module C = Configurator.V1 let write_sexp (conf : C.Pkg_config.package_conf) = C.Flags.write_sexp "c_flags.sexp" conf.cflags; C.Flags.write_sexp "c_library_flags.sexp" conf.libs let pkg_config_combine ~default deps = let deps = (Result.fold ~ok:(fun x -> x) ~error:(fun e -> C.die "pkg-config: %s" e)) deps in List.fold_left (fun conf dep -> C.Pkg_config.{ libs = conf.libs @ dep.libs; cflags = conf.cflags @ dep.cflags }) default deps let freebsd _c = let conf = { C.Pkg_config.libs = ["-lvmmapi"]; cflags = [] } in write_sexp conf let linux c = (* FIXME: cflags -I *) let default = { C.Pkg_config.libs = ["-lnl-3"; "-lnl-route-3"]; cflags = [] } in let conf = match C.Pkg_config.get c with | None -> default | Some pc -> pkg_config_combine ~default [ C.Pkg_config.query_expr_err pc ~package:"libnl-3.0" ~expr:"libnl-3.0"; C.Pkg_config.query_expr_err pc ~package:"libnl-route-3.0" ~expr:"libnl-route-3.0"; ] in write_sexp conf let () = C.main ~name:"libnl-3-pkg-config" (fun c -> match C.ocaml_config_var_exn c "system" with | "freebsd" -> freebsd c | "linux" -> linux c | os -> failwith ("Unsupported platform: "^os))