Reynir Björnsson 3de997a7c1
Linux /proc/ stats (#45)
resource usage statistics on linux

- Parse /proc/<pid>/stat{,m}
- Divide {s,u}time by _SC_CLK_TCK
- Compute runtime from {s,u}time

Co-authored-by: Hannes Mehnert <>
2020-11-26 12:02:21 +01:00

300 lines
11 KiB

(* (c) 2017, 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
open Astring
open Rresult.R.Infix
open Vmm_core
external sysconf_clock_tick : unit -> int = "vmmanage_sysconf_clock_tick"
external sysctl_kinfo_proc : int -> Stats.rusage * Stats.kinfo_mem =
external sysctl_ifcount : unit -> int = "vmmanage_sysctl_ifcount"
external sysctl_ifdata : int -> Stats.ifdata = "vmmanage_sysctl_ifdata"
type vmctx
external vmmapi_open : string -> vmctx = "vmmanage_vmmapi_open"
external vmmapi_close : vmctx -> unit = "vmmanage_vmmapi_close"
external vmmapi_statnames : vmctx -> string list = "vmmanage_vmmapi_statnames"
external vmmapi_stats : vmctx -> int64 list = "vmmanage_vmmapi_stats"
let descr = ref []
type 'a t = {
pid_nic : ((vmctx, int) result * string * (string * int * string) list) IM.t ;
vmid_pid : int Vmm_trie.t ;
name_sockets : 'a Vmm_trie.t ;
let pp_strings pp strs = Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ",@ ") string) pp strs
let pp_nics pp nets =
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ",@ ") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") string string)) pp nets
let empty () =
{ pid_nic = IM.empty ; vmid_pid = Vmm_trie.empty ; name_sockets = Vmm_trie.empty }
let remove_entry t name =
let name_sockets = Vmm_trie.remove name t.name_sockets in
{ t with name_sockets }
let rec wrap f arg =
try Some (f arg) with
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> wrap f arg
| e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception %s" (Printexc.to_string e)) ;
let vmmapi = conn_metrics "vmmapi"
let remove_vmid t vmid = (fun m -> m "removing vmid %a" Vmm_core.Name.pp vmid) ;
match Vmm_trie.find vmid t.vmid_pid with
| None -> Logs.warn (fun m -> m "no pid found for %a" Vmm_core.Name.pp vmid) ; t
| Some pid -> (fun m -> m "removing pid %d" pid) ;
(match IM.find_opt pid t.pid_nic with
| Some (Ok vmctx, _, _) -> ignore (wrap vmmapi_close vmctx) ; vmmapi `Close
| _ -> ()) ;
let pid_nic = IM.remove pid t.pid_nic
and vmid_pid = Vmm_trie.remove vmid t.vmid_pid
{ t with pid_nic ; vmid_pid }
let fill_descr ctx =
match !descr with
| [] ->
begin match wrap vmmapi_statnames ctx with
| None ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "vmmapi_statnames failed, shouldn't happen") ;
| Some d ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "descr are %a" pp_strings d) ;
descr := d
| ds -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "%d descr are already present" (List.length ds))
let open_vmmapi ~retries name =
if retries = 0 then begin
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "(ignored 0) vmmapi_open failed for %s" name) ;
Error 0
end else
match wrap vmmapi_open name with
| None ->
let left = max 0 (pred retries) in
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "(ignored, %d attempts left) vmmapi_open failed for %s" left name) ;
Error left
| Some vmctx ->
vmmapi `Open; (fun m -> m "vmmapi_open succeeded for %s" name) ;
fill_descr vmctx ;
Ok vmctx
let try_open_vmmapi pid_nic =
IM.fold (fun pid (vmctx, vmmdev, nics) fresh ->
let vmctx =
match vmctx with
| Ok vmctx -> Ok vmctx
| Error retries -> open_vmmapi ~retries vmmdev
IM.add pid (vmctx, vmmdev, nics) fresh)
pid_nic IM.empty
let string_of_file filename =
let fh = open_in filename in
let content = input_line fh in
close_in_noerr fh ;
Ok content
with _ -> Rresult.R.error_msgf "Error reading file %S" filename
let parse_proc_stat s =
let stats_opt =
let ( let* ) = Option.bind in
let* (pid, rest) = Astring.String.cut ~sep:" (" s in
let* (tcomm, rest) = Astring.String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:") " rest in
let rest = Astring.String.cuts ~sep:" " rest in
Some (pid :: tcomm :: rest)
Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "unable to parse /proc/<pid>/stat") stats_opt
let read_proc_status pid =
let fh = open_in ("/proc/" ^ string_of_int pid ^ "/status") in
let lines =
let rec read_lines acc = try
read_lines (input_line fh :: acc)
with End_of_file -> acc in
read_lines []
in (Astring.String.cut ~sep:":\t") lines |>
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match acc, x with
| Some acc, Some x -> Some (x :: acc)
| _ -> None) (Some []) |>
Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "failed to parse /proc/<pid>/status")
with _ -> Rresult.R.error_msgf "error reading file /proc/%d/status" pid
let linux_rusage pid =
(match Unix.stat ("/proc/" ^ string_of_int pid) with
| { Unix.st_ctime = start; _ } ->
let frac = Float.rem start 1. in
Ok (Int64.of_float start, int_of_float (frac *. 1_000_000.))
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT,_,_) -> Error (`Msg "failed to stat process") ) >>= fun start ->
(* reading /proc/<pid>/stat - since it may disappear mid-time,
best to have it in memory *)
string_of_file ("/proc/" ^ string_of_int pid ^ "/stat") >>= fun data ->
parse_proc_stat data >>= fun stat_vals ->
string_of_file ("/proc/" ^ string_of_int pid ^ "/statm") >>= fun data ->
let statm_vals = Astring.String.cuts ~sep:" " data in
read_proc_status pid >>= fun status ->
let assoc_i64 key : (int64, _) result =
let e x = Option.to_result ~none:(`Msg "error parsing /proc/<pid>/status") x in
e (List.assoc_opt key status) >>= fun v ->
e (Int64.of_string_opt v)
let i64 s = try Ok (Int64.of_string s) with
Failure _ -> Error (`Msg "couldn't parse integer")
let time_of_int64 t =
let clock_tick = Int64.of_int (sysconf_clock_tick ()) in
let ( * ) = Int64.mul and ( / ) = Int64.div in
(t / clock_tick, Int64.to_int (((Int64.rem t clock_tick) * 1_000_000L) / clock_tick))
if List.length stat_vals >= 52 && List.length statm_vals >= 7 then
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 9) >>= fun minflt ->
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 11) >>= fun majflt ->
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 13) >>= fun utime -> (* divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) *)
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 14) >>= fun stime -> (* divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) *)
let runtime = fst (time_of_int64 Int64.(add utime stime)) in
let utime = time_of_int64 utime
and stime = time_of_int64 stime in
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 22) >>= fun vsize -> (* in bytes *)
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 23) >>= fun rss -> (* in pages *)
i64 (List.nth stat_vals 35) >>= fun nswap -> (* not maintained, 0 *)
i64 (List.nth statm_vals 3) >>= fun tsize ->
i64 (List.nth statm_vals 5) >>= fun dsize -> (* data + stack *)
i64 (List.nth statm_vals 5) >>= fun ssize -> (* data + stack *)
assoc_i64 "voluntary_ctxt_switches" >>= fun nvcsw ->
assoc_i64 "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches" >>= fun nivcsw ->
let rusage = { Stats.utime ; stime ; maxrss = rss ; ixrss = 0L ;
idrss = 0L ; isrss = 0L ; minflt ; majflt ; nswap ; inblock = 0L ; outblock = 0L ;
msgsnd = 0L ; msgrcv = 0L ; nsignals = 0L ; nvcsw ; nivcsw }
and kmem = { Stats.vsize; rss; tsize; dsize; ssize; runtime; cow = 0; start }
Ok (rusage, kmem)
Error (`Msg "couldn't read /proc/<pid>/stat")
let rusage pid =
match Lazy.force Vmm_unix.uname with
| Vmm_unix.FreeBSD -> wrap sysctl_kinfo_proc pid
| Vmm_unix.Linux -> match linux_rusage pid with
| Ok x -> Some x
| Error (`Msg msg) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error %s while reading /proc/" msg);
let gather pid vmctx nics =
let ru, mem =
match rusage pid with
| None -> None, None
| Some (mem, ru) -> Some mem, Some ru
ru, mem,
(match vmctx with
| Error _ -> None
| Ok vmctx -> wrap vmmapi_stats vmctx),
List.fold_left (fun ifd (bridge, nic, nname) ->
match wrap sysctl_ifdata nic with
| None ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "failed to get ifdata for %s" nname) ;
| Some data -> { data with Stats.bridge }::ifd)
[] nics
let tick t =
let pid_nic = try_open_vmmapi t.pid_nic in
let t' = { t with pid_nic } in
let outs, to_remove =
List.fold_left (fun (out, to_remove) (vmid, pid) ->
let listeners = Vmm_trie.collect vmid t'.name_sockets in
match listeners with
| [] -> Logs.debug (fun m -> m "nobody is listening") ; (out, to_remove)
| xs -> match IM.find_opt pid t.pid_nic with
| None ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "couldn't find nics of %d" pid) ;
out, to_remove
| Some (vmctx, _, nics) ->
let ru, mem, vmm, ifd = gather pid vmctx nics in
match ru with
| None ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "failed to get rusage for %d" pid) ;
out, vmid :: to_remove
| Some ru' ->
let stats =
let vmm' = match vmm with None -> None | Some xs -> Some (List.combine !descr xs) in
ru', mem, vmm', ifd
let outs =
List.fold_left (fun out (id, (version, socket)) ->
match Vmm_core.Name.drop_super ~super:id ~sub:vmid with
| None -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "couldn't drop super %a from sub %a" Vmm_core.Name.pp id Vmm_core.Name.pp vmid) ; out
| Some real_id ->
let header = Vmm_commands.header ~version real_id in
((socket, id, (header, `Data (`Stats_data stats))) :: out))
out xs
outs, to_remove)
([], []) (Vmm_trie.all t'.vmid_pid)
let t'' = List.fold_left remove_vmid t' to_remove in
(t'', outs)
let add_pid t vmid vmmdev pid nics =
match wrap sysctl_ifcount () with
| None ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "sysctl ifcount failed for %d %a" pid pp_nics nics) ;
Error (`Msg "sysctl ifcount failed")
| Some max_nic ->
let rec go cnt acc id =
if id > 0 && cnt > 0 then
match wrap sysctl_ifdata id with
| None -> go cnt acc (pred id)
| Some ifd ->
match List.find_opt (fun (_, tap) -> String.equal tap ifd.Stats.bridge) nics with
| Some (bridge, tap) -> go (pred cnt) ((bridge, id, tap) :: acc) (pred id)
| None -> go cnt acc (pred id)
List.rev acc
Ok (go (List.length nics) [] max_nic) >>= fun nic_ids -> (fun m -> m "adding %a %d %a" Name.pp vmid pid pp_nics nics) ;
let pid_nic = IM.add pid (Error 4, vmmdev, nic_ids) t.pid_nic
and vmid_pid, ret = Vmm_trie.insert vmid pid t.vmid_pid
assert (ret = None) ;
Ok { t with pid_nic ; vmid_pid }
let handle t socket (hdr, wire) =
match wire with
| `Command (`Stats_cmd cmd) ->
let id = in
match cmd with
| `Stats_add (vmmdev, pid, taps) ->
add_pid t id vmmdev pid taps >>= fun t ->
Ok (t, None, "added")
| `Stats_remove ->
let t = remove_vmid t id in
Ok (t, None, "removed")
| `Stats_subscribe ->
let name_sockets, close =
Vmm_trie.insert id (hdr.Vmm_commands.version, socket) t.name_sockets
Ok ({ t with name_sockets }, close, "subscribed")
| _ ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "unexpected wire %a" Vmm_commands.pp_wire (hdr, wire)) ;
Error (`Msg "unexpected command")