ifs)) in let out = Client.stat data req_id state.client_version in [ `Tls (s, out) ] | Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %s while decode statistics" msg) ; let out = fail req_id state.client_version in [ `Tls (s, out) ] end | None when hdr.tag = fail_tag -> let out = fail ~msg:data req_id state.client_version in [ `Tls (s, out) ] | _ -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "unexpected reply from stat") ; [] in (state, out) let handle_cons state hdr data = let open Vmm_wire in if not (version_eq hdr.version state.console_version) then begin Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring message with unknown console version") ; state, [] end else match Console.int_to_op hdr.tag with | Some Console.Data -> begin match decode_str data with | Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while decoding console message %s" msg) ; (state, []) | Ok (file, off) -> (match String.Map.find file state.console_attached with | Some s -> let out = Client.console off file data state.client_version in (state, [ `Tls (s, out) ]) | None -> (* TODO: should detach? *) Logs.err (fun m -> m "couldn't find attached console for %s" file) ; (state, [])) end | None when hdr.tag = success_tag -> (match IM.find hdr.id state.console_requests with | exception Not_found -> (state, []) | cont -> let state', outs = cont state in let console_requests = IM.remove hdr.id state.console_requests in ({ state' with console_requests }, outs)) | None when hdr.tag = fail_tag -> (match IM.find hdr.id state.console_requests with | exception Not_found -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "fail couldn't find request id") ; (state, []) | _ -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "failed while trying to do something on console") ; let console_requests = IM.remove hdr.id state.console_requests in ({ state with console_requests }, [])) | _ -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "unexpected message received from console socket") ; (state, []) let handle_log state hdr buf = let open Vmm_wire in let open Vmm_wire.Log in if not (version_eq hdr.version state.log_version) then begin Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring message with unknown stats version") ; state, [] end else match IM.find hdr.id state.log_requests with | exception Not_found -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "(ignored) coudn't find log request") ; (state, []) | (s, rid) -> let r = match int_to_op hdr.tag with | Some Data -> decode_log_hdr (Cstruct.of_string buf) >>= fun (hdr, rest) -> decode_event rest >>= fun event -> let tls = Vmm_wire.Client.log hdr event state.client_version in Ok (state, [ `Tls (s, tls) ]) | None when hdr.tag = success_tag -> let log_requests = IM.remove hdr.id state.log_requests in let tls = Vmm_wire.success rid state.client_version in Ok ({ state with log_requests }, [ `Tls (s, tls) ]) | None when hdr.tag = fail_tag -> let log_requests = IM.remove hdr.id state.log_requests in let tls = Vmm_wire.fail rid state.client_version in Ok ({ state with log_requests }, [ `Tls (s, tls) ]) | _ -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "couldn't parse log reply") ; let log_requests = IM.remove hdr.id state.log_requests in Ok ({ state with log_requests }, []) in match r with | Ok (s, out) -> s, out | Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while processing log %s" msg) ; state, []