(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *) open Astring open Rresult.R.Infix open Vmm_core type res_entry = { running_vms : int ; used_memory : int ; } let pp_res_entry ppf res = Fmt.pf ppf "%d vms %d memory" res.running_vms res.used_memory let empty_res = { running_vms = 0 ; used_memory = 0 } let check_resource (policy : policy) (vm : vm_config) (res : res_entry) = succ res.running_vms <= policy.vms && res.used_memory + vm.requested_memory <= policy.memory let add (vm : vm) (res : res_entry) = { running_vms = succ res.running_vms ; used_memory = vm.config.requested_memory + res.used_memory } let rem (vm : vm) (res : res_entry) = { running_vms = pred res.running_vms ; used_memory = res.used_memory - vm.config.requested_memory } type entry = | Leaf of vm | Subtree of res_entry * entry String.Map.t type t = entry String.Map.t let empty = String.Map.empty let check_dynamic m vm policies = (* for each policy (string * delegation), we need to look that vm + dynamic <= delegation *) let rec go m = function | [] -> Ok () | (nam,delegation)::rest -> match String.Map.find nam m with | None -> Ok () | Some (Leaf _) -> Error (`Msg "didn't expect a leaf here") | Some (Subtree (r, m)) -> if check_resource delegation vm r then go m rest else Error (`Msg ("overcommitted at " ^ nam)) in go m policies let rec pp_entry ppf = function | Leaf vm -> pp_vm ppf vm | Subtree (res, m) -> Fmt.pf ppf "%a %a" pp_res_entry res Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@ ") (pair ~sep:(unit " -> ") string pp_entry)) (String.Map.bindings m) let pp ppf map = Fmt.pf ppf "%a" Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@ ") (pair ~sep:(unit " -> ") string pp_entry)) (String.Map.bindings map) let find t name = let rec find r m = function | [] -> Some (Subtree (r, m)) | x::xs -> match String.Map.find x m with | None -> None | Some (Subtree (r, m)) -> find r m xs | Some (Leaf vm) -> Some (Leaf vm) in find empty_res t name let exists t name = match find t name with None -> false | Some _ -> true let find_vm t name = match find t name with | Some (Leaf vm) -> Some vm | _ -> None let rec iter f = function | Leaf vm -> f vm | Subtree (_, m) -> List.iter (fun (_, e) -> iter f e) (String.Map.bindings m) let rec fold f acc = function | Leaf vm -> f acc vm | Subtree (_, m) -> List.fold_left (fun acc (_, e) -> fold f acc e) acc (String.Map.bindings m) let insert m name v = let rec insert m = function | [] -> Error (`Msg "ran out of labels during insert, this should not happen") | [l] -> begin match String.Map.find l m with | None -> Ok (String.Map.add l (Leaf v) m) | Some (Subtree _) -> Error (`Msg "found a subtree as last label") | Some (Leaf _) -> Ok (String.Map.add l (Leaf v) m) end | l::ls -> match String.Map.find l m with | None -> insert String.Map.empty ls >>= fun sub -> Ok (String.Map.add l (Subtree (add v empty_res, sub)) m) | Some (Subtree (r, m')) -> insert m' ls >>= fun sub -> Ok (String.Map.add l (Subtree (add v r, sub)) m) | Some (Leaf _) -> Error (`Msg "should not happen: found leaf while still having labels") in insert m name let remove m name vm = let rec del m = function | [] -> Error (`Msg "should not happen: empty labels in remove") | [l] -> Ok (String.Map.remove l m) | l::ls -> match String.Map.find l m with | None -> Error (`Msg "should not happen: found nothing in remove while still had some labels") | Some (Subtree (r, m')) -> del m' ls >>= fun m' -> if String.Map.is_empty m' then Ok (String.Map.remove l m) else let res = rem vm r in Ok (String.Map.add l (Subtree (res, m')) m) | Some (Leaf _) -> Error (`Msg "should not happen: found a leaf, but had some labels") in del m name